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Posts posted by kye

  1. 1 hour ago, Matt Kieley said:



    Looks like some serious CA around the highlights.  Is there also some around the girls face?  (It looks like there is a red flare there?)

  2. Sites and resources:

  3. On 11/28/2018 at 4:15 PM, ykt.net said:

    @FinnChristianPeper I believe this not only GHa LUT applied ? 

    I would imagine there would be additional grading.

    The GH5 + GHa LUT is equivalent to an Alexa with Rec709 LUT.   Most people would add a complete look after the rec709 conversion if they shot Alexa, so the same applies here I think.

    2 minutes ago, webrunner5 said:

    I have been on them both for years. So I got on pretty quick back then. But man like I said if you forget your info Jesus what a pain. Stupid shit. I have no clue why you have to be logged in to see photos, videos on there?

    To get you to sign up.  Everyone wants you to sign up because then they can market to you.  It's a PITA to sign up, so they have to offer some kind of reward.

  4. 1 minute ago, webrunner5 said:

    It takes awhile at times. I guess they review all of the new applications one by one.

    I registered there in Jan this year, still haven't been approved.  I kept tabs on it for a couple of months, and people who registered after me became common around the place, I figured that they didn't want new users and gave up.

    Having good moderation on forums is critical, and if you're so incompetent that you can't approve new users then your forum isn't worth any of my time.

  5. 10 hours ago, Orangenz said:

    You don't like Casey Faris? I've found his work quite helpful so far.

    I kind of don't know what to think about Casey Faris.  On one hand he uses the simple controls like the pros tend to, he seems to be able to do difficult things pretty quickly and efficiently (like matching cameras), and in comparison to most other YT grading people who sell LUT packs he looks level-headed and like he knows what he's doing.  There's a YT colourist who bragged in one of their videos that they don't plan their grading videos, they just hit record and then make up the grade as they go along.

    However, if you compare him to Juan Melara then there's an enormous gap between Juan and every other YT colourist I'm aware of.  Juan doesn't even seem to use Resolve in the same way that everyone else does - it's kind of like he's from another planet.  His videos are absolute tours of force, and it's obvious that he has enormous depth of technical knowledge about colour spaces, colour conversion theory, etc.

    These are good examples of the level of knowledge that Juan has:

    Whenever Juans videos are discussed on the LGG forums the pros there admire him but aren't amazed, so from their reaction I have concluded that Juan is very knowledgable but not beyond the norm for professional colourists.

    I think film-making on YT is kind of becoming it's own universe and people like Casey stand out.  However in the traditional world of film-making there are colourists who are part of professional guilds, work as part of the feature film industry, go to industry conferences, and some of them teach - either in person or behind paywalls and we've never even heard of them.  The YT world and that professional world don't really have much contact with each other, so if it wasn't for people like Juan Melara we almost wouldn't know that there are people who put the rest of us to shame.

    In a sense, Casey is doing just fine, and if he can make footage look good and match different cameras together then that's all that's needed.  There's no right or wrong way to do art, after all.  However, once you become aware of the skill level that is out there in the industry then it's a bit hard to look at the YT colourists who sell LUTs and wonder if they're professional colourists or if they're really just LUT salespeople who only need to know enough more than their customers to appear knowledgeable enough to make good LUTs.  

    When there are people like Juan who know so much more than the colourists who take log / non-rec709 footage and just adjust it with the LGG wheels or contrast controls it makes you wonder what else they're telling you that's flat our wrong, let alone just unhelpful advice.  I watched many hours of YT colourists to get familiar with Resolve, and after studying Juans videos and reading lots of LGG threads, I realised that much of the techniques I'd learned from YT were just bad advice, and I needed to unlearn them and learn good replacement techniques.

  6. 3 hours ago, Trek of Joy said:

    Maybe I'm too cynical and just going into device overload now that I'm carrying the Sony's for stills/video, a gimbal for the a73, my iPhone XSmax, a Osmo phone gimbal, a GoPro, a 360 camera, and a Phantom 4 for productions depending on the needs of the day.

    I sympathise about device overload.  While I don't carry that many devices, I certainly own that many through past upgrades and whatnot.  Unfortunately these days it seems that we buy new gear when the new device adds one extra feature to the existing products with their dozens of features.

  7. 43 minutes ago, BTM_Pix said:

    Oh that that where the only bug in that project.

    Have a look at Duet.

    I use mine with the Mountie clip system that attaches it to the side of the laptop screen but any old stand will do.

    They have recently fixed the issues they had with Mojave.

