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About cam1982

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  1. Thanks man 😊 More video or stills? Any link online? Do you use any portable solution too?
  2. Thanks. It helps. What else do you use for green screen work? What's your camera? Workflow? I have also found this kit here for very cheap: https://www.amazon.com/Neewer-Adjustable-Background-Backdrop-Photography/dp/B07PFS3BBS/
  3. It is. Pro cameramen don't go to a gig without a couple of cam units at least anyways.
  4. Wedding videographer pros have started to use it. Guys with guts. A lot of money for so much uncertainty so far. Features deserved better. Another guy in Spanish. Translation provided / subtitles tool.
  5. https://www.benel.eu/webshop/background-systems/background-systems/falcon-eyes-background-system-electric-b-4we-for-4-rolls.html Any ideas?
  6. A few comments look like people don't like to accessorize their rigs. Funny to say the least.
  7. A few naysayers say it. Some others praise the thing. The fact doesn't serve your needs or your pocket, it doesn't mean it doesn't fit mine.
  8. People don't understand the concept. Starting to wonder about what they don't know. Tilta cooler will let the temperature under control. You don't reach the limit. You can restart to press the record button again. It shouldn't let continuous recording but continuous operation. If efficient to avoid the overheating. Let's just hope they launch one for A7SIII too.
  9. Yes, M4/3 is no doubt as capable as any other camera format in DoF terms.
  10. Neither I. Control means sales. Don't ask for anything else.
  11. Pity. Very promising tool.
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