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Everything posted by MrSMW

  1. Well, actually yes, for most people, most of the time. It’s not quite what I’d do today but was an approach I took once. The phone is the most convenient but for me there is zero joy in that. I personally cannot be bothered to lug around a full sized mirrorless with a decent sized zoom, never mind a bag full of options. If I was going on safari, fair enough, but more general travel & trips, nah. The compact for me could work…but it’s a bit too close to the phone so I always ended up using the phone. This is based on a Sony RX100V and later the ZV1. The sweet spot for me therefore would be in no particular order, but selecting one set up from each sensor size: Olympus OM1 + 12-40mm f2.8 Fuji XS20 + Sigma 18-50mm f2.8 Sony A7CR + 20-70mm f4 I think the APSC Fuji/Sigma combo is the most compact and lightest and though has a shorter focal length than the M4/3 combo, but has more cropping potential, but there is just something special about the OM1 and that lens that makes it very satisfying. I had it briefly, loved it, but it did not have the outright pro capability compared with my FF stuff for my work, so sadly sent it back. I personally would go with the Sony because it’s basically as compact as the others, the lack of a decent rear LCD and only a single card slot would not bother me for non-pro work and neither would f4, because the big draw would be being able to crop the f*ck out of that 60mp full frame sensor and forgo the ‘need’ for a longer focal length. For me, a travel camera that is not pro work needs to be a ‘one and done’ set up. The only other contender for me would be the Sigma FP-L but it’s just (sadly) too damned quirky and flawed.
  2. I would guestimate, not less than 2000 and not more than 2500 dollars. Everywhere else in the world, more. As per. The strong rumour is it’s going up in size & build to between the Z6ii and Z8 so both of those factors will command a premium. Obviously it has to go up in spec or folks will moan, if not have complete meltdowns. It won’t have all the Z8 spec because it can’t and the biggest question (for me anyway) is whether it will have the old 24mp sensor, the 33mp from the Sony A7iv, or something else. Personally I think they would sell more if it’s the 33, but… That could also help command more of a premium and push it towards $2500. I’m not paying above 2.5k for one regardless of what it is or has as the current model has all I need for my intended purpose. If it’s within the range above and in time, I’m going to give it a hard look at the very least in case there is something that either might cause me to rearrange my plans slightly or warrants spending what would then be an extra €1000+, but I doubt that will be the case. Never say never, but I could be tempted and it’s not a stupid amount to spend compared with say a Z8 (which I am not massively keen on) or a Z9 which is a bit overkill, but I really like.
  3. No, not invested any time thinking about it, but cost aside, hands down the A7C II (for me) because of the ability to crop much more than the APSC camera based on both sensor size and mp, regardless of lens type or focal length. I did look at this camera a few months back and if my memory serves, in 2 areas it was a hard no for me: Relatively low res LCD. Single card slot. Actually I looked at the A7CR with even greater capacity to crop…but then decided I’d rather have (if I was hypothetically going to go on this direction) the A7VR which is actually my favourite ‘compact’ mirrorless of the moment. But budgets and sizes creeping up here…
  4. Dual processor, better battery life, 2 card slots (one being CF Express) being the main and probably only real differences. I looked at the Z6 around the time it came out when I was still using Fuji XT3 but decided the XT4 would be better for me...but then Covid came along and the World changed...and I ended up going for the brand new for then, Lumix S5. This was before 3 of the 4 lenses listed above existed and had they done so back then, I would almost certainly have made a different choice. I would now if I had 20k to spend but there's reality to deal with! I'm not criticising Lumix. In many ways it's arguably one of the best all-rounders out there at it's price point (S5ii) but the entire system has not been quite right for me for hybrid or stills work. Video yes, - ticks all the boxes, but not quite for my needs which is hybrid. The Z6ii is no current 'in it's market champ'...if it ever was, but it's a damned fine stills camera. Also, because I mentioned 45mp before, why not the Z7ii? It's around +900 euros and do I want 45mp? Kind of yes, kind of no. I had S1R's for stills for a year and they were OK to use and the results stellar, but probably overkill for my needs which is event work. I keep saying to myself that for anything else, more MP would be great, but the reality is I don't do anything else and 24mp really is just a good sweet spot for my line of work.
  5. For what and to whom? The Z6ii is not out of date for me. I would not get one myself for video work but for photo, meets ALL my needs. Ideally, I would not mind having 45mp, but 1250 (used Z6ii) vs 4000 (used Z8) euros, err, no. And the Z6ii has slightly better DR, lower noise and better battery life plus is a more compact unit (without additional grip). So maybe you have some reasoning in that you have not explained, but perfectly 'in date' for many users?!