    That looks interesting, but lots of reviews talk of bugs and the In App purchases don't make it clear what functionality you get with the app purchase.

    How do you use it for video editing?  Just to extend your desktop?

  8. 18 hours ago, BTM_Pix said:

    I'm not sure I follow what you mean about buying all the options?

    If you are talking about the different resolution options, then if you buy the €90 Multi Rez Stock Kit then you get all of them included.

    Or are you talking about the overall cost when you add the controller?

    As even with the more expensive option (the Arturia) its about €180, which is less than a fifth of the price of another option such as the BM Mini controller.

    Having said that, the BM Mini controller is a very, very nice looking piece of kit.

    I previously couldn't justify the cost of the available ones based on how much I did it but these and other lower cost solutions have given me pause for thought and I possibly will in the near future.

    I'm very much in favour of anything that offers a tactile interface to applications, so I use numerous different MIDI controllers for controlling DAWs and synths and even Lightroom via the LrControl plugin. 

    And, of course, who can forget my very own custom real time Panasonic picture profile tweaker ;)


    Maybe I should revive that for Resolve !

    For keyboard shortcuts for Resolve and other applications like FCP-X, Logic and Lightroom I use silicon keyboard covers like these


    They are about £5 each on eBay and just lift on and off when you swap applications.

    I also have a generic one for when I'm working as it keeps the elements out of the keyboard.

    The other thing I've used for editing for years is the Contour ShuttleXpress.


    I used to use the original one but the more compact one is enough for what I need for jog/shuttle and marking in and out points etc. 

    I'm not a colourist so I can't speak about it with any authority or insight whatsoever but I can definitely see where the wheels and trackballs would be a big boon, analogous as they are to the controls inside the software.

    If you want to dip a toe in then Tangent (who make a series of lower cost hardware controllers for Resolve) have an app that can turn an android or iOS tablet into a virtual version.

    The full price is £80 but they do a free version which you can use for an hour a day to see if its something that works for you.

    I wasn't actually aware of it before myself so I think I might have a go as well.

    Video about it here


    I was referring to the physical controller, the software itself, and the controllermate software you have to buy on top of that.  I remember jerry-rigging a midi synth programming box to my computer and using a virtual MIDI driver and a MIDI processing program to change the MIDI commands from the programmer into MIDI control messages, and it was a mess to setup and install and the above setup doesn't seem to be that much different.

    During the demo video the guy mentions a few different menus that seem to be controlled in different ways via different methods.  I'm also a bit reminded of the PC days when you'd put a computer together and it wouldn't work and the support for each product would blame the other products and you'd be stuck in the middle with "have you tried restarting it?" as your only logical approach!

    I guess that's maybe why the other controllers are so much more expensive - because they can be.  Resolve has brought cutting edge tools to the masses for a ridiculously cheap price but I guess the hardware options are still price gouging for what is essentially some drivers and a hardware controller worth a couple of hundred dollars.

    Your controller video is impressive, but I couldn't work out how you were steering the ant walking across the colour checker?  ?

    I think with all of this stuff there's a learning curve and you need to use it enough for that time to be paid off, and you need to use it enough to even remember what buttons do what.  I use Resolve enough to remember the basic stuff, but I find that I have to solve a problem two or three times to remember that I've already solved it and to remember what hotkey I set it to!  and remembering the button combination on the controller is probably just as difficult as remembering the hotkey on the normal keyboard.  Then again I'm not grading often, and when I am it's more in-depth troubleshooting rather than simple and repetitive, so I'm not really the target market.

    What I would pay for ahead of a hardware controller is something that would let me use my iPad as an external monitor while editing.  A 13inch laptop doesn't have the ideal amount of screen realestate for Resolve and its a lot tougher to take an external monitor travelling with you than to pack an iPad too!

  9. 47 minutes ago, mirekti said:

    I don’t think this is wrong. My uderstanding is a follows:

    1. Footage taken an 60fps

    2. Timeline 24 fps

    In the clip attributes it will show 60fps and drop frames will be checked. That means it will play 60fps footage on 24fps timeline in normal speed and it would drop extra frames (36 of them). If you then go to speed setings and set it to let’s say 50%, it will play it at 12fps as it had already dropped 36fps initially, am I wrong?

    The problem I am having with clip attributes is that  when I cut a part of the clip and choose to play it at 24fps (original 60fps) the whole clip gets slowed down, not only a part of it that was cut out.

    How should I slow down only a portion of the clip?

