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Hannes Famira

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About Hannes Famira

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    Brooklyn, NY
  • Interests
    I am looking for cheap Mitchell base support gear
  • My cameras and kit
    Nikon FE2, Sony PMW-F3, Ronford&Baker, Dedolight

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  1. Apologies, I should have been more precise. My comment was a reaction to the claim that the 444 model does 60p to the black magic video assist. I can confirm that the camera outputs this high quality signal but the information about the BlackMagic Video Assist says it tops out at 4:2:2. Am I reading this wrong?
  2. I just checked the website and the specs say that the Video Sampling does not go beyond 4:2:2. Are you sure about that 4:4:4? Where can I find that? This is where I found the info: https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/blackmagicvideoassist/techspecs/W-VASS-04
  3. Hey Sigurd, there is currently one on eBay for 50 bucks! https://www.ebay.com/itm/284548022508
  4. I have been very happy with my banged up old PRO WA-8XLC Century Optics wide angle converter. It gives me infinity focus and close focus without diopter up to 35 inches from the sensor plane (22" from the front element). In order to clamp it to the front of my single focus solution I added an Xume MFXLA82 Lens Adapter (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LYDBB7K/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_SXB7B01K3SKD18VGD6H3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1). On a 50mm taking lens I experience no vignetting and the 0.8x factor turns the 50 into a 40mm.
  5. That is genius! You solved the biggest issue I still have with my setup. Bravo and thanks.
  6. Just in case anyone is interested, I am selling my 15mm Studio rod support for Schneider Cinelux ES anamorphic projection lenses on eBay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/-/154750735466?mkevt=1&mkcid=16&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&media=TWITTER&sojTags=media%3Dmedia
  7. Rafcamera offers step-up rings especially made for Schneider Cinelux. I highly recommend those as even if you get the diameter right the steps between the threads is non standard. This one fits on the back of my Schneider Cinelux-ES: M67x0.75 to M67.7x0.7 step-up ring for Schneider-Kreuznach Cinelux-Ultra 90mm https://rafcamera.com/adapter-m67x0-75m-to-m67-7x0-7f That way you can actually mount it on your taking lens. You won't find any other step-up ring with a 0.75 thread.
  8. I couldn't agree more as the physics prohibiting it escape me. I have read multiple times in forums that it won't work though and even the Duclos website notes that their extension tubes won't work with anamorphic lenses: https://www.ducloslenses.com/collections/adapter/products/exttubekit
  9. Hey everybody, I am not in the position to test this myself but the curiosity is killing me: Why will a 2x extender not work with with 2x anamorphic lens?
  10. Hey guys, I have a rookie question. Why would you prefer a diopter to a very short extension tube?
  11. Hey all you square-front Lomo owners, there is a beautiful square diopter on eBay right now and I have never seen such a thing. I thought someone here might get a kick out of this: https://ebay.us/RE0fDE
  12. Incidentally, I am trying to sell my rig right now: http://r.ebay.com/FIpR7V More images on Flickr https://flic.kr/s/aHskETsWhs
  13. The shoulder rig with follow focus and battery plate are currently for sale on eBay: http://r.ebay.com/FIpR7V The special part of this is the custom built lens support for the Schneider ES Cinelux. I have more photographs of the rig on flickr:
  14. Long time lurker first time poster. Please let me know if I need to revise this post to be compliant with list rules. Here is the link to the auction: http://r.ebay.com/FIpR7V and here is my personal feedback page on eBay: https://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=hannes_famira&&_trksid=p2047675.l2560&rt=nc&iid=153108918674&sspagename=VIP%3Afeedback&ftab=FeedbackAsSeller I also have a flickr album with more photographs: https://flic.kr/s/aHskETsWhs Please let me know if you think that the asking price is nuts and tell me what you'd find more appropriate. I am giving up my camera rig. I have been very happy with it as the switch between tripod and shoulder mount is super easy and the anamorphic lens sits in place like a rock. It took me a lot of research to find this very simple setup that just works. At the end of the day these are just accessories to make your camera work but when bought individually they are crazy expensive. Here is a working bundle for a fraction of the price of all parts. Some photographs show the rig with camera, electronic viewfinder, V-lock battery and lenses mounted on a tripod etc. These items are not included and for illustration purposes only. Here are the parts that are included: Custom lens support for Schneider anamorphic projection lens Cinetech manual dual sided follow focus VCT-U14 base plate for SONY broadcast standard Quick Release Plate Adapter