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Everything posted by MrSMW

  1. MrSMW

    Evaluating Cameras

    I should add that the current megapixel race bores me to tears as does talk of 6k, never mind 8k. Horses for courses and all that, but for me, 24/25mp for stills and 4k (or even 1080 actually) is more than good enough for my work and I'd rather focus on getting the most out of that, unless actually forced to upgrade.
  2. MrSMW

    Evaluating Cameras

    What I'm curious about is where is the point that it is good enough and anymore isn't necessary for you ? For me, it’s Fuji XT3 internally, Eterna, 4K 50p. I don’t want or need any more. I have tried Flog & HLG but neither have given me anything quantifiably ‘more’ but just increase workload. So the pinnacle is right there for me...but with one massive caveat and that is no IBIS meaning I have to work off a monopod. Stick it in the XH1 body and there is my ‘dream’ camera right there. The End. Bring on the 50mm f1 in 2020 and wow. But as mentioned above, until then, compromise plays a part. So close, but not quite my Camera Conspiracies ‘perfect camera’ just yet...
  3. I couldn't get mine to work in 4k so sent it back. Tried 3 of the highest quality cables I could find. Software may have been updated since however as it was 6+ months ago?
  4. I went to uni and graduated with a combined arts degree specialising in; design, photography & filmmaking. Has it benefited me in any way? No. If I had applied myself properly? Maybe... Bottom line for me is as has been mentioned above, if it can open doors otherwise not 'openable', then a strong maybe. Otherwise grafting your way there is a legitimate option.
  5. Yes. And until such time, I refuse to make any more wedding videos. It's ridiculous that we don't have 12k now. 24k would be even better ?
  6. At risk of sounding rude...and I mean the opposite, do a search on YouTube as there are many really good videos there that folks have put a lot of time and effort into. Martin Helbron, Mitch Lally, Gerald Undone possibly... Off the top of my head. Personally, I tried both but in the end, decided Eterna in camera was more than good enough for my needs. Converted to ProRes, minimal editing in Premiere. Going to try Resolve this Winter when I have some down time.
  7. I have 2 bodies so 2 lens 'strategies'. XT3A on tripod with Fringer adapter with main choice being Canon 50mm f1.8. Options are Canon 85mm f1.8 if I need longer or Sigma 18-35mm f1.8 if I need wider. This is my 'static' for wedding ceremonies, speeches and dancing. XT3B on monopod with Fuji 50mm f2 which goes everywhere with me all day as my principal tool. In summary, APSC 50mm ie, full-frame 75mm, is my principal chosen focal length for as much coverage as possible. I've chosen them as the best compromise of fast aperture and size/weight.
  8. Wedding video... how hard can it be?
  9. Entrances & exits for one thing... as one of those 'hybrid' wedding photographer/vidiots, I shoot both stills and video at the same time. Most of the day, I can flip between camera types (XT3's for video duty and XH1 & X100F stills) but there are times when I need to both at the same time such as entrances and exits, confetti tunnels etc. I used to stick the Action on top of the XT3 on a monopod so when they got too close for the 50mm prime, the wider angle action camera captured the last few feet of their walk. I also use it to follow trays of canapes or plates of food in motion where anything bigger is a pain in the wotsits. I also shoot band/dancing footage and for first dance especially, it's my wide. I'm not that creative with it and it's more filling a hole but in a limited way. Same as the drone, - just a very small part of the day, especially as the footage of both is not in the same league as that from the XT3. I tried the Pocket previously. Wasn't for me. Better low light but for my needs, the Action works better.
  10. Sold mine 6 months ago.
  11. Pair of Fuji XT3’s for weddings. Left unit with Fringer Pro and choice of: Sigma 18-35 f1.8, Canon 50 f1.8 or Canon 85 f1.8 with Rode Wireless Go to transmitter with fluffy/lav/shotgun. On tripod. Ceremony, speeches and dancing only, ie, static. Right unit with Fuji 50 f2 and Zhiyun Weebill Lab on monopod with Anker battery pack. Moves with me throughout the entire day. I also have a Sony 1" camcorder on another tripod with shotgun as a ceremony & speeches back up, plus the OSMO Action for some B roll stuff plus Mavic Air.
  12. OK great, going to try in person in a few weeks and then wait a few months and see if there is any chance of the mythical XH2 by Spring 2020.
  13. @newfoundmass the latter, ie, separate settings for photo & video ie, basically have 2 cameras in 1 body with respective settings for each type of capture. It sounds like it’s the case and when back in the UK in a few weeks, will go and have a play in a camera shop. Maybe take a card and shoot something even if it is attached to an anti theft cord!
  14. Right, thanks Jonny. I will have to send 'The Hybrid Shooter' a message because on his vid he reckoned you could not switch seamlessly between stills and vid. Unless I misunderstood what he meant but it sounded like you couldn't!
  15. Quite simply, can it be switched back and forth between stills and video, ie, be a true hybrid, without losing any settings each time? Current XH1 and XT3 user and both can do this with the ‘silent mode’ setting. Looking hard at changing my current set up from a 3 body/7 lenses to a 2 body/3 lens set up and the G9 is very high on that list...if it has true hybrid capability. Read/watched many reviews and cannot find a definitive answer so hoping someone here has this particular beast and can answer my question. In advance, cheers!