  6. I don’t know. I mean, I really do not know. I am pretty happy with the video side of these. And the stills. I like the ergos, mostly. I don’t like the clunky shutter mechanism. It’s not an issue for video and some stills users are OK with it. I am not. My other issue is the lenses. Great glass, pretty much all of it, but the Lumix zooms are big and heavy and the 1.8’s plasticky and boring. I mostly prefer the Sigma lenses, the primes and the smaller zooms but the issue for me (and I did not work out the issue until I was quite heavily invested) was the lack of the lenses I was looking for; fast ‘my use case/need’ zooms such as: Canon 28-70mm f2 Canon 24-105mm f2.8 Tamron 35-150mm f2/2.8 Tamron 70-180mm f2.8 I can’t justify the cost of switching to Canon as the cost is crazy money. I could make a case for Sony, but I would rather not. Nikon for me is the best all-round option for me right now as the relatively affordable Tamron lenses can be easily adapted with essentially native performing AF plus have great image quality for stills. Arguably they all do if you know what you are doing, ie, capture well, shoot raw and edit/grade at a decent level. Great IBIS in the most recent models such as the Z9, Z8 and now Zf. Great AF and speed. I’d love a Z9 for the use case I intend, but at over 5k, I’ve asked myself whether that is worth it to me and my business and my financial brain says not. I kind of like the Z8, but prefer the Z9 and the fact it’s 1k less does not swing it for me. I can’t make a decision on a Z6iii because it does not yet exist and may not in time for me. So the Z6ii, inc. battery grip, readily available on the used market in ‘like new’ condition at 1600 euros? As I said before, a bit of a no-brainer and the most likely option for me. Happy with the S1H on static duty with the S5ii roaming run & gun on the video side of things with the Zf doing candid stills and most likely, a Z6ii on the shoulder for everything else. 4 bodies is something I hoped to move away from, never mind 4 non-identical bodies…but here I am. There will be one or two detractors who will say, “but you will change it out by the end of the year” and maybe I will, but as long as I turned over €XX,000, that’s cool. Bottom line is I think Nikon are pretty strong right now, especially when you factor in the adapted e Mount options. Possibly slightly less so on a pure video POV, but for hybrid and stills, right up there. But then, none of this stuff is really weak and our skill sets are probably always going to be our weakest element.
  7. Come on Nikon, get yer finger out! My Tamron 70-180mm f2.8 G2 finally turned up and it's about the size & weight I expected, ie, slightly smaller & lighter than my Lumix 70-200mm f4...which is good. It 'kinda' works on my Zf body, but I don't think it makes any sense to get a second Zf body to be the platform to bolt this lens to. Still waiting on the Z6iii, but the most likely contender now is actually the Z6ii with a battery grip at 1600 euros used vs the circa 4000 that Z8's are going for and 5000+ that are required for Z9 ownership. With my video needs covered with my S1H and S5ii, I just need a unit that is A. not too big or heavy, but ergonomically good for the Tamron zoom les and B. the photo results more or less match those of the Zf. A used Z6ii is a bit of a no-brainer really and the Z6iii is really going to have to offer something special to be a 'better' option for me, especially factoring in ergos (whether it will need a full battery grip or something from Smallrig) and of course price. If it's over 2.5k euros, I think I'll just go with a used Z6ii.
  8. MrSMW

    DJI Pocket 3?

    I could get on board with that. At the moment, we have 3 options principally: 1. Pocket 3 2. Use a gimbal. 3. DJI Ronin all in one thing. Something dedicated between the 2 would be great. OK we could go Route 2 with one of the more compact M4/3 options or even a compact, but the Pocket 3 is still tiny by comparison. I’m still pondering Pocket 3 vs gimbal for this year…
  9. That’s my illusion of YouTube well and truly shattered. Say it isn’t so? Next you will be telling me that Sony ambassadors only say good things about Sony products or they won’t get any future kit to test? Oh well, at least there is still integrity and honesty in politics.
  10. I knew about the ‘Piece Of Shit’…but think it’s a bit better than that…though still would not have one, but how did the Ricoh pass me by? Looks like my kind of thinking!
  11. If I remember correctly, they made a big noise about making this, but then it was quite delayed and when they launched it, barely a peep. Whether it is great or a bit lame, unless you get it out there with the noisy folk on YouTube, it’s dead in the water. He who shouts loudest and all that… Plus it was very expensive. Plus it had a very limited shelf life because tech moves on so fast these days whether we like it, want it, or any other factor. I’d personally like to also see exchangeable internals as in buy your modular shell and rig it out however you wish whether that is not at all (like me) other than perhaps a bit of a grip, or add on frames and screens and rails etc, but a couple of years down the line, be able to either plug & play, or send in for an upgrade. There is a real lack of imagination in the camera world comprising mostly the mildest of evolutions but rarely a revolution.
  12. I think I'd rather see the phone tech in my camera actually... Seriously, - surf the net, make calls (on speaker obvs.) etc. Something like the Sigma FP with its grip options, but a tilt screen, mini desktop tripod, all my iPhone capability. Brilliant. An 'all in one' device has great appeal to me, but at this point in time, it's not a phone and it's certainly not a camera.
