Mechanically great - focus throw was huge, it was hard to focus handheld but great for the 1st AC. Fully metal and quite hefty however short. Here are a few screen grabs with a 709 LUT applied. All shot on the 50 or 85
35,50,85 mainly at T2.8. I haven't used the ZF ZE but they were very sharp with almost no optical defects. They give a very clean look if thats what your after!
Just got this beauty, it absolutely dwarfs the GH5. Fantastic performer however. Ive heard of people getting good results using an anamorphic lens on the end... This might be something ill look into.
No issues with IBIS with adapted lenses (Sigma 18-35+ Speedbooster) I actually prefer it too the duel IS of the native lenses... I did however only use the cheap kit lenses but it seemed to stabilise it too much. Maybe its something you need to get used to.
Venus optics teasing a new cine zoom - SAR say its E mount, could be MTF swell?