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About RedWineMogul

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  • My cameras and kit
    BMCC, Canon XC10, Canon EOS M

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  1. In my country I could charge you for this defamation about 1000 €, but when you point a finger on me, there are pointing 3 fingers on you. So this "asshole" is telling more about you than about me. I will downvote every post from you, where you invade a thread about any camera with your fanboyish love for the GH5! For all the others: I have just been drinking a bottle of best Bordeaux!
  2. Olympus has presented the PEN E PL9, a camera similar in Segment and Price to the M50, and I can't see where the PL9 is significant better than the M50. If I had to select one from these two, i would go with the Canon. But I need a camera for video, and I can imagine both only as my D-Camera.
  3. I am also a big fan oft this sensor, i was on the verge of buying the Ursa Mini 4k before Christmas when CVP offered it for 2400€ but the price is back over 2800. I found this showreel on youtube and I love the image:
  4. I did it. I just bought the XC10 two months ago from amazon for 1589 € and get 280 € CashBack from Canon one month later. I had problems with banding in my studio environment with c-log, my BMCC has a way cleaner image there, but I bought this little thing for Run & Gun outdoors. For this it is ideal for me. I use the 305mb codec and for now I am happy with the Image I get, but I have to test it out more.
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