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Alt Shoo

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Everything posted by Alt Shoo

  1. For the very short time I’ve had it, I must say the fp is really fun to work with!
  2. Alt Shoo

    Sigma EVF

    Honestly idk how I would feel if it’s a whole new fp. I literally purchased the Sigma fp a week ago with the pl adapter, SmallRig cage, handle, ninja v, the whole shebang! I also have some pl lenses coming in too! Lol. I’m very interested to see what is in store.
  3. I agree. I am also hoping that they decide to step into the cinema market and offer something similar to the box cameras that are starting to proliferate the market. It would be an added bonus to include some of the technology that they are known for into these devices. And although different companies, maybe even continue with and improve on the MFT/S35 sensor system JVC introduced with its LS300.
  4. In regards to BM’s new tech, and this not being a Bayer sensor, the numbers aren’t the same thing anymore. I believe we are in the presence of a major disruption to come. It’s obvious this is going to trickle down into BM’s new devices and will most likely force major players in the game to reassess the price of admission for quality cinematic images. Sorta reminds me of how one can create Grammy winning music on their laptop/tablet/phone.
  5. Here is a good read on the myths of this technology. http://image-sensors-world.blogspot.com/2020/07/image-algorithmics-on-rgbw-color-filter.html
  6. Definitely a great read! I honestly didn’t want it to end.
  7. That’s some of the best footage I’ve seen out of any camera.
  8. That’s in all the groups I’ve visited. Each group has a set of “patriotic” members who bash other cameras, make tree and backyard videos with their small tilta wooden rig , theorize on what if’s and no real footage. I agree that the body should be a bit more durable and maybe they should have made it more sensor in a box, but the camcorder body is a proven design conducive to out of the box filming. In addition Grant said that this release is for the high end and all we can do now is watch what happens with this camera.
  9. I agree with the brand name problem, but you can say that about any of the brands not Arri or RED and regarding the image quality comparison, that’s highly subjective.
  10. Y’all should read johnbrawley.wordpress.com it answers a lot of the assumptions in this thread.
  11. Yes for the regular black, but the stormtrooper is 7 then cfast cards (certified approved) and then the tax. Also people are going to buy other parts to build a proper rig, which the average comes to over a G. While the BM comes with their “award winning” shoulder style design and camcorder body ideal for hand held work. With the order I’m doing for the Komodo it comes out to the same price as the BM12K with taxes.
  12. I’m a prospective StormTrooper buyer and to say that this announcement doesn’t throw a kink or doesn’t spill over into RED’s Komodo market is probably a mistake. Yes I agree with the Komodo being a perfect B/C cam and a entryway into RED, but with $2k more you have a future proof (5-6 years) of high quality A cam capability! I’m quite sure there are plenty Komodo line standers thinking about investing into this ecosystem.
  13. When can we expect a full frame or bigger Varicam?
  14. Man oh man I am more confused than ever. I just received the final email back to confirm my purchase for the Komodo, but this news comes out. Smfh. I’m usually very confident with my camera purchasing decisions, but this has me going through a constant loop of what ifs. Please can someone help me make sense of this decision. Should I go with the Komodo or get this GFX100 now with Pro Res Raw capability. Smfh.
  15. Not really exciting news for me, especially since there are very good cameras out now with similar specs. As of this moment Sony isn’t even on my radar for cameras, at least the mirrorless’s. If I was going to pick up a Sony camera it’ll be the FX9. Other than that, I’ll pass.
  16. Great read and very inspiring! It makes me want to go out and film. I gotta subscribe to this magazine.
  17. @IronFilm I definitely agree with you on a wait and see approach with the Komodo, but I believe global shutters are just going to get better with the proper development behind it. With companies like RED pushing this technology, it’ll certainly invite other big manufacturers to enter the foray.
  18. I watched the film on my 50inch plus tv and it looked beautiful! After a few minutes I totally forgot it was filmed with the fp.
  19. Even if they didn’t include it but at least lower the price. I think it would be more acceptable if it was $150. Still I think using the M.2 format for storage is very forward thinking and you know they will implement that in a new cinema camera, if they ever decide to make one. @IronFilm I think global shutter cameras are good and RED are doing some things with the Komodo that should make this type of sensor more prominent. They squeezed out some DR with that global shutter.
  20. @BTM_Pix lol I thought the same thing too when I noticed the price of the caddy! My eyes literally bulged as i gasped. That caddy must hold the physical key to unlock pro Res lol. Certainly that’s an oversight JVC didn’t realize. Or did they?
  21. Thank you all! I’m truly grateful for your congratulations! It’s been a challenging two years balancing family life and grabbing footage, then trying to edit while your children run rampant around you. Also can’t forget my wife needs...... But it was worthwhile! Now I am kind of known in the industry and have been receiving requests from other “street legends” for me to tell their story. Regarding JVC’s new cameras, they have awesome specs and I’m tempting to try it out, but I’m not really a fan of cameras with small sensors like that. However I truly enjoy the concept of the M.2 drive used to capture Pro Res! It’s definitely forward thinking and super cost affordable. I am truly hopeful that they are developing a new cinema camera. Maybe we can email them and remind them about that survey they had a few months back asking what we want in a cinema camera. We can tell them that we’re ready for it! lol
  22. Alt Shoo

    RED Komodo

    I’m not really a fan of RED because of some questionable business practices, but I’m warming up to the Komodo. This is now on my list of things to purchase. So it’s either the Komodo, the Canon CN-E 18-80mm T4.4 COMPACT-SERVO Cinema Zoom Lens (EF Mount) or the GFX 100. In the next few weeks I will be sure on my next investment.
  23. The images out that camera looks incredible! I don’t know too much about this specific model, but after seeing those images I’m going to do some research. Truly wonderful images!
  24. Thanks for this information! I’m going to check it out. I like Sigma and would like to know more about the Foveon sensor technology.
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