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Everything posted by greenscreen

  1. The PDAF sensors are horizontally oriented. They work all the same. In real life you have to try hard to make it fail.
  2. Better late than never and it was high time that Panasonic had recognized this.
  3. They could have launched it earlier. A bit late to the party in 2025.
  4. Sam O'Steen was a great collaborator of Roman Polanski. Mike Nichols too. A curious note, he is the man on bus in The Graduate.
  5. Great hard work there! Sounds B&W deserves much more talents to only make B&W films today. Good bet!
  6. I agree. Looked to me a very interesting concept... Seems they've abandoned it. Have you used one?
  7. There isn't any confusion at all involved because math isn't applied. Perception doesn't need to be less scientific than math.
  8. In the field with small crews, size matters.
  9. 3/4 years ago I almost bite this one here: https://nikonrumors.com/2018/06/30/this-camera-and-lens-collection-contains-1750-pieces-and-can-be-yours-for-65000.aspx/
  10. Useful training program certification. I can only recommend.
  11. I meant the aforementioned Sigma 18-35/1.8. And that link with the FF coverage for a part of its range. So, no idea if wide open too?
  12. Proprietary lens mounts don't meet my wishful list. By contrast, that Sigma is a foregone conclusion. Covers FF for video but wide open?
  13. A bargain dead on. What FF range do they cover after all?
  14. Looks like gamers can bring the revolution to the creative industry so far.
  15. Because Resolve power is based on GPU but there isn't only one NLE on earth, isn't it? 😉
  16. Prores is Apple's so optimized for their hardware and software. I'd give M1 a chance. It will be the only one to process H.265 footage smoothly whereas AMD and Intel fail for now.
  17. Yes, proxies are the best option. Output resolution isn't important. You can have whatever you want.
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