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About Julien416

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  1. Talk about texture. Anamorphic + 16mm. God I miss film.
  2. Same story here. Didn't get the mail. I'll try mailing you soon.
  3. Julien416

    Panasonic GH6

    Cinema cameras manufacturers are no different from your usual car dealer. They are here to sell you new shit you don't need. In our case, new cameras, new lenses and gear to support all this. The truth is that the 22ish mm width sensor has been the golden standard of motion picture for a hundred years... Large format is great, and it's probably going to stay but the reason why Arri pushed the LF is because they were not ready to go 4K with a S35 sensor. So they went 4K with a bigger sensor, stitching more pixels to their legacy sensor. Everyone calls the LF, the Netflix alexa for a reason. Maybe S35 will be sexy again when Arri eventually release their long awaited S35 4K camera. There are still a bunch of S35 legacy lenses that a lot of directors and dops want to use (Cookes, Baltars, Primos, Kinoptiks, etc.). Also, larger sensors with fast lenses mean one thing : thinner depth of field. And in many (most) cases, a thin depth of field isn't really what a cinematographer or a director is looking for. I like to watch the settings around the talents when I watch a movie. Closing the aperture of your large format 35mm fast lens defeats the purpose of going large in a way... Nevertheless I'll gladly use a LF when I have the chance (probably soon) but I am going to use it thinking it's not much more than a nice gimmick.
  4. I do that for a living, in french nonetheless. Consequently I have no knowledge of WGA stuff. That being said, I am currently being paid to write a few of them so I can talk first hand. With the Netflix craze, everyone and their mothers are looking for content, so today is a pretty good period to be a writer. If I can give you a tip, it's to study the bibles you can find online, there a few of them available from various famous shows. They are a perfect first step to organize your ideas, even among seasonned writers, we trade them like pokemons to get inspiration from time to time. You'll notice that their structure is very broad and there is no secret sauce. The idea prevails on form. My other advice is not to write extremely long bibles. Networks or producers tend to favor short and evocative stuff. A 10 to 15 pages document is perfectly fine as a sale tool right now. It used to be longer a few years ago. But arcs and characters still need to be perfectly drawn. Those are extremely vague advices I am effraid but they are a good start. Good luck.
  5. Julien416

    Panasonic GH6

    I used a GH5s on a 2.5 millions euros budget production. As a C camera though, but no one ever complained when we edited the footage.
  6. Julien416

    Panasonic GH6

    *Aristotle, not Plato 🙂
  7. As i told you. If my math are correct, a 4/3 crop into a 16/9 frame, you're gonna end up with a 1440/1080 image in 4/3. But a 4/3 frame once desqueezed will you give you a 2.66 ratio. So if you really want a 2.39 aspect ratio, you're going to crop a little bit more. That should give you around 1270 pixels horizontally and 1080 vertically as this one remains untouched. Long story short, you're going to lose quite a bit in horizontal resolution if you do that.
  8. I am pretty sure your infinity issues are related to your taking lens rather than your cinelux. Sometimes the infinity mark on the taking lens isn't very precise and you have to fiddle with your focus ring to find the exact spot. From my experience with the cinelux, there is no problem reaching infinity as long as the two lenses are perfectly synced. As for its sharpness, from my own experience, the cinelux is tack sharp from 1.4 aperture (never tried below) as long as the two lenses are once again perfectly aligned and synced.
  9. You can use slomo up to 60fps in anamorphic mode, that's all. Otherwise you'll be stuck with cropping the sides of the 1080p 16/9 frame. You will end up with something like a 1440/1080 video with the sides chopped up. There will also be a 30% crop factor to take into account.
  10. Doesn't seem to be the case according to the linked document.
  11. Here it is. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iX8rilmgVJwsmYQKF145o3Cu8HJ8A0sR/view Well, so much for the anamorphic mode...
  12. Hi, Just got a couple Kinoptik 35mm cinema lenses on an impulse purchase. Wasn't really looking for them but couldn't let them pass at such a price. Does anyone have any experience with the 50mm f2 and the 75mm f2? If so, what's your take? Thanks in advance.
  13. Because it's a PITA and it's probably going to be a 4:2:0 mode as well. HEVC is slow as hell unless you have a top of the line computer. It's as simple as that. It's a nice codec, no question, but most people will need to transcode to edit it easily. As for 3:2 open gate, nice, but the S1H has basically more than half a dozen 4/3 anamorphic modes going from 24p, 30p and 60p in S35 or FF mode and even 1:1 pixel to pixel. So thanks but no thanks, at least for my very niche needs. For the vast majority of users, it looks absolutely amazing though.
  14. Thanks for the answer, it's quite cumbersome though. HEVC is a PITA, and 3/2 isn't really a dedicated anamorphic mode. Sounds more like a workaround to me. Is an incam desqueeze planned at least ? I would have loved a S35 anamorphic powerhouse from Fuji, but S1H it is not. At least for the anamorphic fans.
  15. No 4/3 modes? Asking in the name of anamorphic nerds.
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