  16. Close, but no cigar for me. Unlike a lot of the internet chatter, I actually like the screen. I like the titanium build and Dura finish. But despite having a pair of Pro 1's and then Pro 2's for stills, I can't go with these as I do need IBIS for the way I work these days which is 3 bodies + choice of 4 primes, flipping between stills & video all day long. Currently working off a mono and tripod with a pair of XT3's + 2 lenses and XH1 + X100F for stills with 3 lenses and it's workable but not as slick as the above. XH2 please! I'll take 3.
  17. I used to use a pair of MKii's for my wedding video work about 5 years ago and a decent stills cameras also. As a full-time hybrid shooter, ie, stills and video at the same time, these could come on to my radar for next season as currently nothing quite fits the bill. Currently shooting XT3 for video and it's perfect in every way except lack of IBIS and weak battery life. Z6 doesn't shoot 4k 50/60p and currently lacks a long Z lens but the form factor is fantastic. The S1 is very close but too big and expensive when I add up all the costs. It's 4/3rd's brother the G9 is pretty much on the money but just some concerns re. stills vs current Fuji. Compromises everywhere, but the MKiii looks interesting at the very least... And like Fuzzy, I also like Olympus. After Fuji, there is just something 'right' about them. Like they make cameras for photographers.
  18. I was being slightly tongue in cheek and mainly referencing the olde schoole videographers from 15+ years ago that usually took their wives along for no apparent reason other than company. Usually found wearing a polyester jacket flecked with dandruff and standing within 3 feet of the B&G at all times with his shoulder monstrosity. Gimbals. They can go do one also ?
  19. Without question. It is the key. I spent many years prior to being a 'hybrid' photographer/videographer watching vidiots at work with their huge tripods, sliders etc taking sometimes 10+ minutes to set up a single shot. Wasting 10 minutes in my opinion. It's all well and good capturing that one 'hero' shot because you saw it on someone else's wedding video, but the reality is you are denying the client so much more potential footage and story. Unless the client just wants the hero shots which is then fair enough. Indeed. Too many are always chasing the next bit of kit that will then allow them to realise their creative vision. Just get on with it with what you have got and stop making excuses. But then this is a thread about 'dream kit' so carry on ?
  20. Actually, already have it and am more than satisified with it, - can't think of anything that beats it for my needs...which is 'run & gun' style wedding video/filming at the same time as being a wedding photographer working alone. No second, no assistant, no nothing. XT3 on tripod shooting 25p 4k internally Eterna profile with a variety of audio options based on the set up for ceremony and speeches. Unmanned most of the time. Pair of cheap Canon lenses and Fringer Pro adapter. XT3 on freestanding monopod shooting 50p 4k internally Eterna and mirrors in a video sense, pretty much everything I do photographically. It's the more considered tool. Pair of Fuji lenses. OSMO Action mounted on the second XT3 hotshoe shooting; entrances, exits, food service, band & dancing both as primary and backup depending on the scenario. Mavic Air. Sony FDR AX100 1" sensor camcorder on tripod, unmanned, back up/client pure ceremony and speeches full length production. And other than the various bits of audio and lighting kit etc, that's it. Small and lightweight as poss balancing outright quality with portability/real world useage. Criticisms? Battery life on the XT3's requires the monopod and tripod to each have an Anker power bank gaffer taped on, otherwise...nada. OSMO Action? Bigger Fuji matching sensor would be nice, but being realistic... Mavic Air? Ditto. Stick the Fuji sensor in and I'd be a happy boy. A complete dreamer, but... Total cost I reckon was around 7000 euros total?
  21. Excellent...and I am still on the first version albeit with updated firmware. Rarely misses a beat with Canon EF f1.8 lenses in regard to autofocus. I use single rather than continuous. Worked very well also with the Sigma 18-35 and though I do love that lens, I don't love it's size or weight and so am selling it soon.
  22. Current/favourite set up is as follows: XT3, monopod, Fuji 23mm f2 or 50mm f2 XT3, tripod, Finger Pro + Canon 50mm f1.8 or 85mm f1.8 DJI OSMO Action DJI Mavic Air Sony FDR-AX100 on tripod as backup (LED's on lightstands, 3 Sony audio recorders, 2 Rode Micro, Wireless Go) Nothing else meets my needs right now though that Sigma FP is on my radar...
  23. Is that ^ Canon's latest offering? The Canon EOS Desirée. The 'jack of all trades, master of none' (hybrid potato/camera).
  24. Least bang for your buck has to be Leica. That red dot adds a lot to the price for cameras that are typically a lower spec than some others much cheaper. Doesn't stop me wanting a Leica however! Canon otherwise, especially the EOS R. Was a potential contender for me, both stills and video. It's neither and very disappointing spec wise. OK, not actually tried it, but on paper it doesn't meet my needs (far from it). The enormous lump of Olympus EM1XXXXXXXXL or whatever it's called. If a camera has to be that big, I'm going to want a big sensor...
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