    If you put a 60fps clip on a 24fps timeline and set it to 40% speed it will play it back at 24p, using all the frames in the original clip. The fps in the dialogue box is wrong.

    If you leave the clip attributes as default and change the speed on the timeline you can have the same clip appear multiple times on the timeline at different speeds.

  10. I have just put a bunch of money into MFT and I think apart from choosing the lenses that give you the right look, the elephant in the room is about investing into the MFT system at a time when everyone seems to be going to FF.

    For me, I don't see my GH5 as an investment - it's something I will pay to use for the next few years and at some point I'll sell and take a large loss, or would keep as a B-camera.  I suspect that my MFT lenses may also suffer the same drop in value, and I'm ok with that.  If you're ok with that too then that's great, but if you're not then I'd suggest you consider what the MFT lens system is likely to be worth when you're up for your next camera upgrade that isn't MFT.  Maybe the system will live on and if it does then that's great, but if it doesn't then be prepared for that outcome.

    In terms of the 'look', you can always buy sharper lenses and soften them in post (which works to some degree) or buy filters that will do the job in-camera.  The added advantage of filters is that the look is adjustable, eg with Tiffen they supply various 'strengths' so you can choose which you like, or even buy multiples and swap depending on the project.  With lens softness (eg, the Helios) you get one look (including the Bokeh, which at MFT crop isn't that strong, but is still there) so you better be happy with it.

  11. 11 hours ago, BTM_Pix said:

    Nce find.

    If anyone is interested in a hardware controller for Resolve then Tachyon also have a 40% off sale running on their interface software to run with affordable MIDI controllers.

    The Arturia Beatstep version is ideal for keeping the footprint small and the Akai APC40 version has a ton of direct access controls.

    You have to source the controller yourself, the Arturia is roughly £75 and the Akai APC40 (which has to be the Mark I) is about £40 used.

    With the current sale on the software, the total solution is about £135 for the Arturia and £100 for the Akai.


    This is a run through of it and at 06:00 there is a very cool feature to control curves.

    Interesting.  Although by the time you buy all the things it's not a huge discount.

    Do you use a controller to grade?

    I've looked at controllers before and ended up not having much idea about if they're even worth it for me.  I see professional colourists constantly talking about their process being mostly to do very simple adjustments (LGG wheels) to every shot, so it's about speed and therefore a control surface with the large colour balls is the perfect tool.  Of course they also build a look, but in Resolve you can just do that in one location for the whole timeline so speed isn't important there.  If they're doing a feature then it might involve tracking windows across many shots, but for TV and doc work that doesn't seem to be the case.

    For me, who shoots in less than ideal situations that require much more correction and attention, and also shoot fewer and much shorter videos so I don't really need the basic/bulk approach.

  12. On 11/22/2018 at 10:33 PM, Mark Romero 2 said:

    Well... there are some black friday sales going around for courses on things like Resolve and other NLE / Grading software. So yeah, skills kind of ARE on sale.

    Actually, the Black Friday sale on Filmsimplified.com is pretty good - 85% off on the Resolve training, and I've just bought it :)

    It's designed for beginners so i'm not sure how much stuff I've worked out already, but it includes Fusion which I have no clue about, and Fairlight which I only have basic knowledge of, so that should be useful!

  13. 1 hour ago, newfoundmass said:

    Most of them aren't going to be shooting on mirrorless ILCs though!

    That's probably true, but where are the 8K cameras they'll be shooting on?

    If you're developing 8K cameras for broadcast and you're also in the business of making MILCs then there's quite a lot of synergy there, considering that electronics are basically modular.  Of course, for the A7sIII they might opt to keep it 4K and instead of oversampling an image they could do true 4K in hardware by taking a 2x2 grid and combining them to get 4K in 444 colour.  If they did this then they could also have two blue pixels and average them in the conversion, which would help noise in the final image, and may keep the A7s range as the low-light leaders.

  14. On 11/12/2018 at 8:15 PM, kye said:

    I've been using the SLR Magic 8mm F4 on my GH5 and I'm really enjoying the image, but it's also designed as a drone lens and so the ergonomics aren't that great though! 


    On 11/12/2018 at 11:12 PM, kye said:

    I haven't seen it discussed much for video (maybe it was and I missed it) but lots of people have looked at it for photos.  It was the widest non-fisheye lens that I could find for a reasonable price.   It looks hilarious on the GH5 because it's so small and thin!

