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Posts posted by seanzzxx

  1. 5 minutes ago, Nikkor said:

    That's what they get paid for. Obviously when you buy their cameras and have questions, CMs will be all nice and answer questions, but when you point out how crappy certain camera is, or how stupid it is to release a camera and then not being able to deliver it during a year, they will not like it and go bezerk.


    My point is that you will find very little to no employees from other large companies actively answering questions and engaging with their customers on online forums like this. Hell, Blackmagic have their OWN forum where they get raked over the coals pretty badly from time to time, and yet they will always engage with their customers and keep the platform open. I havent seen any Blackmagic employee 'go berserk' on these forums - they might have though, could you give me an example of this happening?

  2. 2 minutes ago, Nikkor said:

    It seems to me that on this forum Blackmagic Community Managers have always been rude, I remember a few that always go disguised as regular forum users but only post when Blackmagic cameras are mentioned, and get very defensive when pointed at.


    I think the forum needs new rules, all professional posters have to be recognized, and have to pay to post ?

    I think it's pretty amazing how accessible people like Captain Hook have been on this and other forums, it's something you do not see a lot with other camera brands.


  3. 9 minutes ago, majoraxis said:

    also because of the lower noise floor st  lower ISOs you could underexpose a bit and bring it back in post, which would compensate for loosing some dr/headroom in the highlights. 

    Yeah, but now you are just doing what would happen if you exposed at (let's say) 400 normally, instead of 100. Between ISO 100-800 no gain is applied by the sensor, only the curve is shifted. In raw this doesn't matter, because you CAN underexpose at ISO 100 and just apply the 400 curve without losing anything. However, due to the compression applied by prores (which is pretty good, don't get me wrong), you'll likely have less shadow detail/more noise when you pull up ISO 100 in post to match ISO 400 as opposed to just having shot at ISO 400 to begin with.

  4. 3 minutes ago, mercer said:

    Has there been any word about IR filtration on these videos?

    The guy who shot the Seoul Zoo footage had this to say over on bmcuser:

    "I did another shoot yesterday which I'm editing right now. I used Hoya Pro NDs (2-4-6 stops) and I haven't noticed a thing related to IR. Blacks are neutral and clean"

    So sounds promising! And yeah, that footage is beautiful.

  5. Hey Alex, I don't think the DNGs weigh anything, but here are the datarates at 30 frames per second:

    4096 x 2160
    CinemaDNG RAW - 272 MB/s
    CinemaDNG RAW 3:1 - 129 MB/s
    CinemaDNG RAW 4:1 - 97 MB/s

    3840 x 2160
    CinemaDNG RAW - 255 MB/s
    CinemaDNG RAW 3:1 - 122 MB/s
    CinemaDNG RAW 4:1 - 92 MB/s

    1920 x 1080 (at a 2x crop)
    CinemaDNG RAW - 66 MB/s
    CinemaDNG RAW 3:1 - 32 MB/s
    CinemaDNG RAW 4:1 - 24 MB/s

  6. On 8/31/2018 at 2:42 AM, John Brawley said:

    I think we're just nostalgic.

     When the Ursa Mini 4.6K first started shipping there were many many threads that were EXACTLY the same as some of the complaints on here....  Users complaining that the UM4.6K didn't have the same mojo / look / feel as the 4K sensor which at that point was in the Production camera, the Ursa and the Ursa mini 4K.

    This is a new sensor.  

    It has the same chef's in the kitchen, working with new ingredients.

    Spend some time with the images, look at the RAWS when they're available and learn to get the most from it.  THEN come back and post about what you like or don't like.  But grading from a downloaded 264 and then writing it off as being inferior is a bit premature and simplistic.




  7. I don't dislike the overall look you went for (I actually personally like a bit cooler skintones) but I do think everything starts to look a bit waxy and weird. Might have to do with grading 8 bit footage. Overall I think Brawleys footage would be a much better neutral starting point.

  8. 47 minutes ago, zerocool22 said:

    Yeah I feel you on the organic feel, Every camera that has been released since the pocket, as felt less organic to me as well. I think it started with the C300 II.

    But I am interested in the 180 degree shutter. Do you have any side by sides? To see the difference. As I always shoot in 180 degree shutter, as I understood it was the same as 50 shutterspeed on 25fps. But if it looks different I need to rethink this!


    180 degrees is the same as 1/50th at 25fps. It's the industry standard for unobtrusive motion so I don't know what he's talking about exactly. Might come down to personal preference for him.

  9. 1 hour ago, Snuff said:

    It's still early to draw conclusions, but from the first BMPCC4K shoot I expected more ...
    Here's another video for you to compare with GH5s.

    GH5S Forest Footage


    No disrespect but this footage is exactly why I am holding out for the Pocket. The yellow greens and the overall 'mushiness' of the footage is something that really annoys me on my Sony and I see it here as well. The Pocket footage clearly handles color and detail differently (at least in the forest footage, I think the beach footage is also a bit mushy to be honest).

    EDIT: The man who shot the footage, Wyatt, also confirmed on bmcuser that someone at Blackmagic graded the footage, he just send in the files. Also everything except in the ravine was shot at ISO 400.

  10. I am actually really impressed by the footage in the forest, however I agree the beach footage looked kinda funky. There seemed to be a lack of detail and color in those shots somehow, I really wonder what happened there or why they choose to include that. Also while your footage is really lovely Gethin, I disagree that the highlight rolloff is similar there. Not only did you have to underexpose significantly (and understandably) in a lot of shots, your footage also blows out really mean in a lot of the footage, very different from the light in the Pocket 4k which I actually think haloes quite nicely. This is much better than what I experienced from the original URSA. Of course you cannot compare this to the Ursa 4.6k (I know we all will, haha), which has at least two stops more of dynamic range.

  11. How do you guys and girls expose your 400mbps V-log? I'm renting this camera in a bit and just looking to make sure everything is in place. I generally over-expose Sony camera's by two stops, is this still necessary with the 10-bit 4:2:2 codec? I know I never felt the need with Blackmagic camera's for example, but if I don't over-expose Sony camera's the noise will get insane.

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