Hey fellow GH5 owners!
When my pre-ordered GH5 arrived I was very sad to find out that my Metabones adapter was delayed for two whole weeks, they seem to be a rarity in Sweden atm. I called around to different retailers in Stockholm and found a place that had the Kipon Baveyes focal reducer in stock so I opted for it. Some initial impressions below and one big question - you won't believe what it is! #clickbait
So, the biggest caveat first: I can't get the stabilization to work with the focal reducer paired with a Sigma 18-35mm. The option for stabilization is greyed out in the menus. I've fiddled with different system frequencies, VFR on/off, stills mode, movie mode etc with no luck. Any tips? Latest firmware is installed in the adapter as well
Now the fun adapter stuff in no particular order (I've only had the 18-35 on the GH5 so far, will test with Tamron 35/1.8, Canon 24-105/4 mk1, Canon 24-70/2.8 mk2 today and see what happens)
AF for stills works surprisingly well with the 18-35, quick and accurate
0 problems with zooming, focusing etc (none of the notorious camera freeze that one gets from zooming with the MB adapter)
Aperture control works flawlessly, albeit the display shows f1.7 as the lowest f-stop, I guess this is the adapter not translating the data to include focal reduction
The adapter has a slight wiggle to it on the camera side (1-2mm), lens mount is sturdy with no play whatsoever
The adapter is fully metal which is nice
I've been using MB adapters for so long that I really appreciate using a different adapter. Just placebo, but hey!
Happy to answer/investigate questions about the adapters integration with the GH5.
For ultra clarity I'll repeat the big question at hand: I can't get the IBIS to work with the Kipon adapter, tips? Give me your cameratelligence!