    My strategy has been to get a 17.5mm lens for generic people / environment shots, and the 8mm for those wider "wow" scenery shots where you want the grand look of a wide angle, and it's been great for that.  Today was my third day in India and it hasn't come off the camera yet as everything here seems to lend itself to that "wow" aesthetic - look at that building - look at how many people there are - look at this amazing chaos...  :)

    Basic grade and crop....




    I'm still making friends with the GH5 so these might not be sharp, but they certainly suit the geometric nature of the architecture :)

    Some follow-up comments on the 8mm SLR Magic:

    • The locking screw is a PITA and there doesn't seem to be any tension you can apply that gives adjustability with some friction - it's either locked or free-floating.
      I'm thinking I might have a go at grinding/polishing the end of the screw to hopefully smooth it out and allow a 'friction' adjustment, but I'm not optimistic.
    • The distance markings on the MF are useful - I worked out where to set it for 'selfie' focus and that makes it nice and repeatable (I make home videos and am trying to be in them a bit more)
    • It's pretty soft at f16.  The difference between 1m and infinity focus is only a few degrees adjustment on the MF control, so I set it to infinity focus and f16 and run with it as a fixed focus lens but reviewing footage it's pretty soft, so later I swapped to f4 which is so much sharper the Focus Assist lines just about double their strength in comparison to f16.  If you like a softer look then f16 could be a great option.  f4 is FF equivalent of f8, so in a sense you can just think of the aperture ring as a "soften" adjustment :)
    • It flares quite nicely.  The part of the flare with the shapes all in a line isn't that much at all, but the general tint across the whole image (kind of like a light-leak) is quite pleasant and in the footage from Thailand where I move the camera from away from the sun to towards it (but not having the sun in frame) a warm 'wash' appears across the image.

    No flare:


    10 frames later (identical grade):


    This has the GHAlexa LUTs applied, so the colouration of the tint has been modified - I just looked at the SOOC footage with the contrast pumped up and it's basically orange.

    It kind of reminds me of the Tiffen BPM filters when the sun is out of frame but still hitting the filter.  This is with the naked lens - no filters attached at all.

  15. 6 hours ago, newfoundmass said:

    I've tried using clip settings to make my 60p footage playback at 24 fps, which works, but is it really better than using the re time option? Is Resolve smart enough to know that my clip has more frames it can use instead of having to create new ones for slow motion when using the re time tool? 

    Yes, Resolve is that smart.

    If you set the re-time controls to exactly the right number (24/60 = 40% speed) then it will give the same result.

    Do a test for yourself.  Pull in two clips - slow one of them using Clip Attributes and slow the other one on the timeline with a 40% speed adjustment, then step through them one frame at a time and see for yourself what Resolve does.

    One thing to note - when you have a HFR clip in the timeline and you open up the Clip Speed dialog it shows one box for Percentage and another for Frames Per Second.  The FPS box shows the timeline speed (24fps in your case) and when you say 40% it will update this box to show 9.6FPS.  It's wrong so basically just ignore it.

    Incidentally, if you want to have clips conformed to exactly the frames that were shot, I recommend using the Change Clip Speed dialog box instead of the other controls.  I remapped the Command-R shortcut to it as well.  Entering exact values in there is the easiest way to get the exact value.

  16. This thread is mostly going no-where, but it's not anyones fault.  It's actually a symptom of how a nodal editor like Resolve works.

    Begin PSA

    In PP or FCPX a person can ask the question "how much power do I need" and someone else can give an answer that is useful because people use the software in basically the same way.  Sure, you can have layers and multiple tracks of video, but mostly people edit with one shot visible at a time, and PP and FCPX have such limited colour functionality that you would only use a couple of colour effects.

    Resolve is different.

    Resolve is a nodal editor, which means that you can make an infinite arrangement of adjustments that apply to some or all of the image.  It's a "how long is a piece of string" question.

    It's not uncommon for a 'basic' grade in Resolve to include:

    • Lift/gamma/gain/offset level and tint adjustments (to set black and white points exposure and adjust WB)
    • A luminance vs luminance curves adjustment (adjust contrast and finer adjustments like shadows)
    • A luminance vs saturation curves adjustment (desaturate extreme shadows and highlights)
    • A hue vs saturation curve to take one over-saturated item and make it not be distracting
    • A node adjusting mid-tone detail, maybe contrast, and some levels that has a key to only be applied to skintones
    • An oval qualifier with level adjustment for a vignette adjustment

    This is without any OFX plugins, LUTs, Colour Space Transforms, etc.

