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Everything posted by MrSMW

  1. Funnily enough, I have been thinking about picking up one of these sub 500 euro beauties because I do have a requirement every now and again for another static angle and a bigger camera and tripod is a bit overkill. Might just push the button on oneā€¦
  2. I have not seen a single piece of footage I like shot with the Helios yet. Maybe itā€™s just my taste, but it just looks like a swirly mess to me. Having said that, Iā€™m shooting all weekend with a vintage lens for the first time so interested to see what that producesā€¦ Yes, I have tested it, just not extensively and itā€™s a much less ā€˜interestingā€™ shall we say rendering. Fairly low on contrast, quite neutral in its colour but as with most older lenses, boy does it not like being shot into the sun. Not sure if this is going to be an issue for me as a long term proposition and whether I might be better off swapping this approx 700g 1975 40-80 f3.5 for a modern cine zoom such as the DZO 35-80 or Laowa 28-70 with their modern coatings? But extra 1kgā€¦ Iā€™m sure that extra 1kg is not all lens coatingā€¦ CVP did a side by side and I prefer the results from the Laowa, but the DZO has a better focal range for me. But anyway, getting off topic. FX3, I think itā€™s a great bit of kit and would shoot one in a heartbeat.
  3. MrSMW

    Panasonic GH6

    At leastā€¦ I think they should have either launched the GH6 sooner than they did, or waited even longer and gave it PDAF. For me, it was a moment like when Fuji released the XH1 only to pop out the XT3 6 months later. GH6 and S5iiā€¦ I know we canā€™t always have everything we want, when we want it and the GH6 ticks a lot of boxes for many but the lack of phase and the need to shoot what is it, 2000 iso to get the most DR requiring a lot of ND? I went off it at that point and tried an OM-1 which I lovedā€¦except not so much video. M4/3 died for me then. Not because there is anything inherently wrong with it, just that APSC and FF offers me more of what I personally want. I would like to see the format developed and who knows. I never say never, just what works.
  4. MrSMW

    Panasonic GH6

    The wait for the GH6 was years. I suspect any GH7 might not be perhaps as long but I wouldnā€™t imagine anything sooner than 2025? Just speculatingā€¦
  5. This 6-12 month strikeā€¦ Is it really 6-12 months or just the potential for as in it might get sorted one way or the other within the next few weeks? As is usual with these things, both sides have a point or points and thereā€™s always a knock on effect for someone, somewhere, but what should folks do? Never protest, never speak out? Damned if you do, damned if you donā€™t. The twats at French air traffic control cause mayhem in Europe several times every Summer and itā€™s like a ritual. I donā€™t think they even know why they do it other than they can and ā€œhavenā€™t done one for a whileā€.
  6. Which I probably do not 'need'. 45mp is nice to have for stills, but it's not like I am having any issues with 24mp. 8k is probably slight overkill for my needs and 6k (that I mainly currently use), a bit of a sweet spot. Like 24mp is for stills. Glad to have been of service šŸ˜‰ But seriously, as above, I overlooked this camera myself. Aware of it's existence, but for whatever reason, did not seriously consider it. The Nikon maybe, all factors considered, is the better, on paper, starting from scratch, option, but for my specific requirements, I think right now, the R3 would probably be my pick over the Z9 because as an all round proposition, all factors considered, it ticks even more boxes. It's also the most costly of any/all options though... Not that I am doing anything anytime soon, - just musing šŸ˜€
  7. Iā€™ve never owned a Canon and never paid that much attention to them as a brand. Compared with other options at least. I was aware of course that until Sony pitched up, they were the dominant brand in photography especially. I have considered them from time to time and one camera I have never really paid much attention to was/is the R3. Wow. For a hybrid shooter like me and my specific current needs and future needs, it ticks all of the boxes. Itā€™s not a ā€˜cinemaā€™ camera, but neither are my needs for such a type. For an integrated battery grip camera, itā€™s pretty light, especially compared with the Z9 and my S1H with battery grip. Lens-wise, I am currently really enjoying my Lumix 70-200mm f4 except itā€™s a bit of a lump. OK, the f2.8 version even more of a lump, but compared with the RF 70-200 equivalent, itā€™s a lump. In fact, my S1H with battery grip with 70-200, is a whopping 1kg heavier. And in the hand all day, that is MASSIVE. The only lens missing from their line up for me is a compact lightweight 28-70 f2.8. But itā€™s got my 6k 50p FF internal doesnā€™t it with raw option if/when required, especially useful (probably) if I wanted to pull stills. Itā€™s going on The List. I think a Z8/Z9 and lens options still probably trumps an R3/R6ii with itā€™s lens options, all things considered, but Iā€™d take a much closer look if any future Lumix does not tick my boxes. The R3 seems a little over-looked and under-discussed, but maybe I just havenā€™t been lookingā€¦
