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Everything posted by MrSMW

  1. I’m hoping to wake up one morning to find that my YouTube feed is stuffed full of embargo lifted first reviews of the new S2H/S2R pairing. Every fcuking morning Lumix…. To be fair, the S5ii’s are doing just fine in their roles but I need news re. what I am going to do about replacing my previous S1R’s and current S1H for stills. AF is the Achilles to my heel… The non-PDAF units are just a little ‘early days of Fuji X’ hit & miss. Flipping back to using the S5ii’s as hybrid units for the remaining 7 jobs of the season as the S1H is missing maybe 5-10% and that is 5-10% too much. Or as previously, Leica or Sigma can throw me a bone also, but it needs to be PDAF going forward as sideways or backwards is not my thing. Any time now would be good…
  2. Purely Sony, if video/filmmaking was my sole thing, I’d personally go FX3 for the form factor. Hybrid, then the A7Siii. But if hybrid, I’d skip the A7Siii and go Lumix S5iix.
  3. I use Première and haven’t noticed this particular issue…but then maybe I misunderstand? I drop my clip and then immediately unlink the 4 automatic audio tracks. Why it switched to 4 with some update I have no idea. I then delete the bottom 3 and re-link the top audio track. I then drop my lav mic audio track below and hit sync, pull it up replacing the original audio track and link that. Job done. Or as above, maybe I am missing something?
  4. Minus the X and the BRAW, my primary working unit this year also. With the Smallrig cage, side handle and Rode Micro, just about the perfect size & weight for run n’ gun IMO. I keep flip flopping on the BRAW thing and recently came to the conclusion it would not be worth it for my needs with the added bulk and weight of monitor and battery. Nice work and colours. I think the S1H still has a marginal edge in terms of ‘quality’, but nothing anyone would notice other than the user.
  5. Minus the X and the BRAW, my primary working unit this year also. With the Smallrig cage, side handle and Rode Micro, just about the perfect size & weight for run n’ gun IMO. I keep flip flopping on the BRAW thing and recently came to the conclusion it would not be worth it for my needs with the added bulk and weight of monitor and battery. Nice work and colours. I think the S1H still has a marginal edge in terms of ‘quality’, but nothing anyone would notice other than the user.
  6. Minus the X and the BRAW, my primary working unit this year also. With the Smallrig cage, side handle and Rode Micro, just about the perfect size & weight for run n’ gun IMO. I keep flip flopping on the BRAW thing and recently came to the conclusion it would not be worth it for my needs with the added bulk and weight of monitor and battery. Nice work and colours. I think the S1H still has a marginal edge in terms of ‘quality’, but nothing anyone would notice other than the user.
  7. Minus the X and the BRAW, my primary working unit this year also. With the Smallrig cage, side handle and Rode Micro, just about the perfect size & weight for run n’ gun IMO. I keep flip flopping on the BRAW thing and recently came to the conclusion it would not be worth it for my needs with the added bulk and weight of monitor and battery. Nice work and colours. I think the S1H still has a marginal edge in terms of ‘quality’, but nothing anyone would notice other than the user.
  8. Next time a bride ask me why she should book me, I’m going to use that line 😉
  9. I’ll pick it up for next season for sure. I’ve been a user of the original Go since it came out and have used it on every job since. Thought about upgrading to the Go2 but haven’t, but will be with this. Also a fan of their non-battery Micro shotgun mic which I ‘upgraded’ with a foam cover over the dead cat. Solid compact kit for us run & gun minimalists.
  10. Was it a new member asking which camera to buy because if so, those guys rarely respond and usually are never heard from again?!
  11. Ah, the YouTube thumbnail changed as they often do. With the read play button over the title, it looked like it read ‘overeats’ 😉
  12. Yes indeed. I think he's reached that point now where he doesn't know where to stop and each new film has to be that bit more convoluted than the last. Many will nod their heads and say, "yeah yeah yeah, I understood it all", but can never quite explain it, whilst a growing number of us more honest (with ourselves folks) will state we kinda got it, but not all of it. Same with Oppenheimer, - just maybe one layer too many which did make it a harder watch than it might have been. Still enjoyed it and would have enjoyed it more but for one even more important factor and that is we had been to BK prior and I should have taken a bottle of water in with me as dying of thirst by the halfway point. But that was on me, not Nolan.
