that book is the best you can get, it have a lot of technical info about screen, rooms, color gamut, profiles, ambient, hardware and more to set up a pro color grading workspace and how to work with it.
the theorical info is really nice too, so for start in color is the best way to go.
but, this book is aimed for multiple software, that its not bad. but i suggest you to buy this book, and then get an online courses for your software from scratch.
if you go for davinci, check it out too for the manual, and certificed online training centers.
then, i suggest to visit the liftgamagrain forum, and facebook colorist group to get fast answers to your questions.
reverse eingenieer is a good practice if you want to training your eyes and skills.
Do color grading to random shots, and then save and look in weeks- months after to see how your color knowledge has been grown and your "clinical eye" start to get more
that are my advice to get into color grading, sorry for my english too, hope it was useful info for you.