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    JoeK1986 got a reaction from Jonesy Jones in Music License resources (other than The Music Bed)   
    I had to sign up here just to reply to all of this. It is extremely comforting to see that others are having issues with TMB. I've been a loyal user for 3 years, and have probably given them well close to $5K worth of business during that time, and yeah, they have lost their way. I actually get bad anxiety anytime I go to purchase a license due to their cumbersome parameters. I also recently had a customer service rep email me accusing me of fudging a parameter (number of employees), and upon asking how they were making this assessment, I was told that my client's LinkedIn had been investigated, which hadn't been updated in years. Not cool at all, especially for someone who has been THAT much of a repeat customer. I recently discovered Artlist and MusicVine, both of whom are extremely affordable, very filmmaker friendly, and the music is pretty damn good. There are even artists on MusicVine who are also on Music Bed and the tracks are substantially cheaper. 
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