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Everything posted by Mokara
Doubt it. It is likely fixed in hardware.
So? Unemployment rates in many European countries are at the same level. It has nothing to do with Trump's policies. Economic performance in the US has steadily improved from the Republican's 2008 economic crash, and that has been due to Obama's economic polices. Trump has been claiming credit for what Obama did. US performance right now is a result of the Obama years, not Trump's policies. It usually takes a considerable length of time for a particular president's policies to start manifesting itself on the economy, normally you have to wait 4 -8 years for that to happen. For example, the economy was great during Clinton's tenure, but really it was mostly due to pragmatic decisions Bush Senior made, although he never got credit for it and got voted out of office before his policies started to yield results.
Most of it stems from arrogance and the assumption that the US way of life is better than everything else, something they are not shy about saying. If you live in another country obviously this is not going to go down well. Attempts to impose US authority and jurisdiction in other countries is also not well received for obvious reasons. If some other country did the same thing to the US there would be an almighty outcry in America. Why do Americans think foreign countries would react in a different way?
That is not what I mean. Having attention showered on you and using something are completely different. He "knows" that a camera will provide a wider audience to his theatrics, but how it is actually used or how it works he is probably clueless. I doubt he has ever taken a photo in his life. People like him are like that, they are used to other people doing everything while they swan around like lords. He epitomizes what it means to be elite and he basks in that. I have never understood why blue collar folk idolize him when he represents the very things they despise. Are they really that stupid? I guess Hillary was right, and half of them really are a basket of deplorables who will fall for any conman who tells them what they want to hear. He is entitled to his opinion, just like anyone else. If people want conformational bias then they would only watch commentators who generally conform to their expectations. For a well rounded objective view however you should listen to a wide range of commentary. You might not agree with everything people have to say, but sometimes the truth is not always what one wants to hear, and even if an opinion is counter to one's own, the internal argument in your mind does strengthen and test your own rationale. Refusal to hear an opposing opinion leads to much of the negative behaviours we see on the web IMO. You can see some of that in a few of the posts here, where some of the counterpoints are about his appearance, manners and such, not what he is actually talking about. Is that the best counter argument that those folk can come up with? it makes one wonder
*Some* of them do. There are two types of engineers, those called "engineers" and those who are professionals. A lot of people have "engineer" as part of their job title when they are not actually engineers professionally (they are really technicians, which is at the bottom of the food chain when it comes to pay). Real engineers get paid considerably more than technical service people. Sort of like how blue collar people are called "middle class", when the actual middle class are professionals and wealthy merchants, such as lawyers, bankers and entrepreneurs (basically anyone with the resources of nobility but not of noble birth). Or physicians being called "doctors" when they are nothing of the sort (real doctors are people who have a PhD degree, which is an old qualification that existed hundreds of years before physicians began calling themselves doctors) and are not academically entitled to the honorific. You don't need to incur massive student loan debt. A lot of it depends on the choices you make when going to school and the level of costs you assume doing so. Also, most of the people who generate huge student debt that they can't easily repay are folk who have studied things that do not translate readily into marketable skills, such as liberal arts and such. Or they have gone to snob schools on the belief that alone will get them in the door when it comes to finding a job (which mostly does not happen - capable students can go to any school and their overall prospects remain the same). They are "educated", but that education is not worth anything, so when it comes to repaying the cost of that education they do not have the means to do it.
Then they need to move their design studios to countries with less egregious overreach. In any case, unless they are actually actively getting materials from the US it would not matter. Once technology has left the US, it no longer has jurisdiction. The only thing the US can do is prohibit further export, something easily rectified by relocating the design studios to the UK or some other European country. Frankly, I don't know why any European company would allow any sort of development to happen in the US for this very reason.
That is basically what manufacturers say for OS updates that fix minor parts of code to increase efficiency and reduce the chance of hangups. Playmemory functionality will not be removed however, since some of those cameras were sold with that functionality in place and people have payed money to Sony for applets in those cameras. Having some undocumented removal of that functionality would likely get them into trouble. Your hacks might not work anymore however, since they may access parts of the OS that have been changed.
Actually, the earth itself probably has more of those metals than asteroids do, but it just can't be accessed in an economic way, either because it is too deep or it is too disperse. The same thing applies to asteroids. They might have high concentrations of specific metals, but unless there has been some enrichment process (on earth this happens through volcanism and related processes primarily - processes which don't happen on asteroids, hence no enrichment) it will not be feasible to mine it, even if you could get there and back. Carl Sagan had great dreams, but fuel costs money, and if the cost of fuel vastly exceeds to cost of whatever metal you want, then it is not worth it to go there. It makes far more sense to mine it here and use conservation/recycling when necessary. Stuff might at some point be mined on asteroids, but those activities primarily would be to make whatever community lived there relatively self sufficient for bulk materials (again, because of the fuel costs for shipping resources to those places from other locations in the solar system)
It is an absurd idea. The cost of maintaining someone is space is enormous compared to maintaining them in a place like Earth. Not cost in money (which would be a lot anyway, but that is not the main impediment) but the cost in resources. It is comparable to the notion that people who are sent to work on oil rigs and then subsequently lose their jobs would just be left there to form a homeless community on the oil rig. That would just not happen. It is a thing in science fiction. Unfortunately the energy costs in getting to space, then out to something like an asteroid, then back again is enormous and would simply be uneconomical. Lifting even something small, such as a satellite, into orbit costs tens of millions of dollars just for the fuel. It requires even more to leave earth orbit. Then there is the question of getting back, and that is a lot harder than going out. Anything like that is not going to be cheap, and it will be cheaper to just mine that stuff of earth.
