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Everything posted by eatstoomuchjam

  1. Nice! Though I thought at first it was a speed booster with eND and was like "Make an RF version and take my money already." Inline ND filter is still cool, but they're a little bit late to a crowded market.
  2. The Z-Cam E2-F6 Pro uses a single for power/signal/control to its 5" monitor IIRC. Also, I think Arri does it, but that's a bit outside of my price range.
  3. The marketing materials seemed to be making a big deal of their IP connectivity and support for various PTZ protocols. 3 of 7 boxes from Panasonic's page relate to streaming/PTZ/multi-camera. It could be that they're making a play for the church streaming market (which seems weirdly big) as well as things like podcast studios, etc. Overall, it's a ho-hum announcement. Unless the camera is really cheap, I can't see it making much of a splash.
  4. Sure - though to be clear, no current Red (that I'm aware of) ships with the DSMC3 Red Touch screen. It's a $3,000 add-on - between a 50% and 150% price premium over the SmallHD screen that they modify (depending on which model of SmallHD). In this regard, the Pyxis monitor is a LOT better. Even without supporting the buttons, if any other cameras support the image/power over USB-C, I'll almost certainly be a customer for it.
  5. Whoa, whoa. Lighten up, Francis. If you don't like the stuff, don't engage. There's no need to call other members dumb or untalented.
  6. RED doesn't make first-party monitors. They add some capabilities to SmallHD monitors and add the single connection option. As an owner/user of a Komodo-X, I'd say having a screen on the side for settings is really nice (vs fixed top screen). It just seems silly to me that they made a settings/focus puller screen so big.
  7. (Or lenses that can be adapted to EF - including Leica R, Olympus OM, and Nikon F)
  8. You're making a bunch of incorrect assumptions. If there is a difference in "optical quality" between F and Z mount lenses at medium focal lengths, it likely has more to do with a combination of modern lens design and correcting certain types of lens defect in software which means fewer compromises in the physical design of the lens to mitigate those problems. Anyway, assuming that by "optical quality," you mean "sharpness," it's a horribly incorrect assumption that it's what people shooting cinema want. K35's are far from tack sharp. Vintage Zeiss Superspeed lenses aren't all that sharp. Vintage Cookes are FAR from sharp. Modern EF glass was already a lot better in many ways than them - but yet, people love the older lenses and how they looked. Go watch even the trailers for The Witch or the Lighthouse. The latter went even beyond the "modern" lenses that I listed before and was shot, at least partly, on Baltars. Not Super Baltars. Baltars. Anyway, even if you're talking about autofocus stuff, again, newer EF glass is going to be good enough for most things and on RF cameras (and I'm told on Z cameras, with the right adapter) autofocuses like a native lens. The focus motors on older glass weren't as good, but the newer stuff can focus almost as fast as any native lens that I have for RF mount - and certainly fast enough for any time I've needed/wanted it on a short. My personal strategy is to focus on EF lenses for anything needing modern sharp glass. I've definitely not had any complaints from anybody that I've worked with that the lenses weren't up to their expectations - whether using the L mount variant or the CN-E variant. It's great - I have no stress about changing between any modern camera systems.
  9. Huh? EF lenses work perfectly with an adapter on RF bodies. Just about anybody buying $4,000 cinema lenses will be savvy enough to understand that. Especially at the higher end (v-raptor, etc), the number of people using native RF lenses on their Red is a lot less than you seem to be suggesting. The cost of a new PL to Z mount adapter ($300ish for a fairly high-end model) is pretty negligible compared with the price of a shiny new v-raptor ($20k+). The users of the $6k-10k cameras might be more apt to jump ship - then it's more of a question of whether Nikon care about ceding some portion of that market to Canon/Sony.
  10. This sort of thing used to come up a lot in the Z Cam user groups. It's not necessarily that most clients on a paid shoot really mind, but there is sometimes an uphill battle in needing to educate the customer. If you tell the customer "I'm showing up with a Red" or "I'll be there with my FX6" - or insert any boxy prosumer camera in here, there's no education or discussion needed. Even though the Netflix approved camera list is truly only relevant to people who are shooting a made-for-Netflix production, it could also be a useful tool - "I'll be showing up at your shoot with this camera which, as you can see, is used to make productions for Netflix." Even for non-paid cinema work that I do, people get a lot more excited if I show up with the Komodo-X than they do if I show up with the C70 or Z-Cam or GFX 100 II. There's no need for them to be - every one of those cameras can make a really nice image.
  11. I've always assumed that the various "rumors" sites were fed largely by the execs at those companies who want to do "soft announcements" of their products to watch for reactions and to drive up engagement/interest/curiosity. That way they are never actually on the hook for things. Looks like the new camera will support 8kp160? Leak it to the rumor site. When it actually supports 8kp24? "Hey, hey, we never said it would. That was just a rumor."
