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About smokegrafix

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  • My cameras and kit
    Canon eos 5d mark 3, Canon 24-70 f2.8 L II, Sigma 85mm f1.4 Art, Sigma 12-24mm f4 Art

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  1. I was really surprised that how everyone reacts for my listing. And just fot that high price.even i never asked anyone to buy.. Lol. For just information there is a country where people make their own gods with stones and then pray and they also pray cows and drink cow pee. And they have many weird comic type gods but noone cares. But here i see that too many ass burnings for just one post. You can criticize in other way. Not the way that i did some crime or i killed someone or i punished the cow pee drinkers and worshippers. Its just ebay. Where everyone seels their own way. Listing anything at any price is not a crime. Noone simply buy. That's it. And buyers who spend that much are too much smart they do lot of homework before buying anything. I dont think that this community belongs to all dum ass people. Its a professional community so be professional. Simply critize like a pro if you are, that i really don't think so. Here everyone is selling their gears. Whatever their list price is. Its upto them... Cheers.
  2. If you are able to file a cyber crime. Then please file.. Your mother fcuking language is not everyone's native language. I thought it would be 80 to 90 bucks according to your smile. But again you are even not able to think about buying at that low price.
  3. Interesting replies from everyone. Well honestly i am not selling a pirce of printed comic book or a star wars pocket plastic figure or a old play card and demanding millions. Well everyone on ebay have the full right to list anything on their own price. And ebay dont force anyone to must buy. Its upto the buyer who always search for the cheapest price plus shipping. I request everyone that you can get this lens cheaper if you or anyone of you have managed to found it or ever sold it before on ebay then please share so i will list it according to that price. If that was too common then they must be sold in hundreds on ebay like other lenses.. Yes thats true i am trying to promote. And trying to tell everyone that there is a lens which is not common at all. Hope to see some ebay sold listing so i will adjust my price. Don't worry noone will force anyone to buy this or anything on ebay He is giving free shipping. Check this out. If anyone interested to buy. http://Look at this on eBay https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F163050221483 http://Look at this on eBay https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F163044318920
  4. Hi, i was just searching for rarest lenses, and i found that. its interesting to see. check the link. and if anyone have some info then share here.. it looks like a beast, and great lens for collectors, https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RAREST-PROTOTYPE-LENS-ON-EARTH-1959-CANON-45-200-mm-F2-8-C35-LENS-HOLY-GRAIL-/163039120661
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