You will not have people like that in space, because it is too expensive and consumes too many resources. This idea of floating slums drifting around space is absurd. It would be cheaper to ship those underclass folk back to earth and release them into the wilds of the prairies to fend for themselves without the huge overhead it would require in space. The people who would live in space environments would be very educated and skilled, they would have to be to survive.
There was also poor deployment of troops. Why position most of your best troops between the enemy army and your castle walls? That is just begging for them to be broken up and massacred. They had no forward defensive positions at all! The attacking force was no better. The had no siege weapons. There were no trebuchets or siege towers, or even ladders.....how on earth did they expect to get into the city. Not to mention they camped their army right under the city walls, where they would have been in range of the cities artillery.....what a bunch of idiots. Considering that Cersei had greater forces at her disposal, and Daenerys had a dragon, what on earth possessed her to adopt a strategy of concentrating her forces in a small area and hunkering down in the city? Her forces should have ventured out and taken the strategic positions at places like the twins, followed by proactive attacks on the weakened northern armies as soon as they could reach them. By doing what she did she gave up all ground to the enemy, which could then be used for resupply and replenishment of fighting men as local lords see who is occupying their lands and switch sides. They just had to wait her out and she would be guaranteed to lose. You don't win by retreating to your bunker. That is just a bonkers strategy considering that she had superior numbers of fresh troops at the start of the episode.
The issue I have with Expanse is that it is not realistic about how life in space would be. It depicts a vast underclass of exploited low class ignorant people as being the population of these off Earth settlements when in reality these sorts of communities would be the exact opposite because of the level of technology needed to survive. Colonies on other planets are not going to be populated by a bunch of homeless people, it is ridiculous. It is far more likely that the reverse would happen, off world settlements would be elites while what was left over will remain on earth (precisely because they are largely useless). The dragon also came out of the sun, which is the correct tactic to use when attacking from the air, because it blinds whoever is firing back. As for the rest of the ballista, those sorts of weapons were very accurate but they took time to aim. While they might be able to rotate relatively quickly, elevation would be much more of a problem. They would be virtually useless against a moving target except through sheer luck.
Actually, she wanted to do that in Mereen as well, but her advisors stopped her. If she had made the statement she wanted to make, she would not have had all of the trouble with the Sons of the Harpy afterward. What she should have done is made an example of the elite (which is what she wanted to do) and put the fear of god into them. Instead, she listen to Tyrion and tried to accommodate and co-opt them, which they saw as weakness and an opening to be exploited. Which is precisely what they did. You cannot be kind to your enemies until they KNOW they have been crushed. Otherwise they see your grace as a second shot at power. Then you have to put them down even more harshly, making the point you should have made in the first place.
It has nothing to do with politics. It is just how business operates in China and Japan at the moment. If you do business in either of those countries, you ignore the local culture at your peril, you will make life much more difficult for yourself if you do. Whenever you deal with offshore suppliers you need to understand how things work there, and what you need to do to manage the relationship in a constructive way. Just assuming that everything will be the way you would do it and when you want it is going to lead to you getting burned. That is not to say that things can't be different, but until there is some fundamental change in the philosophy in those countries, things will be as they are now perceived. Good and poor quality in manufacturing do not happen in isolation, they reflect the current priorities within those societies in general.
Probably the free version of Resolve did not support H.265 at the time when he was using it. Likely because licensing the codec is not free.
The difference is QC. Items made for the foreign market often have high QC standards imposed by the foreign company ordering components (they may return the product if it fails, so make sure it does not fail). If you buy the same item locally, well, short cuts may have been made and you are just not told about it. No doubt that will change over time, but right now that is how it is in China. The consequences for poor QC locally are not that great, but are significant in foreign markets with high expectations, so you may see a range in reliability even with things that are superficially the same depending on where exactly you buy the product. There is a difference between how things are done in Japan and China, and it is largely due to local culture. In Japan there is an extreme expectation for quality, especially when it comes to appearances, and their industry is shaped around that. This is a double edged sword, and while QC may be excellent, it can lead to tunnel vision with respect to deeper problems. In China it is more a case of making things as cheaply as possible because competition is so fierce. Protections for things like IP are weak and sporadically (if at all) enforced, so you can't rely on that to keep the competition at bay. The only thing that works is to reduce costs as much as possible, and with that comes cutting corners and a lower level of QC. Until such time as China gets proper regulatory mechanisms in place, and actually enforces them, that is not going to change. This is a quote from a response to Andrew, but the board does not like editing it seems. Anyway, Trump, the problem with him as a "businessman" is that he is not really, not when it comes to manufacturing. He is a real estate developer (other people actually do the building, he contracts them to do it while he finds suckers, err, customers, to buy the resultant units) and a "brand" salesman. That is how he makes his money. He knows absolutely nothing about manufacturing. The "business" people around him in cabinet for the most part don't know either, they are largely from the financial services sector. When these people talk about manufacturing and global supply chains, they are mostly talking out their ass, they have no practical experience.