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Everything posted by kye

  1. kye

    24p is outdated

    22 pages on... and nothing has been learned.
  2. The other thing that occurs to me is to watch BTS videos of music video shoots. These will include lots of tricks about how to achieve various looks, as well as showing what the final looks are. Yeah, a 58mm F2.0 lens isn't so easy to manually focus, especially on a gimbal, unless you had a remote-follow-focus, a very good monitor with excellent focus-peaking controls (that can compensate for the softness when wide-open), and are practiced at operating a gimbal and follow-focus at the same time. It's not that difficult to degrade the image in post to achieve at least some of the major optical aberrations that these vintage lenses have. One power grade you could setup for yourself and just pull out when needed might include: a power-window that darkens the edges (ie, vignette) and also adds a blur towards the edges (bonus points for mixing a normal blur with a radial blur) a lens correction that adds some barrel distortion a glow / haze effect to lower contrast (can easily be done with a blur that is put over the top of the footage at a low opacity) a very small-radius blur over the whole clip to knock the sharpness down a bit When fine-tuned, the above can do a pretty decent imitation of a vintage lens, so is worthwhile putting into your toolkit if you're a fan of the vintage look. Now we have AI there are other things you can play with too.... The Resolve Magic Mask is able to identify objects pretty well now (see the red overlay over the man): So you could potentially mask out the main objects and then do things to the background like darken it, blur it, make it a different hue, etc. The Depth Map feature is also interesting: I would suggest that neither of these is good enough for really strong adjustments (without visible artefacting - they're roughly like the iPhone DOF simulations) but in music videos the look might be appropriate. Filters and blend modes are definitely your friend with music videos. If all else fails, you can pull a key of the skin-tones and then do whatever you want to the rest of the image. With all these things, if the edges aren't great or it doesn't quite stand-up then just back off the opacity. You should always be applying too much of an effect and then pulling it back to something acceptable. Then you can A/B it with and without the effect and adjust to taste. If you don't go too far and then pull back, you will always be used to the image without that effect and so it will always look like it's overdone. Also, most colour grading breakdowns show that it's about applying a number of small and subtle adjustments that add up - it's very rare for any one individual adjustment to be significant, with the exception of colour space transforms and the basics like adjusting exposure and contrast and saturation.
  3. I've heard anecdotally that tertiary education (university and technical colleges etc) is being stripped bare by cost-cutting and efficiency programs, to the point where a friend of mine did a Graduate Certificate (which is the first third of a masters degree) and wanted advice on which course/units to choose when re-enrolling in the next part and there was literally no-one he could talk to. All lecturers were only accessible to students enrolled in specific units and he was ignored / actually turned away, the course controller was also the head of the school and not even contactable and the entire enrolment process was all online and there literally wasn't even a student services desk where you could talk to a human being. This was at a major university here in Australia that appears in lists of top universities world-wide from time to time, so it's no backwater institution, and it's not like the fees aren't putting a truckload of money into their coffers either. Maybe life is different in the marketing department?
  4. Do you mean technical parts like the chips etc? If so, maybe they're out of stock and no longer being manufactured, so would be practically infinite in cost, rather than cheap.
  5. I also thought that the colours were overzealous, but this is actually a good thing - increasing saturation on poor quality footage really reveals weaknesses in the codec and colour science, so the fact that the colours don't reveal such weaknesses is a real plus. Had they posted only desaturated images I would have immediately suspected they were covering up some weakness, but this is obviously not the case.
  6. That's very promising looking footage, and definitely the right sized cameras - 80 x 80 x 50mm and under 400g (3.2" x 3.2" x 2" / 0.89lbs)
  7. Yeah, the sponsorship would have meant the default app and the anaemic codec. I don't know if this one supports RAW, but that would have been the ultimate choice.
  8. Wow.. good to know the Kingstons aren't reliable over the long term. My dad does a lot with Raspberry Pi computers, which use SD cards for storage, and apparently they chew through the cheap SD cards, but the Samsung ones are reliable over time, so they must also be made properly. I haven't heard much discussion about them, but I have a Samsung EVO card that I use with my other cameras and seems ok. I haven't tested it with the BM cameras though.
