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Everything posted by thephoenix

  1. looks like scratch adds a watermark in trial and don't want to buy it just for trascoding. also have to say that the gui is...hmmm... special so i stuck with over 100go of h265 files that i cannot use at the moment. downloaded hanbrake which is a ffmepg gui but don't see or dnxhd prores export, any clues why ? any better gui for pc user ?
  2. maybe the vintage lense he uses is the explaination
  3. Did you set timecode properly ?
  4. don't know scratch, can i transcode many files with trial ? any tuto to transcode ? thx
  5. got the pv270. like it a lot, good for the price. in fact i am wondering if i have to calibrate it again as i have a new pc ?
  6. i don't want an output to prores except if i can transcode my files directly in premiere if there is a fix to fuji colors in premiere and also if the quality stays
  7. beeing a pc user what's the best way to convert h265 to dnxhd as prores is not fully supported. also did some h265 with my xt3 and also don't have the full DVR
  8. funny just saw your comment on fb smallrig community. thanks for asking them
  9. i will use the power bank when using the shoulder rig, so no problems with weight. good you mentionned the ronin as i have a moza air 2 and it is possible to connect the gimball to the camera, the only problem is that they do not provide the small cable so do you have any link to a very short mini usb to usb c cable ? all i find on amazon is at least 50cm and i need something like 20cm edit: my bad, just found some, just needed the right keywords https://www.amazon.fr/Openii-dextension-MacBook-Chromebook-appareils/dp/B07FC69S5N/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1551698248&sr=8-4&keywords=cable+micro+usb+usb+c+court edit again, not the right cable, it is micro usb to c instead of mini to c
  10. yes that anker uses a type A to C cable but most of others do use usb C to C like this one https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B07CJ7C94S/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=A2SZMR92AT3KBC&psc=1 and you know that it is always good to have spares
  11. to continue a discussion we had on another thread i am looking for a solution to power my xt3 and it seems power bank is the best solution, but it HAS to be pd compliant. i have seen a few and most of them not to say 90% are pd on the usb-c output. so for the xt3 i will need a usb-c to usb-c cable, and from what i see most of them are sold for 5v power when pd delivers more than 5. so what cable to buy ? is there any difference or the regular will work fine ?
  12. Hmmm Maybe but when it comes to power and especially electricity i wouldn't add some metal inside. I guess the best would be to 3d print some kind of holder a bit like smallrig does for the samsung ssd For the clamp first it takes too much space and second you will damage the bank
  13. You have cheap 15mm rod adapters with screw too the issue is just that no mount on banks and the phones clamps i do not trust it might fall when moving fast
  14. now i would like ot find a simple way to fix it on a rig as there are no screw hole in all this power banks
  15. thanks. that the end of the sublject then ? so anyone knows a power bank that has pd and 12v for the bmpcc4k, so to buy one better have one that i can use with both xt3 and bmpcc4k
  16. thanks. but so expensive when you thing that you can find this at 10€ https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B0087BV56W?pf_rd_p=61e3aca3-2f4c-4ed4-8b56-08aa65c1d16f&pf_rd_r=HH1YSTR8PVQXBSGKC22K would love to find the same with usb output
  17. hi i am looking for a npf970 plate with an usb output to power my xt3 on my rig, can't find it, anyone knows one ? thanks
  18. any link to it ? can't always record on ninja so it might be usefull sometimes. i don't like to grade with luts, it's like doing a recipe with different ingredients than the original recipe, can't have the same taste also do you have any news about the speedbooster for fuji x ?
  19. Isn't there a way to correct this in post ?
  20. will the sankor work with the helios if just adapter and not speedboosted on a xt3 ?
  21. 92mm for the mir 20mm front lense ? matte box wanted
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