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Everything posted by seku
Hi all, I recently decided to get into the anamorphic game, and thought i'd start nice n easy. With an Isco Ultrastar projection lens. However, I cannot seem to unscrew the taking lens from the anamorphot, even when applying considerable force. Are there any tips or how-to's on how to get those inseparable twins seperated? Cheers
Andrew, please don't make us dream... I mean Magic Latern managed to real-time compress DNG RAW to record on CF cards. Wouldn't it be fun if Panasonic added a teenie weenie little 6G SDI raw capable port on its cams
unfortunately that video is clickbait.... he shoots 12fps RAW, destroys his shutter in the process, and then interpolates the rest... Calling that 60fps RAW is callous at best.
I'm coming from 5dmk3 magic lantern. One of the main reasons i want to switch is just because the GH5/GH5s have professional exposure and focussing tools. The waveform alone feels like a godsent. It surely feels like a production cam to where i come from
The plot is thickening ... gentlemen, get your wallets ready (FT5) First image of the GH5s shows it has same GH5 body So it seems we will stay at micro 4/3.... The rumor site also states the same Sony sensor as i did in my first post.... i hope it will happen. Why am I so crazy about that sensor? The answer is dual ISO Magic Lantern RAW. It is not easy to use and to expose correctly for it... but when it works, it changes the 5D Mk3 into a dynamic range monster. Dual ISO works by alternating ISO levels between even and uneven lines, for example even lines are exposed at 100 ISO and uneven at 800 ISO. You then take that "interlaced" image, and with something resembles magic, reconstitute a high DR image. I believe the quad bayer on this new Sony sensor is essentially the same... only that it will be completely straightforward, no batch processing, just straight mapping to VLOG or RAW. I can't wait to hear more.
Honestly, i personally don't care about autofocus. It's necessary for sports and quick action, but even for run and gun you can make it work without . 4 years with 5dmk3 RAW taught me to live without it :D
It's so nice to theorize :D the IMX294CJK is 3704 (H) × 2778 (V) in opengate. If you crop just 10% (to get rid of maybe minimal vignetting... then we are there). I really wouldn't mind a S35 sensor tho either
I love freaking out people
The very same here. I do not care much about low light capabilities ... with voigländer 0.95 you can work around a lot. also speedboosters. But if, and that's a big IF... if it uses that new quad bayer HDR coding sensor layout ... i wouldn't be surprised to see 14 stops or more out of this baby. Lowlight has solutions... for run&gunning, i don't know anything but native sensor capabilities to maximise DR. (yes, i know i can stick a led panel on top of the cam).
Also, if it really features that new Sony sensor... we'd be in for a crazy increase in dynamic range as well. Just a few more weeks to go and we will know
Actually, a GX9 could be likely... we'll see in a few weeks
an FT5 (high probability) rumor on 43rumors seems to point at a "BIG" product announcement from Panasonic : Now, I hope, that BIG refers to BIG Pixels, as in Quad Bayer HDR coding of the successor sensor of the GH5. There's some pointers a new high sensitivity camera out in the wild... Some of my musings on that topic here Frankly, i cannot wait for December 15
Juan, you just blew my mind. I am one of those that are guilty of just using the LogC lut on 5dmk3 raws.... without going linear first. Those color space transforms are pure genius :D Thanks so much for these videos!
Seeing as Panasonic is using Sony sensors, PDAF is a possibility in the future. It all depends if Sony Imaging wants to sell them to Panasonic and for how much
This thread got me thinking .The teasers Neumann Films does in his VLOG posts, plus his cryptic comments in this thread... might point to a new MFT cam with better low light capabilities. Funnily enough, 43rumors thinks a big MFT announcement is imminent in december (news posted today) In his vlog Neumann - after teasing us with a "Classified" after unboxing something unidentified - shows a lot of available light night shooting... possibly with that new cam? this rimes well with Cliff Totten's Analysis of the GH5 sensor and its successor, the IMX294CJK. That new sensor is 10megapix-ish, and high sensitivity. Please find the link to the sensor here. It features bigger photocells, and even a HDR mode on-chip. I'm not even getting started on 4k120p or anamorphic modes. It's all conjecture at this point and wishful thinking... but wouldn't a GH5s be damn nice?
i DO wish we knew more
in any case, the plot thickens : https://www.43rumors.com/ft5-surprise-one-panasonic-product-announcement-december/ makes me hope the product is a camera
of course. But I better wait to see what this beast is about, so i can make an informed decision to get the GH5
And here i am ... literally half an hour away from getting a reserved GH5 ... I better cancel and wait a bit longer!