  8. 3 day wedding with it this weekendā€¦ Iā€™m not anticipating any issues, but the only way to truly test anything is in the heat of battle! The next gen S1 line (S2) surely will and trump them all for outright video specs. Is my predictionā€¦
  9. Iā€™d go more ā€˜sidewaysā€™ with Sony as from a stills perspective, Iā€™d say ahead, video behind but lenses ahead. Canon R5c no IBIS so out of the picture for me. I do really like the R3 though! I am just going to sit on my fence for the rest of this year though as happy with what I currently have for my current needs + big extra tax bill of 14k dumped on me because someone at the tax office made an error in their calculations last year. Plus just want to see what happens in L Mount land for next year. One thing is certain and that is I will change something up next year and it will either be, in order of expectation: Swap my S5iiā€™s for S2Hā€™s, or even Sigma may spring a surpriseā€¦ Back to Nikon after 13 years. Then Sony. Outside chance of Canon.
  10. I have not had the chance...yet, but would like to because as with anything in this world, what anyone else is doing does not really matter, only what YOU are doing. My next quest is to see: A. If I can take my hybrid capture to the next level which would be stills + video + stills from video. It's the latter I am currently missing because 4k does not cut it for me. It just doesn't. I've tested that one out and it's either 6 or 8k to get the kind of result I would want. B. To see if raw video would then make a difference in that regard. C. And only then decide whether it has any place in my future or whether stills from video could replace any form of stills capture in the first place. I am sure it is very much a case of those with the highest budgets can pull the most from 'lesser' material whereas those with the smallest budgets can sometimes do with the extra bit of help/latitude etc that tech can sometimes bring. So it doesn't surprise me at all that wedding videographers might shoot in 4k+ whilst Hollywood is 'only' shooting 2k a lot of the time. I think I need an IMAX camera next... I've seen BarbieHeimer on YouTube. I'm gonna make WeddingHeimer šŸ˜‰
  11. Almost certainly. I am a hybrid of both a black sheep and a lone wolf, which makes for what should be polar oppositesā€¦but just is who I am. That desert island they talk about. Yup, I could happily live on it. Invite me to a party/social event and Iā€™m going to spend considerable time in working out how to get out of it šŸ˜‰ I donā€™t have complete self control and I doubt anyone truly has, but a higher degree than most, but yes, PLENTY I canā€™t do!
  12. Compact body line-up works for me as do the lenses. I'm interested in the hi res video specs for 'true hybrid' future work, ie, video, stills and stills from video, but the latter is not yet a deal-breaker for me and more a potential future option of interest. I'd rather not go cropped video if I can avoid it as I prefer my stills and video to 'match' as closely as possible and I get that currently shooting FF 6k 30p, but not with 4k 60p which is cropped 1.5x. This will be a deal-breaker whatever I do next, whether it's with L Mount or someone else, ie, FF everything, zero crops. All internal is also a deal-breaker for me because other than a cage/battery grip and a small shotgun mic, I'm not interested in rigging anything. Internal raw video comes into that category of 'true hybrid' and opens up the possibility of even shooting 100% video and pulling stills, but realistically, means min FF 6k 50/60p or 8k 50/60p. Right now, if the fairy dropped the cash, Nikon as it best meets all my criteria, but if the internal raw/crop factor was removed from the equation, the Sony option. With Sony, I'd still be concerned about those rear LCD's as I use them 100% and the difference between those on my S5ii and S1H are night and day with that of the S1H blowing away that of the S5ii without even trying. With Sony, my choices of FX3 and A7RV would be the former, approx 85-90% video and the rest stills with the A7RV being the opposite, ie, primarily stills with a secondary video role.
