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    JordanWright reacted to AlexTrinder96 in Lenses   
    Was just looking through some old photos
    Video screengrabs from around 2 years ago... Takumar 50mm f1.4 on Panasonic G7  


  2. Like
    JordanWright reacted to Andrew Reid in Forum mobile version, Search This Topic not available   
    It is on my phone, tap the magnifying glass icon at top bar
  3. Like
    JordanWright got a reaction from kye in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    I would just use the Davinci built in LUTS
  4. Like
    JordanWright reacted to Mike Kozlenko in Selling FS5 to get a BMPCC4K?   
    Thanks for all the input guys. I got to mess with my friend's BMPCC 4k today and to me its a no-brainer. The colors are just so much better. I need to figure out a battery solution but the camera is just incredible. 
  5. Haha
    JordanWright reacted to BTM_Pix in Lenses   
    I'm not sure I'm going to get that used Samyang 135mm tomorrow after all.
    After discovering two, admittedly pretty old, 135mm lenses that I forgot that I had in an old camera bag I realise that I may have a slight addiction problem with 135mm lenses.
    So much so that I am going to have to do a World Cup playoff tournament next week to eliminate at least half of them before I can bring another one home !
  6. Like
    JordanWright reacted to AlexTrinder96 in Z Cam releasing S35 6k 60fps camera this year   
    From the E2 FB group. Lens will also be parfocal. Interesting!
    MFT mount