  12. When I saw yesterday that you will now be able do do 4k120p ProRes on a phone, I imagined the shame being felt by any number of camera companies who claim they can't do it on their dedicated cameras. Not sure yet how long the iPhone can roll 4k120 without overheating, but Canon should be making a face like the meme awkward puppet monkey right about now... It's increasingly obvious that camera vendors should stop trying to build their own special magic chips (Bionz! Digic! X-Processor Pro!) and figure out how to adopt current-generation smartphone processors. Why build a dedicated chip on a 14nm process when you could build your system on a much more powerful chip that was built with 2nm that uses less power and runs so much cooler? A lot of vendors should feel relief that the companies who have (so far) tried to blend phone and camera have done such a tremendously terrible job of integration. Eventually somebody's gonna get it right.
  13. Definitely - and there's no reason that option 2 means waiting for 2-3 years. Assuming that Red had products in the pipeline at the time of acquisition, their timelines shouldn't be hugely impacted by Nikon saying they need to change the mount, especially since they now have direct access to Nikon's entire engineering staff. About the only exceptions might be any products that are already getting certified (FCC, CE, etc).
  14. The latest on Nikon's cinema range? There was this one small development in April... I'd say that gives a pretty decent insight into Nikon's cinema camera strategy. https://www.nikon.com/company/news/2024/0412_imaging_01.html
  15. I'll jump on the "gosh, the C70 sure gets noisy when you go above ISO 3200 or so" train. I like mine a lot, but the noise is real. As far as softness, I find it to be really pleasant and flattering to skin tones - and it's rare that I'm trying to count the molecules in a brick wall 100 meters away. (But hey, I'm also a person who just overpaid for a used OG Dog Schidt optics flare factory so take any statements I make about liking softness with that in mind)
  16. Bonus with the Komodo/Komodo-X, rotating it on its side would let you see the screen when the camera's on a tripod (at or above head level).
  17. Smart move by Canon (if not unexpected) since it's a lot more affordable for a lot of people than the C400 and it's not a huge premium over an R5 II. Hopefully they fixed the monitor hinge and there will be a first-party EVF. As others have pointed out, for people who love the DGO sensor (including me), this is likely to be an additional camera vs a replacement. Could slow initial adoption by quite a bit.
  18. Chris and Jordan were surprisingly the only people mentioning the audio hiss on any of the YouTube reviews that I watched the other day. Judging by forum posts where people asked/complained about it, I didn't see any indication that they ever fixed it. I think the IBIS is also electronic-only which might not be ideal. Looks like a "don't buy" for now, but if the X-M5 comes out as rumored, maybe it'll be something to look at buying a year or two after (assuming it keeps the same dimensions). πŸ˜…
  19. Ready to hear your thoughts on it! It'd certainly be great to have an alternative to Insta360.
  20. Yes. Obviously. And? I said almost exactly that already in the same post that you quoted, but thank you for reaffirming, I guess.
  21. Excuse me, is that a 10-year old drone in your pocket or...
  22. Sorry to resurrect this thread, but some of the smoke signals from the Dolomites have been talking about the possibility of an upcoming Fuji X-M5. That put me in a rabbithole of "What other X-M" bodies were there? Seems to just be X-M1 previously, but then somebody mentioned that X-M series are X-Trans processor unlike the X-A series which have basically the same body, but Bayer sensor. That led me to learning about the X-A7 which looks really pretty tiny. According to the pictures on cameradecision, it's even smaller than the GX85 (barely - 3mm in each dimension, but surprisingly about 25% lighter). They're also not horribly expensive at about $600 used. Has anybody here used one / have feedback on it? I'm guessing not since I couldn't find any reference to it when re-skimming this thread (and putting x-a7 in the search box got no results). I'm just about to start poking around in YouTube to see if it's worth keeping an eye out for a good deal on a used one. I keep thinking about getting a little Fuji X camera as a daily carry sort of thing - maybe a really little one could be an option.
  23. Only if they intend to keep the prices at $5k and $7k for the Z mount version. If the goal were just to clear out stock, they'd do a big sale, similar to what DJI did with the full frame pocket a month or two ago. If not, they are radically overestimating the price premium a vast majority of users will pay. If they're planning a switch to Z mount, I'd guess that they paused nearly every product in development (or every, but if some were already through all the regulatory approvals, they'd be adding substantial delay and cost to recertify) and insisted that it switch to Z mount. If that's the case, then yeah - maybe the plan is to burn through stock before introducing the newer cameras and announcing EOL for the current ones - but shipping dates would still be months away. And FWIW, reducing the prices of the cameras is potentially more likely to drive people to the arms of Canon for lenses since it's pushing down more into the consumer/prosumer space and less into the "Which adapter do I need for my PL mount lenses, then?" space.
  24. Ah, sure. If we just make the pockets bigger, it will easily fit. If that's the case, my Mavic 3 Pro is also "pocketable." πŸ˜‰
  25. Oh, finally... a drone with a microphone. 🀣 I'm not sure about fitting in the pocket - I can find no reference to it folding and see no indication in pictures that it could. If anything, I'd be worried that it'd catch on and become the next backpack-attached bluetooth speaker in terms of nuisances when hiking at parks.
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