  13. I should add, if Lumix pop out something like a 60mp S2R this Winter, that would seal 🦭 the deal for me and I’d stick with L Mount. Zero issues with the S5ii’s as for video, they kind of tick all the boxes. I would prefer 6k 50p open gate, but as it does not exist, will soldier on cropping social versions of my work from the 4k. Having something like an S2R over a GFX also keeps it within the eco system so useful for back up, switching stuff around in a pinch. But we will see. I am back to primes for my stills work this weekend and then it’s just a case of seeing whether Lumix delivers in the coming months…
  14. Ha! Spot on! It’s the exact option I’d go for if switching today; a pair of either plus a 100s, all available used. And may even do so over the Winter after my season has ended… But waiting to see what L Mount does re. S1 line replacement first, mainly re. a replacement for the S1R. In my eternal quest for the perfect hybrid set up, I have established several non-negotiables… Has to be 3 bodies; 2 dedicated to video and 1 to stills and if the stills body has a video capability, bonus, but not a deal breaker. The stills unit needs to be 50-100mp because I am heading back to cropping (in post plus AI software such as DXO) over bigger/longer lenses and steering away from anything that really needs a battery grip for handling. The stills unit must have a damped shutter. I am also moving away from something I wished to explore which was pulling stills from video. I think it would take the joy of photography away from me and make the process, well more ‘a process’. So a pair of used XH2’s, each with something like the Tamron 17-70 would be direct replacements for my pair of S5ii’s but zero real world gain. More a sideways move… GFX100s over S1H with battery grip with pair of zooms (weighing over 2kg for the pair) replaced with 2 primes of around 28mm and 85mm and job done. Just one of several options waiting in the wings but probably the leading contender today.
  15. That guy… He only regurgitates rumors he gets from other rumor places which get theirs from…?? Zero actual sources as far as I am aware. I’d take anything he says with a pinch of salt. Some rumors just by chance or even logic will be right, so odds are, sometimes these folks are right. But still just speculation normally…
  16. Probably. Which is also why I use Panasonic. It’s a very real concern. Or rather it hasn’t been since I went over to L Mount in 2021. Not even a hint of a warning, never mind anything like a shut down and I’ve had cameras on tripods, in 40+ Celsius in the shade, direct sunlight, shooting 4k 50p for up to an hour without a single break. And that was with the original S5 which didn’t have a fan! The S1H does of course as does the S5ii which are my primary video workhorses. No fan or active cooling in some form, no dice for me these days…
  17. No real world gain for me. Adds weight/reduces portability, eats smaller NPF batteries or go for bigger one and add even more weight. So it's going back. I tried it, but Plan B, back to using the rear screen. S5ii, Sigma 28-70mm f2.8 shooting S35 4k 50p (42-105 FF equiv) log with baked in Phantom LUT, VND, cage, side handle, Rode Micro, job done as my run & gun, total weight including Spider Holster attachment = 1.76kg which I find is about bang on for comfortable hand holding. Which got me thinking... Well not thinking as such because it's been swirling about in my head for a loooooooong time, but for stills, zoom vs higher megapixel sensor with primes, possibly with Topaz or DXO PureRaw to pull out every last bit of detail... I'm running about currently with the S1H, battery grip, Leica 24-90 and the quality of output is superb...but it's 2.8kg or in old money, 6lbs 3 & 1/4 oz. More than 1kg/2lbs heavier than my primary video rig and well, it's just a bit OTT weight wise. Seriously toying with something like a Sony A7RV or Nikon Z8, without additional battery grip, and going back to primes. Or even Fuji or Hassy medium format and 100mp. Under 1kg, ergonomically great and can crop da fcuk out of those things. Hasselblad X2D with the 38mm f2.5 and 90mm f2.5 hands down for me...but the cost... 🤔🤑 So my interest is back perked in not just an S1H replacement, but an 'S2R'. Love me a 'rangefinderesque' body, but nothing of any real interest... And laser.
  18. BIG difference though between air temperature indoors and direct sunlight at the same air temp outdoors. But otherwise might be something in their small sensor size? I don't have a dog in the race or whatever they say, but my old Sony RX100v used to cook pretty quickly!
  19. Small black cameras with no heat sink and no fan, without testing my prediction would be: In cooler environments and/or short clips, it will overheat less quickly, but overheat at some point it will. In warmer environments, especially direct sun and with longer clips, it will overheat quickly. Do I win a prize? I’m going to award myself one anyway… It’s kinda pretty obvious if one thinks about it for even a nanosecond and anything else is just wishful thinking.
  20. Silver cameras also reflect more than matte black cameras that just soak up direct sunlight. Wraps are actually available for various cameras these days though I suspect a bit fiddly to get right. I’m surprised actually there isn’t more of a modding market than there is…
  21. Popcorn Cameras. You can use them to actually make popcorn and then eat said popcorn whilst reading the non-Sony fanboys reviews. 🍿
  22. You should always do what you love doing more than doing something just because it pays. As much as anyone can that is, sometimes we just have to pay the bills. I consider myself fortunate that I genuinely love shooting weddings, but that’s probably more because I built a business on doing it ‘my way’ and that’s what my clients book me for, - their lack of input. You still get one every now and again that thinks it’s their day and all about them though 😉
  23. I’m going to ask ChatGPT how to achieve this status.
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