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About MrSMW

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    La Belle France
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  • My cameras and kit
    Various L Mount for video plus A7RV with Tamron zooms for stills. At this point in time...

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  1. I think he’s been in the same training camp as Dave Bautista? I keep seeing pictures of him having shed tons of weight also.
  2. Well comparing that pic to one of my S5ii’s the body looks near identical except slightly thicker from front to rear by around 5mm? The rear is either heavily disguised or deliberately blurred out it seems so no guesses on the type of rear screen. It’s looking very S5ii-ish though for sure!
  3. I think for me, my no. 1 choice of fixed lens compact would still need to be the Ricoh GR3, probably in X flavour. But for a ‘compact’ camera, I might currently choose my S9 with grip and Sigma 18-50mm f2.8 because it is jacket pocketable and a really neat little package. And because I already have that exact combo! OK, I can only shoot it in APSC crop mode, but that simply makes it a still f2.8 for light gathering purposes, 27-75mm. And is available in the Western World.
  4. Agreed. It's the lens for me, - great focal length IMO, but lens too slow. I get why it has to be, but I'd rather have something faster (min f2.8 ff equivalent) or it's a hard no for me. It's not that I am a bokeh whore or anything, but...
  5. Good spec and a nice looking camera. Why not available in Europe? The US I kind of understand. Trumpet doesn’t want anything not branded ‘Made in MAGAland’ on sale.
  6. Yes, it’s not totally terrible or an absolute dealbreaker, but 61 beats 44 just as 100 beats 61! I’m looking at trading my 70-180 (plus 28-75 and maybe 20-40) against that 28-105 f2.8 Sigma, the only current ‘one & done’ lens I will consider. An APSC in camera crop at a flick of a switch, gives me 26mp 157.5mm (61mp sensor with Sigma 28-105) so already trading another 22.5mm at the long end over a heavier and bulkier, but same speed 70-200mm (ie, up to 42.5mm) so the question is…and I can’t do the maths, but can I live with something like a 16mp 180-200mm equivalent file from a 44mp sensor? For my needs, probably yes and the ‘one & done’ camera/lens combo has huge appeal. I could already do it with my A7RV by trading my 3 current lenses for the single Sigma, but feel the body is not quite right for such a lens without the full battery grip…which is an option, but not one I really wish to take. So spec aside, one of the most interesting and possibly deciding factors for me, will be how this new ‘S1-2RXii’ compares with the A7RV from a purely size, weight and ergo perspective…
  7. Indeed. He’s probably lost about 20 or so pounds in bodyweight and the other 80 is from him emptying his pockets.
  8. They are pretty simple and boil down to; ideally, I would like a 4th LUMIX/L Mount camera as a pure stills unit to complement my 2x S5II's and single S9, all 3 dedicated to video. The ability to swap lenses, maybe batteries, similar/the same menus, interchangeable backup etc... But I already have an A7RV plus 3 lenses dedicated to this role and anything such as this S1RII, needs to be at least competitive for stills, if not exceed it or it's a costly exercise as in the depreciation of 1x body and 3x lenses to go sideways. Or even backwards... 44mp (if correct) is already tampering with my plans for a 'one & done' body & lens combo, the benchmark for that being Leica SL3 plus Sigma 28-105mm f2.8, except for price. The Leica is beyond my budget by about 200% and my A7RV beats it at just about every point that matters to me except size, weight and ergos where I prefer the slightly beefier Leica. And as a photographer, who would not be pretty stoked shooting with a Leica? This new LUMIX though is looking more like a competitor to the next Sony, the A7V taking over from the A7iv. IMO.
  9. I would not say 'angry' but was hoping for the 61mp from the SL3 and A7RV because of cropping. 44mp is not necessarily a deal-breaker for me, but does count against it. Waiting to see what it really is first before making any decisions but as things stand, my A7RV is currently 'winning'.
  10. My Only Fans page? But sherioushly, although YouTube is bulked out with some utter shite, especially if you simply scroll, using the search function might yield the fruits you are looking for? It depends what your interest and ‘inspiration’ is really… Is it ‘Hollywood’ movie making? Documentary travel? Wood-turning household objects? Scantily clad ladies? Or fellas? But otherwise I suspect there is no actual official source for ‘Good Shit’ other than your own legwork.
  11. Sounds like my kind of compact. If it is an f2/2.8 lens…
  12. I had the fan go on one of mine but as it was ‘like new’ used from MPB and under 6 month warranty, they just swapped it for another. Yes, it’s not in any way a bad chassis or anything but ‘mid’ is about the right term for it. The S9 is less than ‘mid’ IMO, but is what it is. I don’t mind if they reuse the chassis as long as they improve; the rear screen type and resolution plus upgrade the shutter button feel and sound, ie, damp it. EVF they can leave the same as I never use it. Oh and all the dials could do with a lock so you don’t accidentally knock them and not realise. Apart from that, not opposed to reusing the same basic chassis though. But really it needs to be something ‘more’ or it’s just another contender and there are already plenty of those.
  13. And it would not be cheaper (for me), as the trade in on 1 body + 3 lenses for 1 body + 1 lens would actually cost me. Not much, but would have cost me. For a downgrade. Hmmm, let me think about the wisdom of that…🤔 I’m interested in an S2R not an S5IIR and no idea what’s coming now because I assumed it would be an SL3 wearing a LUMIX costume. Now the rumors are saying S5II body and not the SL3 sensor. Ah well, all will be revealed soon enough…
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