  9. I think there's a whole industry of people deliberately selling things under false listings, taking the money from people that don't notice or know any better and very very quickly refunding anyone who complains. I've bought a few small items that didn't work or weren't as described and within about 0.1ms of submitting a report they give you a full refund and close the case completely, no returns or anything. I've seen amazon listings for tech products where there are 500+ reviews, but you go and read the reviews and they're all saying "this shampoo is great" so it's obvious they're manufacturing listings for high-value items by gaining positive ratings on low-value products and then completely changing the listing to something else entirely. Regardless of what the product is, there's always a brand that is great "but you'll pay for it" and I think that perhaps those brands are selling products for what they're actually worth and the remaining 99% of the market are doing dodgy-brothers stuff.
  10. Died completely? and were they the V30 (green) ones, or faster ones? There were reports of people using the green ones and after a while they start dropping frames, but other people said that they would format the card each time they put it in the camera and they had no issues. Dropped frames sounds to me like the card speed was only borderline, but everything these days is made to a price..
  11. I don't think any updates are coming - these are old cameras now. Even in the Blackmagic Camera groups on FB if you say "OG BMPCC" people think you're talking about the BMPCC 4K. I can't confirm these, but in the FB group for the OG BMPCC multiple people like the Kingston Canvas Select Plus but don't get the V30 version - you need the V60 or better. Also, apparently there's an Angelbird card specifically for it (it might have it on their website?).
  12. Cool film, only let down by the poor codec and lack of ND. I understand why you'd want to have a sponsor and why you'd want to tell a story with a phone in comparison to not telling it at all, but if you had freedom to choose and you were already getting a bunch of people on set and putting all that time and effort into something and then a phone sure isn't my first choice. Same comments as above, but you can definitely see the stronger codec in this piece compared to the Xaiomi.
  13. We did collaborate on some films, and submitted a few of them into the festival circuit, which is quite active here in Australia. That was mostly an exercise in frustration as it was all a game of who-do-you-know instead of the merits of the actual film, but it gave her experience in directing and, because of the performances she was able to get, contributed to many actors showreels. It was amazing the trouble we went to considering the camera of the day was the mighty PD150!
  14. I think that having something to show for your efforts is a pretty significant motivator, and if you can see that what you did actually helped someone then that's even better. My sisters story is long and complicated, but it boiled down to two factors. The first was that after not being able to 'make it' as a director, she retrained in another role, but in her location there wasn't enough work for her year round and she would have had to have found a second career for the off-season. The second factor was that the work-life-balance was non-existent, and through the combination of her working essentially 18-hour days when she was working (working on-set all day and doing prep work all evening) plus the fact that she couldn't make plans in case she got offered a gig, she had just become separated from the rest of the world. I'd say the horrific misogyny and directors / producers with emotional / mental problems was also in the mix, and it was, but the other two factors were easily enough. She would call me and we'd Skype for 5 hours and she'd describe the situations on-set and I can tell you, however bad most corporate environments were, the directors and producers she routinely described would fit into the bottom 30% of management in corporate offices. It's amazing to me how incredibly incompetent much of the workforce is, and yet, they still manage to find enough money to remain fed/clothed/housed. I tell this to people who I mentor - if they can navigate the workforce then we, as people who are trying to accomplish something, can thrive.
  15. It really depends on the situation you're in. For me, the choice between the M4K and the FP and the R5 gets solved with lenses. Specifically that I have them for MFT and don't for the others. So the above comparison wasn't to say "here are many options to explore", it was really saying "the M4K isn't perfect, but everything else is far from it". The M2K is a very unique camera in terms of its size/performance/features (especially the fact it can do 3:1 compressed 60p RAW internally) and the M4K is better in some ways, despite also being compromised in some other ways, but for some situations it might be a step forwards.
