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Everything posted by MrSMW

  1. Weird, the Ninja now reads over 5 hours of recording time... well that is that one sorted at least, but still stuck on this dual record! Camera is set: Page 4/5 Movie Settings: HDMI REC CONTROL (ON) Ninja: Input page: Source = HDMI, HDp59.94 2.0 HDMI Standard Trigger = set to on (though switches itself off every time I come out of this screen) Camera Output = LogHDR on and Fujifilm camera F-Log + Rec.709 + HDMI HDR Auto
  2. @thephoenix done that, repeatedly, but nope, still will not dual record from camera. Either unit on it's own or both manually, yes. Plus, no matter how many times I set it, come out of that screen and it's turned itself off again. It makes no sense. I'm going to sleep on it but I think I'm going to pass on it. On paper, it's all great and I'm sure for most other users, it's great. But try as I may, I cannot get it set up right and on that basis, don't 'trust' it. Too many other issues also such as: 1: It's heavier than my Feelworld monitor. 2: It chews through batteries at an unbelievable rate. OK, I only have the smallest of the Sony batts, but it munched through all 5 faster than I could recharge them. On the verge of pushing the button on one of the bigger jobs one reviewer said lasted him over 3 hours of continuous use, the Anton Bauer NP-F976 Sony L series Battery - 7.2V, 6600 mAh Lithium Ion Battery 47w/h if anyone is interested. 3: The XT3 likes to eat batteries which as we know are hardly the biggest/longest lasting and based on this mornings fiddling, ideally need to use my Anker powerpack to charge the camera which = more weight to lug around and on a typical 9-15 hour shoot... 4: I can claw back the 1k I spent on the Ninja, the SSD and the dock. 5: Was I unhappy with Fuji 1080 Eterna internal last year? No and I can shoot 4K Eterna internal this year and even Flog etc, just not in 10 bit. If there was something like a 1 day workshop out there, I'd happily pay for that but I'm just not going to go out on my next paid shoot (coming up very soon) with gear I'm not fully familar with or isn't even set up right, no matter how good the footage is because if the footage is missing... It's all a massive PITA but for whatever reason, it's just not working for me.
  3. That's where I am trying to set it? The other thing that is frying my brain is that the camera is saying I have 74 minutes recording time on a 64GB SD card recording 4K but the Angelbird 500GB is only saying 2 minutes longer and 1 hour 16 minutes? Eh? I have both set to record HLG. I'm missing something here...
  4. Yep. If camera output is set to 'standard camera' on the Ninja, I can switch the trigger setting on. If it's set to Log/HDR and Fujifilm, I can switch it on, but hit record on the Fuji and it only records there and going back to the Ninja input settings, the trigger setting is switched back off?
  5. Ah ha...except it's pink and off and I can't work out how to switch that on!
  6. This for one thing... I can hit record on the Ninja and it will record that only and also hit record on the Fuji and that will also start recording, but just hit record on the Fuji and nada on the Ninja? I will also take a look at that video, cheers.
  7. Right update and some help if anyone can... After damaging the USB port and having to send my XT3 back to the UK to Fujifilm to be repaired (try getting that done in France...) it's back and working again. Tested the cable I bought and pleased to say it seems to be correct...but I am struggling to get anything else to work properly. Does anyone know of a decent video on-line in how to step by step, set up the Ninja V? Ie, a guide for dummies. If it was available, I'd spend the money on flying to the UK or anywhere else in Europe for a day's hands on tuition so if anyone knows of the existence of anything like that... I have tried searching the internet and found nothing. It's driving me NUTS!! No problems last year with XH1 and Feelworld monitor and this should be quite straightforward no, - the only difference being trying to shoot 4k instead of 1080 and having it recorded onto an external monitor? So if anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it. Cheers
  8. Charlton Heston would have backed it had he still been around.
  9. Looking forward to getting my XT3 back any day so I can have a play. In the meantime, been doing some surfing and the HLG looks like my preferred option and looks pretty decent with that Alexa X2 LUT.
  10. Could well be right @frontfocus I had the 90 for a while and it was a stellar lens, but it was always a toss up of carrying the 50-140 and the 90 but not both, though this new Viltrox 85 might just sneak into my bag. I love the idea of the 33 f1, but I suspect it will still be too big and costly. It would be asking too much to expect it to work with the 1.4 TC adapter wouldn't it? I'm sure it's Fuji only and then only about 3 lenses...? I haven't got one but having a lens like this (I know the Fuji 80mm works), work at 2 or more focal lengths would be exceptional.
  11. MrSMW