  7. Like
    JordanWright reacted to IronFilm in When will we see afforadble EVF's?   
    $1.2K? Nah I'll pass
  8. Haha
    JordanWright reacted to Vladimir in Meet the GimbalGun™   
    penis camera look like a serious product now
  9. Like
    JordanWright reacted to pauli in Lenses   
    Panasonic Leica DG VARIO-SUMMILUX 10-25mm f/1.7 ASPH
    - manual clutch on focus ring
    - clickless aperture ring 
    - ca. 13cm long 650g
  10. Like
    JordanWright reacted to Bioskop.Inc in Yashica ML 2.8 Full Frame   
    Let me add to @mercer comments - cheap doesn't mean bad, but more likely with vintage lenses, just not wanted or not appreciated.
    Such a subjective & loaded question, especially here!
    I've owned such a lot & ended up with a full set of Russain [Zeiss copies] lenses - couldn't be happier. But ironically, I use my Tokina ATX-Pro 28-70mm zoom lens the most for pics & any filming I might do.
    But if I still filmed a lot, I think I would complete my Nikon Ai-S set, as when I look at things I've shot with the 24mm f2.8 or 50mm f1.8 I'm always satisfied - in fact, i'm glad I used them. Not the cheapest, not the most expensive - just good solid lenses that get the job done & more often than not they surprise people.
  11. Like
    JordanWright got a reaction from mercer in Lenses   
    My beat, battered and heavily scratched Helios 44-2 that I picked up for £4.99 produces an incredible image on the Pocket that made me sell my Sigma 50-100 
    @mercer the falloff on the 25mm looks fantastic 
  12. Like
    JordanWright reacted to mercer in Lenses   
    Dang... hmm... between my most recent 50mm tests and these Samyang tests, I am second guessing everything that is just and pure in the world. 
    Btw, nice Oly sample... I really like your color. Teach me. Lol. 
    Speaking of my 50mm tests. Here is yet another sample from my Zeiss Rollei 50mm shot wide open...
    And for good measure, here’s a B&W frame grab from the Zeiss 25mm 2.8...
    To add...  @BTM_Pix thanks a lot for the Samyang tests. I think I may try and pick up an 85mm. I’m curious how it will hold up against my Nikkor aI-s 85mm 1.4.
    I started these “tests” to try and whittle down my lens collection but I think I’ve ended up with more questions than answers. 
    For instance, I’m beginning to think that Zeiss are the best lenses ever made for a seasoned photographer/filmmaker because it isn’t easy to find their sweet spot, but when you do... it smacks you in the face. With that being said, I think I’ve only found that spot once or twice and the above samples aren’t it. But they’re alright, so I figured I’d share them. 
  13. Like
    JordanWright reacted to Shirozina in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    You need a version of the NPF sled with a transformer built in to step up the voltage.
  14. Like
    JordanWright reacted to Anaconda_ in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    I use this daily and can run the camera no problem with no internal battery, running into the power socket, not a dummy battery: 
  15. Like
    JordanWright reacted to mercer in Lenses   
    That lens is often mentioned in reviews of other 28mm f/2 lenses. It seems the general consensus is it’s a pretty decent lens but for only a little more you can get the Nikkor ai-s which is phenomenal. Either way, it’s a great option for a budget lens.
    I have the ZF version and not the traditional Contax “Hollywood.” I got it for a good price but it wasn’t cheap by any means. And the only reason I bought it was because it was a Duclos mod. By just using it for a few minutes in the house, I couldn’t say it was leaps and bounds better than the Nikkor 28 or the Zeiss QBM 25mm. But I have a feeling that the Hollywood is a lens that requires a little more than a couple minutes around the house test.
    Comment of the day!
    Thanks for proving my suspicions that I am wasting time and money worrying about lenses. 
  16. Like
    JordanWright reacted to mercer in Lenses   
    I knew it! Well a Quattro is more likely than a Leica but since I’ve never, intentionally, shot a still since I bought my first DSLR, both probably aren’t the smartest of purchases.
    Regarding Samyang vs Zeiss... I assume only a sophisticated eye would notice the difference and only a nerd would care one way or the other.
    Which leads me to a bigger point... I am probably overthinking this stuff.
    That 28-70 is such a cool lens. I briefly had one last year but bought it for such a great price, I decided to make a little extra cash on it.
    Part of me thinks I would probably be better off selling a bunch of things and getting a Canon 24-70mm and the 50mm 1.2 L for a two lens set and be done with it.
    There are just so many lenses that are mechanical and optical works of art... the Nikkor 35mm 1.4... or the Zeiss 28mm f/2 “The Hollywood” to resign myself to just two lenses.
    But on the other hand, I’ve always subscribed to the notion that story is king so all of these lenses are truly just to tickle my fancy and could have a minor effect in the end.
  17. Like
    JordanWright got a reaction from mercer in Lenses   
    Thats what I do with the 28-70 2.6 and the helios 58mm on a speed booster XL, although I do find myself wanting something wider sometimes 
  18. Like
    JordanWright reacted to mercer in Lenses   
    @BTM_Pix that looks great in B&W as well... I love how the darkness is trying to engulf the guy. 
    Please post the examples if you test that 7artisans on your P4K.
    I get the bonus of an external recorder with a screen but I don’t like the added bulk.
    Regarding my 50mm tests: I’m looking for a fast lens that is undeniably sharp wide open. All of those samples were shot wide open, so it’s not the best of scenarios for the sharpest of images but for me it’s a balancing act of available light while fighting the glow of a wide open aperture. 
    My other concern is having too many options. I have a shit ton of lenses... most of which I need to sell. Of all the lenses I own, I have narrowed down my keepers to 14 or 15, but I really want to cut that in half... I’m too indecisive to have that many options. I’ll constantly second guess myself and wonder if I should have used a different lens, so I may give up on my plan of owning multiple lens sets.
    I’ll definitely keep the Canon EF lenses because they’re native lenses, I really like them and I’ve already started using them for my film.
    However, I need to be more discriminating with my other lenses.
    I think I need another round of 50mm lens tests and I think I may include the older Sigma 50mm 1.4 into the lot and take out the Canon FD... since that lens is a no brainer for what I paid for it. I’ve always wanted to try a Sigma lens and I’ve heard the EX-DG is practically as good as the Art lens and since, some of, one of my favorite ML Raw videos was shot with the Art version, it may make sense to give it a try...
    But I have a feeling a lot of that video was shot with the Canon 70-200mm f/4 L lens.
    Anyway, I think I have to decide between wants and needs.
    I guess the smart play would be to keep the Zeiss Rollei lenses because I paid so little for them and they’re pretty good wide open with a ton of character. And that would give me a set of Canon lenses, a set of vintage Zeiss lenses and then I can keep a couple of single lenses that I really like but aren’t a part of any set. 
    On a side note, have you ever tried the Nikkor ai-s 85mm 1.4? I bought a copy a couple of months ago for a song, but I haven’t had a chance to give it a good try. It’s so big and clunky that it will have to WOW me to keep it, but from I’ve heard about it... it may just do that. But since I already own two other 85mm lenses... it will have it’s work cut out for it.
    Anyway, sorry to all for the extraordinarily long “life problem” I’m encountering, but with me sometimes it’s easier to talk it out to figure out my best option.
    So speaking of 85mm lenses and to keep the thread on track, here’s a B&W shot of the Zeiss Rollei 85mm f/2.8 shot wide open...
  19. Haha
    JordanWright reacted to BTM_Pix in Is Panasonic customer service terrible, or is it just me and my toaster oven?   
    If its any consolation I spent £250 on a Dualit toaster about 10 years ago.
    I gifted it to my daughter along with a bunch of other kitchen appliances when she moved in to her new apartment last year.
    I asked a few weeks later how she was getting on with this iconic bread heating masterpiece only to discover she had thrown it out because "it looked old fashioned".
    This keen appreciation of design classics also means she refers to my Billingham Hadley Pro bag as a satchel.
    I blame her mother.
  20. Like
    JordanWright reacted to Mattias Burling in So Is a7 III Still The Dynamic Range King? (Not tolling, just asking)   
    I don't know about the A7iii but my A7sii could not touch the DR of the 13stop BMCC, D750 or even the 12stop XC10 and 5Dmkiii raw. 
    So I doubt the A7iii could match a BMPC4K. At least I haven't seen any footage that points to it being able to. Would love it if it could. Maybe then I could justify it's imo to high price.
  21. Like
    JordanWright got a reaction from IronFilm in Blackmagic Design Announces New URSA Mini Pro G2   
    I bet original 4.6k prices are going to drop somewhat
  22. Like
    JordanWright got a reaction from Emanuel in Lenses   
    Meike 25mm Cine in action, there a full set coming soon. Some seem to think they are Veydra clones. 
  23. Like
    JordanWright reacted to BTM_Pix in 3C Cinema Camera Controller App for Pocket 4K - OFFICIAL LAUNCH   
    Well, here we are then.