  16. The TL;DR is that you're incredibly valuable to any office environment, but the challenge is that compared to the average (borderline useless) office worker you're so different that the entire system won't be able to see your value, so the challenge is how to get in the door and then get your bearings. I've spent my whole career in offices - starting with IT background and working through project management to program management to various consulting and transformation engagements. I am an independent consultant not under the umbrella of any consulting firm, so I'm on my own for networking and finding new contracts etc, so have navigated this territory for a while now. The most significant things I have observed are these: Almost no-one understands the concept of transferrable skills. There is no understanding of this in the recruitment process or HR department at all - zero. Offices and corporate environments are designed to treat staff as pre-programmed robots. If your entire career history isn't the same job title over and over again then they don't know what to do with you. Offices and corporate environments are places where the rules of the game do not include things like productivity or practicality (or probably anything you'd recognise), they are about perceptions and processes and culture and not rocking the boat. The only people that appreciate people who can take ownership of an outcome and actually get things done are a select group of middle/senior managers who are being suffocated by red tape and actually trying to move the needle on some outcome. There are two types of people, those who change things and those who run things and maintain the status quo. You are the former, not the latter. As you are someone who knows how to actually get things done, I'd suggest the following: Any kind of role with a focus on making changes or solving problems and hitting deadlines should be a good fit - this is likely a management role but don't confuse the management roles that are just managing a team of people that do repetitive tasks Smaller organisations are likely to be a better fit, as they'll be more comprehendible for someone not familiar with the corporate world (think of it as a parallel universe completely separated from reality with different rules) As much as you can, bypass any recruitment process, and try and establish contact with the people inside the business who make decisions and can see your worth (and if necessary can ensure you're not filtered out in any recruitment process that is required) Try and meet these managers directly - many people have needs to hire good people but don't have advertised positions because the job market is pretty devoid of sensible people - so if you get in contact with these people they might make a new position for you What you want to do is get talking to the managers who have money and decision-making authority and have them decide to hire you. This is the whole purpose of networking. The other challenge is once you're in the door, how do you work out how to fit in and get people to work with you. Things like running meetings, getting people who don't work for you to do work, how to explain things to management types so that they understand you (including how to tell them things they don't want to hear without making them want to fire you), etc. My sister made the transition from film to 'normal' work. She retrained in Business Analysis (basically analysing a problem and designing solutions) and Project Management. She got hired into a large corporate firm into the call centre, but very quickly started doing things on top of the normal work (which she absolutely hated) and was internally promoted, and has now been internally promoted several times as they gradually see her potential, and as she gradually learns the new culture and ways of doing things. It's a long learning curve, but it can be done. Good luck!
  17. Yeah, it's hardly the ideal package size if you want a tiny setup. If I went this direction I would fit it with an external SSD and small monitor like the Ikan VL35 3.5" 4K monitor I have with my M2K and a battery plate. Still, the other options for a RAW setup also have pretty significant compromises: OG BMPCC - small all-in-one package and internal RAW/Prores but only 1080p and screen is fixed and not bright and tiny batteries and no 60p and no dual-ISO OG BMMCC - same size as this plus internal RAW/Prores but only 1080p and no dual-ISO P4K / P6K etc - internal RAW/Prores but ABSOLUTELY ENORMOUS Sigma FP - small with internal RAW (in limited resolutions/bit-depths) but fixed screen and RAW not compressed so file sizes are large and some modes require external SSD Various mirrorless cameras - much larger to begin with but also require 5"+ external recorder to record RAW The ideal package would be this sensor in an updated P2K chassis, but I doubt this will ever eventuate. In terms of this only recording BRAW and not Prores, I do wonder what the computational differences would be between BRAW and Prores - they might be similar in practice.
  18. kye

    24p is outdated

    60p at 360deg shutter looks like poop. 60p at 180deg shutter looks like poop. 60p at 45deg shutter looks like poop. 60p at 1deg shutter looks like poop.
  19. It's easy to tell... When you look in the mirror do you see a long majestic flowing magnificent beard? If so, then you might be Ironfilm, or potentially a member of ZZ Top, but if not then it's ruled out definitively.
  20. More M4K footage.... Cat video was apparently shot on the Voigtlander NOKTON25mm 0.95, but details are sparse. The second video has no details at all, and the first simply had "#cat" as the description, but someone asked about the lens in the comments!
  21. The latest Samsung USB SSDs get 2000MB/s, which is 16,000Mbps. The BM 6K FF camera does 6144 x 3456 (6K) with Blackmagic RAW 3:1 at 323 MB/s for 30p, so 2000MB/s would be able to do 10810 x 6080 at 60p. Of course, that's BRAW, but I don't think it being a removable drive would be the bottleneck. Also, if it was removable, not only could you swap them out in the field, but over time when the SSDs got larger / cheaper you'd be able to benefit from that progress.
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