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Everything posted by billdoubleu

  1. billdoubleu

    Panasonic GH6

    For me, I'm loving the colors coming out of the S1/ S1H. I just wish the S1 was dual base ISO like the S1H. The #1 problem I run into with my G85 & GX85 is image quality beyond ISO 800. I need a camera that allows me to stop down for some depth in low light. I definitely think that's the issue. It seems Sony are barely innovating in sensor technology period, let alone MFT. Look at all of these companies using not only the same sensor as their competition, but, the same sensor in multiple model iterations. The only spec that seems to move forward lately is resolution. Cool camera, but I need IBIS. Very nice!
  2. billdoubleu

    Panasonic GH6

    It's possible, just not ideal. I grabbed a couple 3D models last year and played around with a design. I'm not sure it would be worth it. As much as I love MFT cameras, I've been considering a FF move myself.
  3. I'm confused as to why people think this. If you're shooting VariCam I imagine you would have an S1H on set for many reasons.
  4. Are there any benefits to having the "fake" information derived from the original readout? Or is this simply a useful marketing tool for Sony?
  5. Regardless, he seems happy with the situation as it stands. If anyone had any ethical hang-up before, they can breath easy now.
  6. Everyone pronounces it uniquely, it's bonkers!
  7. You already gave one. The Panasonic S1H is both actively cooled and weather sealed.
  8. Untrue; active cooling and weather sealing are not mutually exclusive.
  9. I do recall reading that, and wondered how much of that statement was marketing spin. In the case of the EVA1, I wonder if BM worked with Panasonic to bring BRAW to that camera? Or was it possible for BM to figure out what they needed to know of the sensor independently? It would be interesting to know what specs they need to make things work. It's also unclear to me in these cases which company's "color science" is favored. Or does that just come into play in one's color suite? I understand BRAW as not a true raw signal, so I imagine some influence on color is baked in.
  10. I'm almost certain I recall Blackmagic RAW is free to license. I'm not so sure they could specifically charge for it. Of course that wouldn't stop them from simply charging more for the camera. I've played around with the codec and really like it. I would love for it to be in a Panasonic camera. This would definitely drive me to purchase a GH6 and finally a copy of Davinci Resolve Studio.
  11. It's very difficult to tell if this is a sincere statement or a genius joke.
  12. billdoubleu


    It looks more than just Veydra size; it looks exactly like a Veydra. The Veydra engineer mentioned the potential release of anamorphic designs at some point. I wonder if he sold the designs or made a deal with the Vazen folks?
  13. billdoubleu


    Looks like a new Voightlander MFT is coming. And for a seemingly steep price. I wish they would make cinema versions of the Voightlanders already.
  14. billdoubleu


    It looks like the m43 Vazen 40mm might cover FF or S35. Interesting times.
  15. Amazing work! This guy has a big hairy pair hanging low on him.
  16. This video looks horrendous on my 4k screen with fast Ethernet and video quality set to 8k. Does anyone else see better quality or is this a YouTube quality issue? I can't imagine Qualcomm holding this up as a shining example of their tech as is.
  17. @Benjamin Hilton, this looks great! What lenses and/ or filters did you use?
  18. I haven't seen 1917 yet. The Lighthouse looked absolutely incredible though. There was definitely so very much time and effort put forth in crafting that look. I think it really paid off in serving the story.
  19. @IronFilm, you're right. It looks like he has footage up already. There is some slight vignetting but, he doesn't specify whether he's seeing it throughout the entire focal range or not.
  20. This fella is soon to post a review of the DZOFilm 20-70 (MFT mount) on a Nikon Z50. I think this could be a very versatile lens if it covers that sensor well. The MFT would cheaply adapt to E-Mount as well as @BTM_Pix has pointed out in previous threads.
  21. I absolutely love the images the 6k is capable of producing. Other than the fact I only own MFT lenses, it just doesn't suit my needs/ desires currently. Neither does the 4k model, but I want a DR Studio license and it seems too cheap not to buy the camera as well!
  22. I occasionally watch this channel. His wife often comments on the lack of funds available to afford their own home due to his purchases.
  23. I've hardly seen a deal worth pursuing on eBay. At least, not if you're looking for the DR license as am I. I'm not swimming in cash, but I'm not risking $100 in savings on a used camera.
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