    I need a hug

    30? Still a child! I have THE BIG 5 OH looming in less than 2 years... But then I am a child myself to my mother (born 1945) as she is to her father (still with us) born 1916! A lot of age (other than ultimate limitations due to age) is in the mind. One of my brothers, not even 40, thinks his life is over because he does not have a successful career. Only another 30 working years to sort that one out! I myself physically feel around 30, but then I do workout 6 days a week so a bit of a nutter in that department. A lady I was talking to recently did not believe I was older than 37. Yes dear, I actually am nearly 50. Mentally, I feel around 30 also? Act like I'm 6 sometimes though... Oh and dogs instinctively do want to chase cats, but they can be trained quite easily. We have 2 large rescue hunting dogs (terrible to train for most things other than sitting for food!) and one of them especially wanted to eat the already resident tiny cat, but now it's the 2kg kitty that rules the roost over the 30+kg dogs and they love her, even sleeping in the same bed sometimes.
  12. I think it the perfect balance (rather than compromise) between m4/3 and FF so is my personal choice and has been for 7-8 years now. Some call for Fuji to become a FF player but why swim in the big pond when you can be a big fish in the smaller ponds. Smaller ponds which are not so small as some folks originally thought!
  13. I skipped the review initially only glancing at it and thinking, "manual focus only", but it's got my attention now... f1.8 beats my current 50-140 f2.8 and whilst this lens does not have the reach, a very viable alternative to the 90mm f2 that I sold as too much crossover with the zoom. But at that price, I think it will be making it's way into my bag as soon as it's available. Should be a very nice pairing with one of my XH1's.
  14. So sounds like IBIS will be coming to the XT4... The 33mm f1.0 though. This is one lens that on paper at least, I thought wow, but having seen the mock up of the thing, by gawd it's a bit too massive for my tastes! Nailing focus at f1.0 is a tough enough gig as it is and how often would I really use it? I shoot my 56mm f1.2 wide open quite often and that's a near limit and I think if I wanted something wider for photo or video, I'd go Mitakon and manual focus. Plus a lot lot cheaper!
  15. After 2 hours 59 minutes, I couldn't find any otters. So gave up. Would have been fun and may still have a go, but currently my XT3 is with Fujifilm UK being fixed which is a very legit reason to be a loser.
  16. Yes and use it with the Sigma 18-35 f1.8. Eye AF with the XT3 is already very good (within a reasonable distance anyway) so looking forward to next month's firmware upgrade which is set to improve that considerably. I don't know about stabilisation as obviously neither this body or lens has it and always work of a tripod/monopod so not an issue.
  17. MrSMW

    z6 vs XT3

    Re. the XT3 stills (we're going a little off topic here...) I don't understand this 'mushiness' comment. Ever since the X series was launched 8 years ago, there has been more chatter about perhaps any other camera regarding the processing of images, especially since the X Trans sensor came out. The single biggest issue I think has been not so much 'user error', but rather a case of using methods previously used for DSLR combined with the fact that getting the best from Lightroom was something of an art...so perhaps is best termed 'user error' after all? With every version of the X Trans sensor and Adobe, improvements have been made and it's really only misuse of the detail slider that can cause any issues these days. I've been shooting the X Series professionally for 8 years using Lightroom and if it was in any way crap, like thousands of others, would not still be using it today! In summary, it does require some adaptation, but less so with every version of both hard and software.
  18. From a purely video POV maybe, but then these cameras are primarily designed as stills cameras with an increasingly decent video capability rather than pure filmmaking machines.
  19. No Fuji X cameras write to 2 slots. Stills yes, but not for video. You can of course write to an external SSD such as with something like the Ninja V at the same time as writing to one of the internal SD cards...which is my current set up...when my XT3 comes back from being fixed...
  20. MrSMW

    Leica Q2 (DCI4K)

    Realistically, it's only real rivals are the Sony RX1 and Fuji X100 series with a fairly clear pecking order (to me!) now which would be: Fuji the entry level, the Sony the middle ground and the Leica the top of the tree. It's not a rival for a DSLR or a mirrorless interchangeable lens camera though and really it's a stills only machine with some video capability. Personally, I'd rather it had zero capability and a 35mm lens but I think it's a fabulous thing and you either get the 'whole Leica thing' or you don't.
  21. MrSMW

    Leica Q2 (DCI4K)

    Would love one for stills but not for video.
  22. MrSMW

    z6 vs XT3

    I agree, the Ninja V (or any quality external monitor, even something like the Feelworld) is a must for filmmaking. At least to these 48 year old eyes. Especially in low light, I really struggle to see the LCD and if I don't have my glasses on, blurry mess at that! I also rely heavily on AF as a 'hybrid' shooter sometimes needing to do both at the same time such as a bride & groom walking out of church down a confetti aisle etc. The XH1 was 'good enough' in this regard last year, but the XT3 for the one wedding I had it for and tried it out at the end of last season, was better. With the firmware upgrade in April, it should be excellent. The fact that it also allows 10 bit 4.2.2 externally and a 500GB SSD so making the internal SD card a backup (and no Fuji has dual writing capability for video) is almost a 'bonus'!
  23. MrSMW

    z6 vs XT3

    I'm an XT3 user and if the Z6 shot 50/60p 4K, I'd be tempted to switch to Nikon. As it doesn't, it's an easy choice for me, - Fuji. By the sounds of it, you might be better of with the Nikon cancer. Damn spell correct ?
  24. Google it! It's all over YouTube etc. I'm not particularly interested in slating the guy, but he brings so much on his own head. Ah well, he will probably have to take up being a photographer after all and start shooting weddings...
  25. The man seems to be on something of a mission at the moment to sow the seeds of the destruction of his YouTube channel and therefore business. (Afghan Girl saga). Muppetry.
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