Tilta BS-T03 shoulder rig for 15mm rods in light weight standard (center to center spaced 60mm) Kessler Kwik Release receiver 3 quick release base plates Lanparte battery V-lock pinch SmallRig handles 12" x 15mm steel rods 2" x 15mm matte black, aluminum rods The lens support for a Schneider ES Cinelux Anamorphic 2x scope projection lens was inspired by Tito Ferradans' recommendation to use the Canon supports (tripod mount lens ring for Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 macro USM EF180mm f/3.5 L). Check out minute 3 of his video here: https://youtu.be/S71bxtl8X_g. I found that his system was not sturdy enough to keep the anamorphic lens from moving when the follow focus was operating. So I improved on his system and created this nice looking and hight adjustable double system that is absolutely sturdy as a rock. This Manual dual sided follow focus has a holder for the included mini Maglight to illuminate the marking disk on either side. 15mm LWS (60mm center to center spaced) rod standard. The system turns smoothly and has served me really well. The extension and knob on the dumb (right) side can be removed and either operated only from the left or you can replace the right side knob with a whip (not included). The included dumb side knob locks securely into place but could use a service as it has a little play. The VCT-U14 can be mounted onto a tripod head. Then the Tilta rig snaps securely into the base plate and can be removed with a turn of a locking lever. The spring on the lever is still snappy. There is a small corner on the plastic part of the base plate that chipped off. This damage is purely cosmetic (check out the image) and does in no way impact the functionality. The Tilta rig was retro fitted with a Kessler Kwik Release system and multiple NATO rails. The Nato rails I added served me as super safe attachment points for wireless receivers. The Kessler system is in my mind just the nicest, safest quick release system out there and holds camcorders or DSLRs of any size safely in place. The connection between the shoulder rig and the VCT-U14 is sturdy and tight. Other systems get loose over time. But the rear claw on the Tilta system, which grabs the stud on the VCT-U14 can be manually adjusted and tightened. The 15mm rods are LWS spaced (60mm center to center) and can be hight adjusted in front and back independently. Kessler Crane Kwick quick release receiver plate follows the Swiss Arca standard (not Manfroto). It is securely fitted onto the Tilta system by a 1/4 inch aluminum adapter plate that I had custom made. The bigest advantage of the Kessler Crane Kwick over the base plate that came with the Tilta shoulder rig is that there is no fumbling when adding the camera. It clicks vertically onto the base plate and is secured from sliding out even without tightening the lever. Erik Naso's review is what convinced me to make the change and I never looked back: http://eriknaso.com/2013/05/28/kessler-kwik-release-system-review/ Why 12 inch steel 15mm rails? I started out with carbon fiber rods but quickly realized that when you operate a follow focus and the anamorphic module is married to the rods you don't want even the slightest amount of flexibility or springiness. I didn't mind carrying around a few extra grams of weight as long as the support is absolutely rigid and safe. 2 black shorty aluminum 15mm x 2 inch rods to hold the battery pinch in place in the back of the rig. The short Kessler Kwik Mini quick release camera plate is sized for DSLR or mirrorless cameras and is missing the 1/4"-20 tripod screw. The two long base plates are sized for camcorder use. One base plate is black and the other in swanky, red anodized Zacuto, matching the lever on the Kessler plate in color. The Lanparte battery pinch for V-lock batteries was actually never used. It has a built-in HDMI splitter and multiple DC power outputs and can power your entire system including camera, EVF, field recorder etc. It comes with three coiled power cables and an AC charger which allows you to run the whole system off a regular 110V US power outlet and shoot all day, for instance in a studio setting, while charging your battery. Here is a great review on Youtube: https://youtu.be/jvbHgMwZ0c4 and here is the lanparte product page: http://lanparte.com/Product/info_45_itemid_350.html The SmallRig handles can be manually adjusted. The grips have a different rosette standard. They securely lock into place but it's a bit awkward as the two rosettes facing each other have a different number of grooves. It never bothered me enough to buy matching grips. I am not a professional seller. I sell things which were originally purchased for my own use and that I no longer need or use. For sale are only items in the pictures. It seems silly but to be very clear: As previously stated camera, V-lock battery, EVF (Alphatron viewfinder), lenses, dovetail plate, tripod, fluid head and Mitchell base leveler are not included in this auction. No warranties expressed or implied. If you have questions please write before bidding and committing to purchase. International shipping is available.
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