  13. Does the FX3 still lack shutter angle and waveform? Otherwise for me, if I was starting afresh, it would be my pick for what I do, paired up with some other Sony offerings. I have come to the conclusion that as much as I love my L Mount system, Iā€™d chuck it all in right now for a Sony based one if a magic fairy waved that wand. Thereā€™s a body for everything from the 6000 line, through the rangefinderesque A7C and if a fixed lens compact is your thing, R1Rā€™s (or whatever it is called) are still available. Then cinema cameras ranging from the junior FX30 through FX3 to FX6, not to mention the super-dedicated cinema cameras. Stills or hybrid, A7iv, A7RV, A1, A9ā€¦ The fixed lens compact zoom ZVā€™s, the interchangeable lens ZVā€™sā€¦ The most extensive line up of lenses, native and with others such as Tamronā€¦ The only real disappointment for me with Sony is their rear LCD screens which are a bit shit compared with a lot of other competitors. It would be a toss up right now for me to pair either a Nikon Z9 with a Z8, or an FX3 with an A7RV, with respectively a 28-75 and a 70-180 (which both line have available). But having said all of that, L Mount I think will have something by next year that will leapfrog all of the above offerings for my needs, so I will keep the faith for now. Because I donā€™t have the cash. And because *spoiler* fairies do not exist.
  14. Yep. Itā€™s called self control. My main working laptop is connected to the internet but as with all my devices, I have social media alerts switched off because without exaggeration, 99% of alerts are of zero interest to me. Ditto email. I can connect to it when I want to or not. I donā€™t get this, ā€œbut itā€™s a distractionā€. Ifā€™s only a distraction if you choose for it to be. Same for watching a TV show or going for a walk or going to the gym. Wife and daughter, phones on. Me, phone off. Itā€™s with me for emergency purposes and I am not immune to pausing during a TV show to look up an actor or write a note, but never at the same time. Social media for me is scheduled for 2 times in the day (typing twaddle on this forum, whenever I feel like it) and that is my business social media, which is purely Instagram, around 8-8.30am for about 10 mins. Personal insta and then only if I have something to post, at the end of the day and only about once per week. Email is a simple communication business tool so I will use it whenever I need to and I will check it when it is convenient. I guess for some, maybe itā€™s like a recovering alcoholic who canā€™t have a bottle in the house because the temptation is too strong and maybe the ā€˜answerā€™ to social media etc is not becoming an addict in the first place? But a flip phone? That would be for me like going back to shooting weddings on a DSLR. Any advantages? For me, zero.
  15. Itā€™s pretty obvious from that side to side that the first pic was taken in sunshine and with the second, a cloud had passed over so if this is the only evidence for any color difference, the clown show is in town. But I havenā€™t watched the videos and Iā€™d expect some with them having different sensors and one being FF and the other APSC. Same or different lens?
  16. I think if I wanted to go as small and light as possible for weddings/personal/vacation etc, Iā€™d go FX30. Still weddings but something slightly more ā€˜proā€™, then FX3. More pro still, FX6. Not wedding but more serious filmmaking, Komodo etc becomes interesting.
  17. But if you are Christopher Nolan, you donā€™t have to be on social media to tout your wares because everyone in the industry knows your rĆ©sumĆ©. And you can afford to fly to Ireland in your private jet to hand deliver the script to Tommy Shelby in person. I was asked last week if I could drop in to Bordeaux next week to meet a couple who might be interested in using my services. Yeah, 15 hour round trip driving so 2 days for a zero commitment chat. If they even turned upā€¦ šŸ¤Ŗ But otherwise no fan of social media myself, other than for 2 purposes. A. Not having the status of Nolan, touting my wares to prospective punters. B. Sharing pics with friends & family. But I could happily live in a world where social media did not exist.