    When you think of Resolve as an EDITOR, you can compare it to PP/FCPX in terms of how it works, but when you think of Resolve as a COLOUR GRADING tool, you should compare it to After Effects.  You wouldn't ask "what computer do I need for After Effects" because it depends on what the hell you're using After Effects for - you could be tracking a window or you could be rendering an entire CGI universe.  Grading in Resolve is the same as that - you could be setting WB and contrast or you could be doing a day-for-night transformation.

    End PSA ???

  17. Hooray!  After people started getting their Pocket 4K cameras we only had the Panny S1 to argue about - now we can get excited about the inevitability of 8K vs Sonys ability to quadruple the data rates and not have the camera actually melt!

    With Japan gearing up for the 2020 Olympics to be broadcast in 8K there is only ~20 months before an entire 8K distribution network (including something like 1000 8K cameras) must be in place, having been constructed, tested, and bug fixed.  You'd be mad if you think that Japan will let themselves fail to deliver a technological feat like this while the entire world is watching, Moores law be damned.

    So, if we're going to have an entirely functional 8K capture, processing, distribution, and consumption network in place in less than two years for the worlds most watched event, then exactly when do you think the tech will be made possible?  The day before?

  18. 5 hours ago, newfoundmass said:

    I'm finding Resolve to be frustrating. I feel overwhelmed. But I'm trying to finally rid myself of Premiere and Adobe's shitty subscription model once and for all. 

    What are the best resources to learn Resolve? 

    I hear you - it's like flying the space shuttle.

    I think there are two paths you can take.  One is to do as @kaylee suggests and do a small project and search google and YT for the answers for every function.  If you learn best by doing then that's a good approach, but I think it's frustrating and you kind of miss out on the big picture about how Resolve works and how it's designed to be used.  My understanding is that the overall workflow is different to other packages.

    The second one is to watch a thorough walk-through of the user interface so you can see how it's organised and what is available.  One of the key differences with Resolve is that there is so much stuff in there that is simply absent from PP / FCPX (especially in the Colour tab) and so if you only learn what tools you think you need you'll miss lots of the things that Resolve has that you didn't know existed.  If you're going to do this then find the longest and most thorough walk-through possible and just watch that.  There's nothing worse than watching a walk-through that isn't thorough and then having to watch another one where they repeat everything you just learned!

    A couple of points:

    • Unlike almost every other piece of software on earth, the Resolve Manual is absolutely excellent and will answer most of your questions, so look there before asking the internet about something
    • The second place to look is the BM forums where someone might have asked the question before.  If you google then other sites pop up but mostly the people who actually know things are at the BM forums.
    • Use YT for learning what buttons do what and what features are available, but don't try and learn colour grading / fusion / audio mixing or mastering from YT folks - they are mostly amateur hacks who use the wrong tool in the wrong way at the wrong time.  If you go down this route then you will spend a lot of time unlearning their techniques later on.
    • If you want to hear from people who actually know about colour grading, then liftgammagain.com forums are the best (free) place I've found.  There are regular posters there who are polite and helpful who have been grading for decades and really know their stuff.
    • You can also ask here..  :)

    Good luck - it's a long process but a worthwhile one IMHO.  Put on some music and attack it in bursts with good breaks :)

  19. I just change the playback speed of the clips in the timeline.  Right-click on the clips you want slowed down and it's called something like Clip Speed, set it to whatever percentage you want (ignore the fps box in that pop-up - it's wrong and makes no sense) and choose if you want to ripple the sequence or not, and it's done.

    I don't know how other people do it, but I think this is one of the great features of Resolve.  You can ingest footage of any resolution and frame rate into your timeline, you can change the speed of any clip to any arbitrary speed, and then you can export a file in any other resolution and frame rate and Resolve will handle the whole thing seamlessly.

    If you're doing any speed changes where you aren't doing a 1:1 of input frames to output frames, you can enable a feature called Optical Flow (in the main page of the project settings, down the bottom) and it enables the Twixtor style of frame interpolating for any sequences in the project that aren't 1:1.  I did some tests comparing 4K25p and 1080p50 both at 50% speed in a 1080 timeline (ie, the 4K with the Twixtor effect vs the 1080 just conformed to 25p) and for situations where there isn't a lot of complex motion the 4K looked slightly better or you couldn't tell the difference.  

    The work I do is just for myself and friends and family and isn't critical, but I just do whatever speeds I like and if I want a shot to go a certain duration but I want the shot to start on a certain action and end on another one then I just choose whatever percentage makes that happen.  As long as you're not pushing things too far then the effect is normally totally fine.

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