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  1. Shame DJI dropped the bitrate to 60-80Mbps (vs Action 4's 130Mbps)
  2. GH6's sensor was designed by Panasonic and OEM manufactured by Taiwan Nuvoton Technology (which acquired Panasonic's semiconductor business in 2020, and shares a 49% stake in Panasonic's wafer fab joint venture with Towerjazz)
  3. The Fuji IDT file needs to be modified to conform to DCTL syntax, extension renamed to .dctl and placed in /Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/ACES Transforms/IDT/ Credit to Hook Stowers from LGG.
  4. Fuijifilm provided IDT for ACES: https://fujifilm-x.com/en-ie/support/download/lut/
  5. But each clip is around 900MB though.
  6. https://mocfilmmaker.wetransfer.com/downloads/8d56d6ccf62e7bc1682da8c61735b79220230929102636/c7962e
  7. Every single stacked sensor has reduced DR compared to their standard BSI counterpart, for example, X-H2s vs X-T4
  8. Based on current technology from Sony Semicon, increasing readout speed inevitably compromises image quality, measured by higher readout noise, thus reducing DR. This would directly hit medium format's main selling point.
  9. No. 14bit. 6GB/s data rate. Even video mode readout is also 14bit.
  10. Some of the features not mentioned during the press release but appeared in Chinese marketing material: Multi-frame RAW noise-reduction (Combining up to 32 RAW burst stills for one noise-free RAW still) Custom LUT import for video Lens breathing compensation in video mode It's expected to ship in China around end of January 2024. Early testers commented on the dynamic range to have taken a "slight but noticeable" hit due to global shutter design, hence the limited native ISO range of 250 to 25600.
  11. Dynamic range test: GF mode 4K F-log2 D-range priority on, NR -4, 12.1 stops. D-range priority off, NR -4, 11 stops. Also every single readout mode is either a combination of lineskipping and oversampling, or 1:1 readout (8k).
  12. I can confirm it uses Sony Semicon IMX989 sensor.
  13. 2 x readout speed in Fujifilms advertising mainly refers to stills performance, the max 8fps CH mode has been confirmed by Jim Kasson that it's 12bit readout then dithered to 14bit. Original GFX100/S are limited by the processor and I/O. Flog2 D range priority mode is achieved by using 12bit Low Noise readout mode. The sensor is not fast enough for 14bit readout in video mode.
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