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Vladimir rectilux hardcore

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About Vladimir rectilux hardcore

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  1. kowa 16h 2x anamorphic oks lomo 50mm for canon Full Frame with full metal jacket and Rapido FVD-35A + OKS LOMO 1-50-6 f2 +lens support + nano - camera not including Aperture start fr f2 5400$ via paypal or bank card Shots below on f2 https://yadi.sk/d/ig8P8orRN0jyIA?w=1
  2. new lens Samyang 135mm f/2 ED UMC Canon EF with isco ultra star red. ATTENTION!!!! works only from 1.5m-4.5m or u need change synchronization point for far/near distance front filter 77mm for close up or NDx / mount for Canon EOS lens clear no problem no dust in best conditions my test of this lens on real wedding https://yadi.sk/d/cyiwDWj03XaQhy/01 - Камера Isco x1-75 finish video PRICE for all parts 2000$ PayPal i have VID_20180723_163818.3gp
  3. 900$ via PayPal Back clamp 72 mm for fastening of lenses and to threshing barns (a lens I sell separately 200$/85mm Samyang) The ideal decision for use of a single of focus, all options will approach POOLi FOCUS MODULE v2 Rectilux HardcoreDNA SLR Magic Rangefinder - Single Focus for Anamorphic FM lens Ready set up it was necessary only to fasten a single focus. I have flown down ideally without scratches, it is externally painted. The best option from all possible, beats with Isco ultra-star patches of light (Isco doesn't have them) and sharpnesses. not to mention kowa-16h. + a forward part doesn't rotate and the single focus will keep more reliably. Also he will be in dense to anamorphote lenses because there is no trunk on a nose. compression 2x - the most cine and all darling My tests of this lens https://cloud.mail.ru/public/Bddt/3TxFc7Zr1 a https://yadi.sk/d/R7o3mpb43NSMce/1 - Камера Anamorphic 2x Rect_Up85mm
  4. Vintage Lenses adapter for ost-18 to canon eos and other for PL GH5 11-35-1 ost-18 mount Lomo Oks 1-50-1 ost-18 mount Lomo Oks 1-50-6 ost-18 mount Lomo Oks 6-75-1 m42 mount Lomo Oks 1-75-1 m42 mount Lomo Oks 1-135-1 m39 mount Lomo Oks 4-28-1 ost-18 mount Lomo Oks 85mm f/1.5 Helios-40-2C mount canon eos ro3-3m ost-18 mount Lomo
  5. Lens clean - no problem . mechanics is good Like new! Price 1900$ Conditions https://yadi.sk/d/DrSzT2kg3Xxfav My test this lens https://yadi.sk/d/cyiwDWj03XaQhy/02 - Камера La7200 x1-33 Widescreen Recording When attached to the AG-DVX100 or the AG-DVC80 the lens adapter will allow for the highest quality 16:9 aspect ratio recording. Higher quality than even the in-camera LETTERBOX or DIGITAL SQUEEZE functions. The converter compresses the horizontal aspect of the image fitting a greater width view onto the CCDs. When viewed on a conventional 4:3 monitor, the image will appear stretched vertically. When viewed on a 16:9 monitor, the image will be a true widescreen picture. And i have Lomo Oks for sale Vintage Lenses adapter for ost-18 to canon eos and other for PL GH5 11-35-1 ost-18 mount Lomo Oks 1-50-1 ost-18 mount Lomo Oks 1-50-6 ost-18 mount Lomo Oks 6-75-1 m42 mount Lomo Oks 1-75-1 m42 mount Lomo Oks 1-135-1 m39 mount Lomo Oks 4-28-1 ost-18 mount Lomo Oks 85mm f/1.5 Helios-40-2C mount canon eos ro3-3m ost-18 mount Lomo
  6. for sale- cinelux anamorphic and lens not including Lens clean - no problem . mechanics is good Rectilux Hardcore DNA is very hard to get. Has built-in clamp. new (allows to focus just on the rectilux ring, no need for double focusing). Conditions https://yadi.sk/d/HI9TiOrO3XtEeW My test this lens https://cloud.mail.ru/public/Bddt/3TxFc7Zr1 https://vimeo.com/259870767 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/8wSz/u2iSto9QD https://vimeo.com/261621639 https://vimeo.com/258115961 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCtL3Q0_Vjo https://yadi.sk/d/R7o3mpb43NSMce/1 - Камера Anamorphic 2x Rect_Up85mm VID_20180614_184339.3gp
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