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About SteveV4D

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  • Location
    Reading, UK
  • Interests
    Video (of course), Scifi, Hiking, History.
  • My cameras and kit
    Pocket 4K, Panasonic MFT

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  1. A Nikon mirrorless hybrid with internal BRAW would be high on my list if implemented. If external BRAW, then less so. If they want to set themselves apart from Sony, Canon and Panasonic fullframe, adding internal BRAW would be an advanatage. Don't hold back on video, though I won't hold them to a ND filter... even if it would be desirable. Canons hybrids still have their limits, Panasonic keeps missing on AF, Sony is doing well, but their main video hybrid is only 12mp, which for some is seen as too small for the hybrid work they do. So Nikon have a chance to fill the gap. I'm awaiting the first fullframe hybrid with a better internal codec than H264/5. Will Nikon be the first?
  2. That was me. 🤣 It's hard to be 100% sure, but going by 2017 to 2019, I had approx 107 clients booked each year. Approx 16 are non Weddings, making 91 approx Weddings a year. Each one gets 3 videos, a 1 min Trailer, Full Length and Highlights. Some of the Weddings (about 50% of them) have 30 minute videos, Marryoke, Guestcam and Video Messages. About 10% have all of the above. Non Wedding includes parties, where they get a Highlights and a Full Length. Even my Corporate work, I'm doing several videos a lot of the time. Such as a Promo video and separate Drone video. Plus I do a few of my personal videos in my time off.... 🤣🤣🤣 I can't say it's that much more than 360, but its around that mark for sure.
  3. Watching others mistakes can be satisfying as to remind you that you're not alone in making them. As a lesson to stop you making them, it can have limited value. I've learnt from my mistakes and I learnt quicker that way, than hearing about them from others.
  4. What's the advanatage for 8K downsampled 4K given the inconvenience of overheating. Workarounds or switching to line skipped mode seems superfluous if there are better options out there for video only. If I was shooting primary stills and some video, the R5 might register as a worthy hybrid, with the inconvenience of video mitigated by my needing it less. However if you're only shooting video, what's the attraction of the R5, other than 8K RAW? I'm not a big fan of Sony, far from it, having hated the few Sony cameras I've owned; but they are delivering in areas that Canon are not. I can understand why many have looked to Sony over Canon for shooting video.
  5. Got my Pocket 6K Pro today. I took it out for a quick try at the grounds of a nearby University. Just some initial thoughts. It does look like my screen has a slight blue tint. I have not yet tried to upload any LUT, so can't confirm that yet. Just using it for basic shots, it's a welcome step up on the Pocket 4K. Tilt screen is very useful and I tried some low shots to make good use of it. It was a dull day, but its clear the screen is a lot clearer and brighter. I need a sunny day to really test it though. Battery life much better. Not as good as the GH5 I own of course, but much more usable than the P4K. Colour looked better but I need to edit the footage to make a proper judgement. No issues with the IS on my 24 to 105 lens as I had on the 4K with the metabones adaptor. However as the issue was intermittent, its hard to be sure. It was a cold day, so I would have normally have had issues and lots aperture control at some point. This didn't happen once. Some improvement in shallow depth of field from the slightly larger sensor. Nice look that I look forward to working with. It's bigger and heavier to hold, but I felt sturdier in my hands. It helped me to get more stable shots I felt. I will continue to take it out and even start editing the footage, so will have more thoughts on it as time goes on. However, I am very pleased with it so far.
  6. Canon have dropped the ball with their R5/R6 release. Neither were the camera many hoped for. I had hoped to add a R6 to my gear, but the release fell far short of even modest expectations. Overheating and rolling shutter plus other notable misses as well. Shame on Canon. Sony are pushing further than Canon in some areas, but Canon is in others, but for video, Sony is doing better IMO. And I say this as someone who has never enjoyed a single Sony camera I have owned and prefers Canon colours to Sony. Sony is narrowing the gap and I predict a day when Canon won't have the edge in AF and colour it once enjoyed. Unless Canon can stop limiting their cameras so drastically, they will continue to lose their market to Sony, as they have done already.
  7. Learning skills can vary depending on if you're shooting more work or not. The downtime has allowed me to learn new skills such as colour grading, but also shooting so many Weddings per year allowed me to quickly learn the ins and outs of shooting with a particular camera and general use of the editing software. I picked up Resolve quite quickly 2 years ago, learning on the fly, because I had to. When you have actual projects to direct your learning, it can focus my efforts more than if I were to just dip in for the sake of learning.
  8. The GH5 has a similar function. I did use it to film some 6K footage of a watch, so I could crop in. It's a limited function, but helpful for some shots.
  9. SteveV4D