  13. Not me. I use my phone all the time as my principal ‘EDC’ as they say, for photo and video, but NOT for anything serious. For me there are 3 principal reasons why not. 1. The form factor. Something phone shaped that slips in and out of your back pocket is in no way ergonomically good to use as a serious tool. 2. I don’t much care for the image. Yes it’s getting better with every iteration and movies have been filmed on the things…but it’s still not quite there yet for me. 3. The tools can be part of the joy and not simply part of the process. I get zero joy from using my phone for photo or video. In that regard, it’s simply a/the most convenient option. 4. Bonus ball. For any serious paid work, if you turned up for a gig and said, “nah mate, I didn’t rent the Arri or any of those cine lenses, because I have this”, and whips out with a flourish, the latest iPhone.
  14. 24th year actually, the last 22 of which have been full-time and I’ve tried to get into food/restaurants, property, Motorsport, product…all kinds of stuff and tried various angles including; free, low priced, full price…but no joy, especially if money was involved because of course everyone was happy with free! So over the years I came to the conclusion that for whatever reason, I could somehow make what I do (weddings and events though these days it’s purely destination weddings) very easily, but the above, what I personally call ‘commercial work’, not. I’m long since past trying to figure out why and with just 7 planned years left in my part of the industry, have zero desire (or need) to look at anything else now. If I was a 20 something, or even a 30 something maybe, but at 53, nah, I’ll just stick with what works for me and then at 60, after 30 years at it, not entirely sure what I will do, but plan on working part-time for another 10 years. Maybe National Geographic will want me by then… 🤔🤪
  15. Let’s see how long this post stays up. I have started a countdown…
  16. V-log daytime inc. indoors and only flip to the Flat profile once it’s dark and we are firmly in 6400+ territory. S1H can have forward tracking AF issues but sometimes is pretty OK f4-8, but 4k or 6k, not really noticed much difference, other than crop mode obviously has the best AF. I never walk with these things. It’s gimbal or stand still. I can’t see anything but issues when folks expect and try and use cameras without proper stabilization. I’ve seen so many examples of ‘gimbal like’ and nah, it’s not. Maybe in some instances with mid length lenses and a ton of extra stab (and cropping) in post, but sorry, just not a fan of any of it and it’s all a bit (a lot) square peg, round hole and wishful thinking to me. Action cams and the DJI Pockets etc, fair enough, but ‘proper’ cameras. Gimbal or steady cam it etc IMO. Personal opinion and preference.
  17. I’d like to see any GH7 go modular. Small boxy body, add on various grip options, or rig it etc. Why ‘everything’ has to be black lumps of molded SLR body types, I have no idea. The Sigma FP is a case example of what could be. Camera options are generally pretty boring…
  18. I haven’t found it huge or even that significant, but the output from the S1H is definitely ‘nicer’ and more ha, ‘cinematic’. Has to be the combo of that different sensor and the OLPF. I have been giving it some thought just how I might use my pair this year and had settled on S1H + battery grip + 70-200 on tripod with S5ii + 28-70 on roaming duty, but I’m thinking now I might just pick up a battery grip for the S5ii, take the grip off the S1H and then swap the lenses around so the S1H becomes my run & gun. 6k 30p for the S1H and the S5ii can do 4k 60p for the long static stuff and tracking shots. I could and even perhaps should, use 4k or even 6k 30p for the static stuff, but I’d forget to switch and find that every time I wanted some slo mo, I had no suitable footage, heat of the moment and all that!
  19. Then you assume wrong as I have been making a full-time living from photography and video for over 20 years…just not in the commercial world.
  20. My S1H is better at everything over my S5ii, stills and video, except outright AF capability and size/weight, the latter of which is not an issue to me.
  21. Wrestling with this also… A decade ago, I had 20:20 vision and did not even consider how anything else would impact my work (shooting). These days, I need 2 pairs of specs. Readers for reading and editing plus varifocals for shooting. I can use the EVF but almost exclusively shoot with the rear LCD bouncing between video and stills all day long as I do. Which is a reason why rear LCD’s under 2000 (whatever the units are) are not great for me. Another area where I prefer S1H over S5ii for instance and why most Sony cameras to me are not great. I am looking (no pun intended) at laser this year, but we’ll see (pun intended)…
  22. With extreme wincing back in the day. When I used to live in the UK and shoot church weddings, it was very hit and miss whether you could even get permission to shoot and often it was only by pleading that you would be as stealthy as a mouse. KER LICK KER LICK KER LICK KER LICK And then electronic shutter came along. Shutter button feel is more a personal preference as in I would prefer a damped option but could live without it. Sound is non-negotiable to me these days though. I can’t be invisible and I cannot always be totally silent, but I do practice stealth as much as is practically possible and KER LICK is not part of that equation.
  23. I quite like it and would pair it with an adapted Sigma 18-50mm f2.8 for a compact, sub 700g, 27-75mm FF equivalent EDC/travel set up.
  24. Goes off to check out Nikon Z30…
  25. I’ve got 7 years so might just beat it being ‘above mid market’ 😉
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