    The 3C app is now officially available from the Play store for Android devices.
    3C enables you to remotely control and monitor the primary functions of your Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Camera 4K from an Android device using Bluetooth LE.

    Using 3C, you have access to the following camera functionality.

    Shutter Angle
    White Balance
    Focus & Zoom (with compatible lenses)

    With 3C you can also store your own custom setting sets for exposure, focus and zoom parameters for later recall as well as automate transitions between stored focus points*.

    For ease of use, 3C uses a single screen touch interface to control all of this functionality and avoid the need for you to have to activate any sub-menus to change settings.  

    3C has a scalable user interface to enable you to remove focus and zoom controls from the screen should you not require them and wish to run the app on a small screen Android device.
    In addition, 3C can also be used as an interface hub to enable control of the camera from compatible Bluetooth gamepads.
    You can purchase 3C from the Play store here http://tinyurl.com/y5eyujeu
    You can read the PDF user guide here User Guide For 3C v1.1 by CDA-TEK Ltd .pdf
    You can use gamepads from iPega and 8Bitdo that support keyboard mode and examples of these are https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00KA6OR7Q (iPega) and https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B017PAX036 (8Bitdo).
    3C will also support wireless live viewing from the camera in a future update with additional hardware.
  24. Like
    JordanWright reacted to xzobinx in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    Thanks I would give it a shot once I've caught up with my projects. Coming from Vietnam, I have to say that screenshot you took really reminds me of home  
    Thanks for the kind words. It is a really lovely len. I'm planning to get the 85 1.5 reissue and a focal reducer for m43-m42 as well. If only there is a wider angle len with the same look, I would be set. 
  25. Like
    JordanWright reacted to CaptainHook in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    We write the file headers/close the file every 5 secs during record, our cameras since the BMCC have always periodically written the headers/closed the file so at most if you lose power you might lose the last 5 secs of the clip. If you lose power before 5 secs of recording, then it could be an issue.
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