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Everything posted by CyclingBen

  1. Here is the exact opposite of a race track... Eterna 400DR
  2. @androidlad no, there really isn’t a reason to unless shooting F-Log.
  3. Here are some samples that I've been able to take in my limited amount of time at home the last few days. All shot with the 18-55mm. Most of it is in 4k h.265 10 bit the rest is 120fps 10 bit. I did do a touchscreen focus test as requested. I also made sure to put in some annoying stock music ?
  4. GFX 100s has 10 bit 4K at 24 and 30fps. No word on slo-mo or 60fps in 1080. The Panasonic cameras look great and with Leica also announcing a 4k medium format camera with 4K 30fps in L Mount puts Panasonic/Leica and Fuji in the driver seat for the next format war. 2019 is going to be the friendly matches between these 2 (3?) to prove the bodies are good enough and 2020 will be when the real matches begin with all of that great glass coming out.
  5. @DBounce Looks really nice, thanks for doing your initial review. I only have one complaint, your background music sounds like the opening chords to "I want it that way" by the backstreet boys and now I have that horrid song in my head. I tried doing some editing last night on my 2015 MacBook Pro in the latest version of Final Cut Pro X and editing the 10bit h.265 was a terrible experience. I didn't have my SSD array connected and just used the onboard hard drive so I couldn't create proxies. Definitely going to have to use the big rig to edit footage from this little tyrant of a camera.
  6. Sorry sorry sorry sorry In my last post I missed a key bit of information. The 27mm pancake lens continuous auto focus is improved but still not good enough for video. The other lenses I tried in my quick hour with camera yesterday and this morning (35mm, 18-55, 18-135 and 55-200) are all improved from the X-T2 and X-H1 and have pretty smooth transitions without changing any of the sensitivity settings. Sorry for the confusion. @Brian Williams is absolutely correct I was only referring to the 27mm pancake lens On another note I shot some footage in 24p 4k and 120p this morning of some ducks on a lake at sunrise with the 18-55. The 120p looks very nice. Here is a quick snap from VLC player, hopefully it does it justice.
  7. The FedEx gods dropped one of these off today, finally. To answer a few questions, yes the 120p is 10 bit. For some reason Fuji still has it auto set the shutter to 125 instead of 240...still don’t know why they can’t follow the frame rate / shutter rule. Eye-Fi is blisteringly fast for tracking my crawling/walking daughter around the house and back yard, touch screen tracking is “meh”. Focus with the 18-55, 35 and 27 is much faster and the 27 pancake hunts much less than on the X-T2 and X-H1. Still not good enough to have smooth focus for video, but a big improvement for photo. Zebras are really accurate and the focus peaking seems to be easier to see (might be the slightly improved LCD and EVF) for manually focusing.
  8. Wow. That looks markedly better than th X-T2 and X-H1. Used Prices on those are going to go through the cellar. Can’t wait to play around with this is the Faroe Islands.
  9. So after ordering from B&H and Adorama at 12:01 on preorder date, no camera for this guy. I’ll have both by the 25th according to the tracking. What a waste, should have just ordered through a local store like usual (got an A7iii at 10am on release date).
  10. Yom Kippur. B & H andAdorama don’t do any business on that day...
  11. Compared to the GH5 it’s maybe 5% to 10% better, really just a little smoother. Compared to the 85’s it’s about 25% better with vintage lenses from my limited testing. Way less jumpy and it looks more like you have a crappy gimbal vs having a non-fluid tripod head like on the GX85. I haven’t used the G85 very much, but it’s IBIS was similar (very good) to the GX85. The additional advantages like the EVF and Olympus colors make it an easy winner over the GX85s poor EVF and overall lackluster colors and charm. It’s a frustratingly nice camera. If Olympus could add some firmware updates, it could be a THE pocketable video camera to use with compact and vintage lenses.
