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Mako Sports

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Everything posted by Mako Sports

  1. I actually have a 1510. I kinda hate is how heavy and bulky it is.
  2. Looking for bag recommendations from those of you that run 2 cameras + other gear. I have an FS5 + A7iii inside of a cage for bodies 24 - 105 + 100 - 400 and sometimes an 85 1.8 for lenses. 1 wireless lav set, 1 xlr based shotgun mic, 1 rode videomicro, and a set of headphones for audio extra batteries, cables, SD cards and a 5'' external monitor. My main bag is the Tenba Cinelux 16 and its to tight for all this. Also it would be nice to have a slot for a laptop when I have to fly out for gigs or have to edit on location.
  3. Thats a damn shame, I was rooting for Apple. They are happy as it wont devalue their expensive purchases.
  4. Inspire 2 with Zenmuse X7, possibly the best drone video ive ever seen.
  5. They removed it, I don't think they were supposed to release it this early.
  6. The 50 1.8 sucks, best option is the Zeiss 55mm f1.8. I dont think the 50 1.4 is worth it: larger, heavier, more expensive, and who shoots video at F1.4?
  7. $2500 https://www.adorama.com/caran.html I was watching that 70s show - excuse the little black box ?
  8. I think Tungsten lights still look better on skin more than the modern LED stuff outside of high-end options like Kinoflow and Digital Sputnik. Also the Tungsten stuff is supposed to be more color accurate iirc.
  9. Sony UWP D21/D11 probably the best prosumer system. Sennheiser G4 if your okay with an analog only system.
  10. yes you can adjust the strength. im using it in resolve rn, just gotta look at the setup guide for it.
  11. Used for the 1st time last week, its actually kinda amazing.
  12. Halloween Special for $9, I believe it ends in early November. https://accusonus.com/products/audio-repair/era-voice-leveler Working great in Resolve 16 Video on how it works -
  13. I bet you $50 your gonna buy the new 1DX ?
  14. S1H makes the Netflix list https://***URL removed***/news/3780680406/netflix-approves-panasonic-s1h-production-making-it-smallest-only-stills-video-camera
  15. Ending of an era. He has billions in the bank so I'm sure he will be fine.
  16. Retires and shuts down the hydrogen project. https://www.newsshooter.com/2019/10/25/reds-jim-jannard-retires-shuts-down-hydrogen/ Sounds like bs, all of the bad press as of recent is far to much stress for a 70 yo man. Once they loose the raw patent it should only take a handful of years before they officially close their doors. Its what they get for years of shadow business practices and being the big bad bully.
  17. looks better than I thought it would, Slog 2 can be a bitch to work with.
  18. Definitely $6000 or more, outside of no built in NDs and XLRs - kinda makes the C200 irrelevant.
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