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About nsj_life

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  1. nsj_life

    gimbal work

    thanks for the reply, i requested to join group. hopefully i can find a more compact solution then the ronin. would be nice to have a gimbal for other uses too. it seems like you can counterweight them and they can handle the front heavy setups better. there is a guy on youtube running 15lbs on a ronin s. These newer gimbals are supposed to have heavier payloads.
  2. nsj_life

    gimbal work

    anybody running a heavier ana setup on gimbal and follow focus? Im trying to figure out which one to go with. considering crane 3 or air 2
  3. damn, i was afraid of that answer. I already the trigger on the full set. Is it the color cast gradable in post? We'll see when it gets here i guess. these paid off youtubers are killing me. You never know whats really g anymore. Sick footage! Is that taken from a boat or do you run your anamorphic in a water housing? I have housing and plan to use it once i get my setup dialed i guess just focus to infinity both lenses, pray and see what comes out sharp in the end. is that the method? I agree with you on the frame grabs but broke surfers want it all.
  4. I generally hate using nd filters. I come from a photography background and they definitely degrade the image. The slr magic vari nd looks to not interfere with the image to much. Is anyone running that one? also any thoughts on the image enhancer? Now that im getting into video I kind of have to start using them. I am wondering how they effect flares both veiling flare and flares from light source.? Also is anyone running a vari nd in front of single focus like hcdna or vfd16a? How does this effect things? I prefer maintaining sharp flares from a light source not so much veiling flare that washes out images. I just got the bolex and its a flare monster! It has a little to much veiling flare though. Should I be looking for a small mat box or lens hood for the bolex as well? best compact options? Also, this might sound crazy but is anyone just shooting at a higher shutter speed, then adding blur in post? Are there any realistic looking solutions out these days? I have seen rsmb but it doesn't look that real to me. This would ideal because i shoot a lot of sports and being able to frame grab a sharp image would be nice. Any input much appreciated! Just want to hear thoughts before i keep throwing into the money pit.
  5. Do you know of how to distinguish if it has a different color flares without looking at the coating by any chance? I mean was there a certain serial number range to identify with?
  6. Are macro lenses harder to use with an anamorphic set up? Does the front element rotate? Do have to run it separated on rails? How are the coatings? Does it kill the flares? I'm after exteme sharpness wide open but maintain the flares. I know t* coatings are known to kill flares.
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