  12. My initial thoughts. Good: The stabilization is fantastic and is only a hair worse than the EM1-Mark II Video quality is actually pretty good and on par with the GX85 and G85 in 4K. Rolling shutter is better than the X-T2, X-H1 and Sony A7III Colors are really nice straight out of the camera if you're in Natural or Muted. All of the others are way too saturated. Not so good: On the camera PASM dial you cannot shoot 4K in any mode but Movie, and there is a splash screen you have to press 'OK' on before shooting The controls aren't customizable: ISO can only be changed by touchscreen once shooting Peaking has to be turned on each time you turn the camera on and has to be set to either the Fn1 or Fn2 button No way to check focus by digitally zooming once shooting, you can zoom in before and start recording but you cannot zoom in or out Focus peaking is no where near the EM-1 II or even EM-5 II and is behind Sony and way behind Fuji and Canon Besides those few annoyances, it's a fun camera to shoot with and I can see us using it as a C camera to get some interesting shots at events and different angles for interviews. Personally, this will be a great camera to take to a kids sporting event and get some really nice stabilized video on the compact vintage zoom lenses and not have a bunch of parents asking me to get their kid in a video or photo because it doesn't look professional. It will also be great to take cycling and get some nice shots of our team during practice and races.
  13. Here is a quick one I shot this morning using a super takumar wide open in 4K https://fast.wistia.net/embed/iframe/uhffetongo?videoFoam=true
  14. It was shot in 4K and exported in 1080. I agree it’s pretty soft, I think that is due to the lens. Wistia is what we use for all our online video and it works awesome and doesn’t do any funky compression. I’ll do some more testing today and try a different lens and export in 4K instead of 1080.
  15. Hi all, I got my hands on an Olympus Em10 Mark III based on Andrew's excitement for it, and will do a couple of tests over the next couple of days... here is the first one. I used a Yashica 50mm lens from Japan and just did a quick test before bed. https://fast.wistia.net/embed/iframe/u8a1125vop?videoFoam=true Enjoy
  16. The lighting in all of the videos is spot on. I wish I had the eye you did for lighting. I re-watched a music video I did in 2014 I thought was my best lighting job, looks like amateur hour compared to yours. Besides lighting, the whole creative / art direction is spectacular.
  17. I want a T-shirt with “pop tart trash” on it. Great phrase
  18. @Brian Williams As sad as it is in 2018, you’re right. That footage could have come from and NX1 that is still top of the line 4 years later, but it could have also come from and X-T3 after only being out in the wild for a month. I think the NX1 is awesome, but it may finally have found a worthy successor or at least equal in the X-T3. This is a good thing! If you have an NX1, you are still at the top (which you already knew), if you want an NX1 but want a currently supported version, the X-T3 looks to be it. I have no horse in the game except for a lot of Fuji feed (glass), so I’m hoping the NX1 is finally matched, because, the footage of that camera was incredible.
  19. @Andrew Reid I agree. Based on the footage shown so far it has finally caught up with the NX1 in terms of codec and overall performance. Fuji is still in the camera business and Samsung isn’t, so I would call this the NX1 successor. With the amount of support Fuji puts behind cameras and their lens fab capabilities this and the X-H2 could finally dethrone Samsung after ~4 years. in the next 3 months we will know for sure if this is a contender or pretender. My bet is on contender.
  20. @IronFilm the cider isn’t that strong, clocks in at 6.8% it’s made from zester apples. I will gladly come to NZ, maybe we can get Red Bull to sponsor it for their Red Bull TV documentary series. Perfect night for cycling last night here too:
  21. We need to collaborate on a Fuji / Cycling film. I'll bring some Upper Michigan cider that will knock your socks off.
  22. Looks like Canon is hiring YouTube reviewers ?
  23. Looks like people are searching for the EM-10 III since @Andrew Reid mentioned it here. On eBay one of the listings I was checking out yesterday afternoon had 500 views. This morning, about 14 hours later, it has over 3 thousand views. Is that all from Andrew? Probably not, but I'm sure some of it is.
  24. I found the detail and the lowlight were just as good (maybe better) as the E-M1 ii. I had originally bought that little beast for travel photo and didn't need another video camera so I sent it back, but almost every time I go to ebay or adorama I check to see what the price is, it would make a great take every where spontaneous video shooter and I wouldn't be crushed if I lost it or it got damaged.
  25. Fuji needs to update the firmware on this lens, it's simply too fast for video. The 35mm is a great lens for photography and great for manual focus in video. They just need to give the 35mm the same autofocus video code as the XF zooms.
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