  18. Yes that would be interestingā€¦ Iā€™m doing a job this next weekend mostly using 6k 30p log with a 1975 Carl Zeiss 40-80mm f3.5 lens as a test to: A. See if it works for me in principle which I think it should as I like very much the test results so farā€¦but nothing but a real world job will really answer that one. B. To see the potential for how it then might work going forward to any S1H replacement, but if that camera does not come or meet my spec requirements, thenā€¦ C. A flip to a Nikon Z9 + Z8 pairing as currently they are the only available cameras that meet my ā€˜next genā€™ spec, plus along with Sony, the only oneā€™s that have the lenses that suit my needs most. All things considered, Nikon are currently ahead of the rest for me, but weā€™ll see.
  19. And just like, the vintage game is back on. It was indeed a firmware issue with the Fotodiox EF-L Mount adapter requiring an update and dummy here not realizing there was a difference between the 2 types of cable šŸ¤Ŗ Still need to see if I can get around that start up Q re. focal length, but sure I did with the S1H last year, and not a deal-breaker otherwise this combo is going to get a full run out on a 3 day job at the end of this week. It should workā€¦or I would not be trying it, but final decision reserved whether this is going to be the final set up for the rest of this year after the weekend.
  20. Or live a vampiric lifestyle. Or should that be unlifestyle..?? šŸ§›ā€ā™‚ļø
  21. I think the beauty of forums is you can dip in and out when it suits you and that is not fixed time based. For me anyway.
  22. Something that often gets overlooked and is under-appreciated. I donā€™t wish to turn this into a Sony vs thread, but every time I use my S1H next to my S5ii, I am reminded of just how good that rear LCD is and not just how much better it is, but what impact that has in the real world which is confidence in the result. Itā€™s so rich and detailed, whereas the S5ii is lacking by comparison and really is like having a proper, albeit 3+ inch monitor without having to rig it. Itā€™s in these real world details that the biggest difference in kit can be found.
  23. And Sigmaā€™s main rival. I canā€™t see it either sadly because as I have stated various times, in various threads, Tamron currently make the lenses that best suit my needs. Itā€™s unlikely Samyang will bang out their entire lens range for L Mount in one go, if at all, but drip feed a few into the system over time. But please please please let the first be that 35-150 as my current system is one lens short of where I need it to be and though there are options, none of them are quite what I need. What I need, is a lighter and more compact version of my 70-200 f4. If it could be smaller, lighter and faster like Tamronā€™s 70-180 f2.8, that would be a step in the right direction, but as it cannot be adapted, Iā€™d need to change system. Then ideally, it would be wider, even though it would mean sacrificing the longer end. Step forward Tamron and Samyang. OK, adds the weight and size back in, plus a little more, but there is only so much physics they can deny at this point in time. But then Sigma may beat them to the punch with ā€˜somethingā€™ and I believe they wish to complete their compact trinity of f2.8; 16-28 and 28-70 with a 70-180. Given the choice, Iā€™d go with a compact 70-180 because I could use that without a battery grip. For stills, the best combo I currently have is the S1H with battery grip plus 70-200 which is perfect outdoors 90% of the time, but unusable indoors. And weighs a freaking ton. Well 2.5 or so kg which is the metric equivalent of an imperial or US ton.
  24. Ahā€¦ Mr Thicky, winner of last years Mr Thick contest, will try Monday upon his return.
  25. I am not going to complain if they announce and release it any time soon as itā€™s my opinion this is where L Mount is now beginning to lag a little behind especially Sony; lens options. I almost moved to Sony last year just for the Tamron version of this lens because although itā€™s a bit bigger than Iā€™d ideally like, it replaces 2 camera bodies with 1. And that is a big deal and worth it to me. Clone the Tamron 20-40 while they are at it. Please.
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