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  1. I think if the results aren't world-beating for this iteration, they will be very soon. The dangerous thing for the camera industry is that the biggest player has now set its sights on the enthusiast market and has marked its intention to go after it, and 100% apple will not lose this battle as it can crush the japanese companies very easily.
  2. F4 Dof is plenty for that lens and docu work. The light gathering is the important part as it means you can leave the lens on day into night and have that amazing range for run and gun.
  3. So the 24-105 will turn into an 2.8 with that range in FF. With the built in ten stop, this really will be great for docu work.
  4. I prefer s16 as don't have to futz around with focusing so much.
  5. This reminded me of that classic scene in In Bruges https://youtu.be/UOXaBV8mD-I
  6. What will this do to the secondhand S1 market?? I've already seen the S1R going for 1600 in brand new condition!
  7. Still a bit too big imo if you are looking at the size of these smaller RF cine cameras. They need to get it so it can fit on gimbals.
  8. Recalling previous posts where it was said that if a phone overheated while shooting basic 4k video it would be recalled. I would hope so too. But here we have sony's brand new Xperia 1 ii overheating after 5-7 minutes of 4k use in the so called "cinemapro" app and this guy is still recommending it to his users: Here is a reddit post where other users have encountered the same problem: https://www.reddit.com/r/SonyXperia/comments/hglqnc/fyi_xperia_1_ii_overheats_and_shuts_down_cinema/ I understand that no one should buy a sony smartphone, and very few people will (thankfully), but I am curious to see what sony have said about it (if anything) before the release of the phone, seeing as this feature was touted as a distinguishing feature of the phone. Of course, it won't stop youtubers from recommending it either (see above). It is only a curious case because sony are basically non-existent in the smartphone game, but intriguing nonetheless as a case study in marketing and the tremendous work Andrew has done in pushing back against the Canon narrative (which otherwise might have been accepted and the issues washed over like in the case of this phone). In hindsight it is easy to say that this overheating issue would have been brought to the fore, but you will recall the first video from DPReview on the r6 where it was basically said that it was a non-issue. Their tune only changed after Andrew pushed the issue.
  9. these arbitrary limitations do my head in. And they wonder why the industry is dying off. If the hardware can do it - just add it. If you want an entry-level camera cut costs on evf, weather resistant, etc and let consumers decide if they need these hardware options. Don't mess around with this kind of stuff.
  10. No big deal as all who get will use for vlogs and online content.
  11. Might wait and see how the new pixel 5 turns out. They bump the clarity up in their photos but the portrait modes look the best imo. Unfortunately, I don't think Huawei is a viable option these days. I can't have a phone that fights me when there are so many good options out there.
  12. Of course 422 is preferred. But so long as you can use clog2 with the internal codec there is no issue with the dynamic range. The benefit of the 8 bit is that it is so much easier on the computer.
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