I don’t get the hate everyone has about the menus, though I think it might be complicated for those with years of familiarity with canon or Nikon. Even if you find the menus complicated and a user interface disaster, you can completely customize your own. As far as it being an incremental upgrade, again, what else should they add? If they waited another year they could add more features, though what is wrong with offering a new product every year? What is the upgrade cycle for most cameras? 2-5 years? If you like it buy it, if you don’t then buy last years at a discount. As far as the hype, I haven’t gone through all of the reviews and videos, but aren't these the same people being flown out for new canon releases and Nikon, so either they always share the same unnecessary over hyped reactions/reviews for all of the cameras or they genuinely like this one? I honestly do not know because I don’t follow the release of every camera. I get that this is not for everyone, but for me, a portable camera with eye focus for video that can be taken out of my pocket and quickly grab focus is amazing, and being that it shoots flat makes it great for color grading. If they could improve anything I would like a large sensor, though I am not sure if that is possible at this size, and if so, would it be so cost prohibitive to make it pointless? Do other portable cameras by other manufacturers have larger sensors? Maybe better low light performance might be good? Though how much tech can they fit into a small body?