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Posts posted by Snowbro

  1. On 2/3/2019 at 10:04 AM, Mako Sports said:

    Only reason I can think would be to match to an A7sii that said person might already own. The A7iii does have a different color science sooc. 

    Evert sony camera has a different color science. It's like trying to match different shades of puke yellow or green skin tones ?

  2. I think if the eos r came out in 2016, it would be fine at its price or a little higher. I just have a problem with its performance at the current price point. It just is very annoying that they didn't release a true pro body yet;  it sounds like they won't until mid to late 2020, two years after the eos r release... 

  3. 1 hour ago, padam said:

    Moaning is always the easiest thing. That rolling shutter is probably measured for FF stills, it is around 30ms for 4k, quite close to the 1DC which is of course quite severe, but if I search around for 1DC footage, I don't see it looking like crap, the opposite. And it uses 8-bit 4:2:2 MJPEG, which is very far from Prores RAW (which is what the 1DXII also uses without Log btw, can't wait to see someone doing a dynamic range comparison on that)

    This is not destined to be an A-cam, it has its limitations but it's looking like an even better B-cam for the C200 now. Yes, they will release a much better video-stills camera with probably a similar sensor to the 1DXIII (I guess around 24MP and 1.5x 4k60p crop, I would forget about FF but we'll see), but it will be bloody expensive.

    It well and truly buries 4k ML raw in the 5D III for good, that's really not bad at all for around 1500$ grey market plus the cost of the recorder (after reselling the kit lens, which is also rather decent).

    Personally, I just use the 1.8x(1.9x with IS) cropped 1080p internal recording on the R (sometimes in FF, but the crop is downsampled, so not really degraded with electronic IS), and for now, it is perfectly fine for my needs, and I don't move the camera around like crazy.

    I liked how the 6D Mark II looked in comparison to the A7s, but it was very soft, and now I am fine with cropping in (and with more rs, similar to the A7s) for fixing that, but still have pleasant looking 1080p footage (with AF, although I think I still like MF better, after using it for long).

    No, it has extremely bad rolling shutter in video. You really want to go all the way back to 2012? ?. Anyway, it sounds like you probably shouldn't stop at a 1.8x crop, hopefully canon will release a locked 8x crop for you one day! Btw, I owned the 1dx ii and eos r; I think the 1080p in the eos r looks very good, just not in 60p, it looks terrible in 60. 

  4. I always wanted 1.8x crop raw on a $800 extra (with battery) that adds an extra pound with (as Andrew says) wobbly hdmi cable. The 70ms RS is the icing on the cake! I know some of you say that you only care to shoot 1080p, that's great, in 2012-2018 maybe, but it's 2019! I can see a big difference even on my phone, when it recorded in 4k and playing in 1440p. TV's are also much bigger, not to mention 4K UST projectors are getting quite cheap and I have seen many people set those up now (120" + screen at 7" from wall). 

    I can see the appeal of raw, but I personally would rather just have 10-bit internal 4k with low RS and low to no crop. I would take that anyday over external raw on what I mentioned above. It will come in time and we might even see an R body within a year, that lacks the drawbacks. Raw on the eos r would be much more attractive, with low RS and crop. Thats why I feel they might actually do it, that addition won't threaten their segmentation of the C line; I can see them omitting 1080p from the raw, just like they did with the current 10-bit external to protect the c100 lol. 

  5. 39 minutes ago, Mako Sports said:

    IBIS ✔️

    FF 4k ✔️

    10-bit internal ✔️

    120p 1080p ✔️

    4K 60p ✔️

    In a mirrorless body under $4,000 ✔️


    Well the Panasonic S1 has ALL of those requirements and ships in less than a week....

    They forgot to add autofocus though

    2 hours ago, Mattias Burling said:

    Another question is when will any camera manufacturer give you those specs?

    Probably not for a long time. And when they do it's probably some h.265 crap. It sounds like it's time to graduate from messing with stills cameras and getting a real video camera. Won't be FF though.

    I would assume the A7SIII will be the first. 

    Would you mountain bike with a cinema camera in your backpack? 

  6. Not doing any side jobs until late summer/fall. I just have been using this S10+ for personal, been surprised at how good it looks. Actually records in 10-bit hdr, which I can convert to HLG. Its much lighter than carrying the 1DX on my back biking haha. 

  7. 14 minutes ago, webrunner5 said:

     Hell I am blocked on the Sony Forum on DPR and I am a Sony fan LoL. DPR is a TOTAL waste of time. Totally irrelevant. Just a bunch of pissed off stupid people on there. 90% of them don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. But when I was 17 I probably didn't either.

    The DNC?

  8. 3 hours ago, sanveer said:

    Also, apparently, the bitrate isn't very high. I hope Samsung allow for a few bitrate options as well as complete manual control over video. 

    Yeah, it doesn't take up much space, which I actually realized I prefer on a phone for vacation. I didnt see the video fall apart anywhere & it looked very good. 

    I will post some samples when I get time. I heard you can convert it to HLG for YT, but I'll have to look into that. 

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