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Everything posted by noahthetruest

  1. Did you ever get this issue fixed? I'm having the exact same problem with my a6500 + zhiyun + Rokinon 12mm. I usually shoot video tours at 24p/50fps but switched to 30p/60fps and the jitters are BAD: VIDEO I also edit in Resolve and noticed that the jitters are completely random when playing back in the preview monitor. Sometimes the video jitters, sometimes it doesn't. Mistakenly I used a 24p timeline for the linked video and figured that was the issue but I did a test with a 30p timeline and exported a 5 second pan and it had a similar issue. Not sure what exactly is causing this as the video straight from the camera seems to be fine so I'm assuming frames are being dropped in Resolve for whatever reason. I also tried viewing in a 1080 vs 4k timeline and it doesn't seem to make a difference (I always shoot 4k and export to 1080). I notice the jitters at 24p but they are far more subtle. I haven't tried shooting at 30p/50fps yet so I'll give that a shot.
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