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Mako Sports

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Everything posted by Mako Sports

  1. If I wanted the m43 field of view and had a decent size budget id skip a m43 camera and just shooter super 16mm
  2. C200 just got a big price drop - $1,000 off for both Body + EVF and Body alone C300mkii gets another $500 off
  3. The dancer was sick but this was kinda of a silly test. The better AC was like neck and neck with the DPAF. I think if you put in a 10+ year AC vet or a Pro Sports Camera man they would exceed any autofocus system. It really comes down to the skill of the AC, not to mention most legit video lenses don't have AF motors.
  4. I'll be suprised if the pre amps are better than a7sii
  5. Kinda apples to oranges though.. C300mkii is really a run n gun doc video cam that can also do filmy stuff. (Smaller, lighter, easier to use, autofocus) Ursa is a cine cam needs a good bit of rigging to work like a C series cam for run and gun work. (Literally a poormans Alexa, better DR, shit in lowlight, no autofocus, heavier and larger.)
  6. Jango buying a Sony, never thought id see the day ?
  7. Its 12 bit prores raw. I dont think there are any cameras on the market under $20k excluding the RED cams and Sony Cine Alta F5 that do 14 bit raw video.
  8. i'm about to buy a Panasonic CX 350 from 6ave, i'll let ya know how it goes lol
  9. Add weight to your rig and learn how to properly hold the camera to get stable footage..
  10. Really cool from smallrig you can build a rig from parts on their website in a 3D space also in real time. A good way to visual any of your future rigs or if you plan to add/build on what you already have. https://3d.smallrig.com/
  11. Im at a point where after some use I can tell if a cam or accessory isn't right for me. Ive had the a6300 for 3 years and the Z90 for a year and half. It depends on what you do, on a cinema set yeah 12 hours is a full of day a shooting. A pro or high school sporting event is around 2.5 hours, very different operational situations. With my thoughts so far its a Super 35 ilc Z90 with worse autofocus however it has awsome dynamic range, a class leading ND filter, and quiet xlr preamps. Gonna try to get $3,000 for it b4 the price drops again.
  12. This popped up on my feed, don't think it needs its own thread but C200 vs A6400 AF test The test was v close and I was most surprised at how similar the colors were.
  13. Last time I checked vanilla ice cream is the best ?
  14. okay looks like the social media guy I report posted my footage - Everything that's ground level was shot by me with the FS5. This was a big game for our team, have had a rough year and the head coach was fired a week before this game. So this was our biggest win of the season.
  15. Yeah I saw it on eBay $3.7K is hellllllaaa interesting for an EVA 1. Imo its the best all around Super 35 video camera on the market, atleast until you hit the real cinema cameras. If I owned EF glass this would be a cop forsure https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F192558967339
  16. Fair statement for just about amy camera, but you'd be a fool to say it was worth its initial launch price of $2,000. $1200 fits that camera a lot better, even though I think its a $950 camera at its core..
  17. Possibly so far I've shot 3 product reviews, 1.5 lacrosse games, and a pro soccer game with it. That's already 6 - 7 hours behind the camera not including time spent testing picture profiles.
  18. I will link up some soccer footage from my game the other day. Not really feeling the FS5 though, considering the Panasonic AG CX-350 atm. Funny how quickly I started missing having that built in lens. 1 inch sensor with a 24mm - 490mm lens sounds perfect not to mention 10 bit 4K 60 etc
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