oh, i'm well aware of that. Tarkovksi had a completely different vision of narration, " sculpting in time" really is the best way to describe it. However, when it comes to editing to obtain a finished product, he was just as ... meticulous and obsessive if one can put it that way, as Eisenstein. In one of his interviews when talking about The Mirror, he said that he spent a huge amount of time in the studio, assembling the film by "moving around" the pieces, completely changing the order of the events and sequences. He said they did like 10 different versions, and it was never right, something to do with trying to follow a rythm or logic, i dont quite remember. And then he decided to just, go with the flow. He reassembled all the pieces again and the movie "just happened". So, yes, he did have a much more... organic? i guess approach to the actual shooting and composition of the shots, but when it came to the assembly and creating this permeating theme and feeling throughout the movie, it still came down to montage. Either way, this is a discussion/debate in and by itself, and i wouldn't pretend to be right or to fully comprehend everything these giants said and wrote about their art.
unfortunately, it's over. it was at bhphoto. however, if you are in the US, and want to benefit from the USD to CAD conversion rate, i found a frame-only GX85 for 799 cad, which is about 590 usd
just be aware that newegg.ca and .com are 2 different sites and do not have the same stock/prices
EDIT: on second thought, i dont think newegg.ca ships to the us. sorry.