    Panasonic GH6

    Agreed. If the GH6 had been released in early 2019 with 6K or even 8K, it would have carried some weight and continued the trend. As it was, Panasonic went down a different route. Each GH release carried something new that got people excited for MFT, but it will be hard for a GH6 to get the same level of excitement now. Though with the S1H out there, it's no longer going to be Panasonics flagship hybrid camera, so probably won't have to be the big launch previous models were. If done well, it could keep the MFT line going for another 5 years. It's whether Panasonic will want to do so, when there are advantages in encouraging current GH users to shift to their fullframe brand and spend money on a new lens system. MFT still has its uses, and is great for light and low profile lenses, but with Olympus gone, it feels like format dying slowly from neglect.
  10. Cancelled my order with WEX and went with CVP, so I get my camera tomorrow. WEX were so unhelpful and even rude in replying to me. Their loss. Also got a Mavic Mini 2, so I have 2 toys to play with come the weekend.
  11. Editing H264/5 Vs BRAW is like night and day. Sure I can edit them on a 4K timeline and yes I can use auto cache, but with BRAW, I can apply a lot of grading and still get smooth playback. I don't have to transcode the footage or do anything extra, just edit it as is. H264/5 are deliverable codecs and regardless of system, I find nothing beneficial except a low file size, and frankly even that's not a great advantage given the various compression levels offered in BRAW. As for latitude, much greater. A much better and intuitive white balance control that is more consistent within the RAW controls if Resolve. H264/5 footage clipped remains clipped, not so with BRAW, where you have greater latitude to bring in new detail in the highlights and shadows otherwise clipped. Its not proper RAW, but that 12 bit is useful to me. Do I need that extra latitude, absolutely. I still work with a lot of H264/5 footage. I'm not saying it's not possible to get a decent grade, or that it's a major pain to work with; just that BRAW for me is a lot better. I find more pleasure editing and colour grading now I'm working with it than I did before. Its nice to have a system where the camera, codec and editing software are so intune with each other.
  12. SteveV4D

    Panasonic GH6

    Price point is at the same level as S5. Affordable glass is worth little to Panasonic if people already own it. Better to push for fullframe and get people to invest in new glass. I've not bought a MFT lens in years. Mainly as I have it all covered.
  13. SteveV4D

    Panasonic GH6

    I am not sure that works. The GH5 added IBIS and 10 bit, making it a much more exciting a camera release at the time than the GH4 was back in its day. Sure the GH4 added 4K, and it was huge, but 10 bit files is hardly a small addition. GH3 added 60p to HD, again a huge step from the GH2. I think each step of the GH Series has been a big step and factored in new technology, bringing new things to mirrorless camera from 1080p, to 60p 1080p, to 4K to 10 bit and IBIS. The GH6 would need to add something unique. Alas 8K has already been done in fullframe, RAW with the Pocket cameras, 120fps is already covered. What can the GH6 offer on the table to make it stand out from what is already there? Not much. Even internal ND has been done. You can't blame Panasonic if they thought that MFT had now had its day. Technology has now caught up to make fullframe now equally beneficial. For the GH6 to shine in the way previous models did, it would require a leap I feel Panasonic are unable to make. Outstanding AF coupled with internal ND, internal RAW or ProRes, minimum 120fps 4K, 30p 8K and 6K shooting modes and countless other features to give it an edge over fullframe mirrorless. Anything less, and many will compare it to say the S5 and ask, why? MFT was great in its day, but let's face it, even the size advanatage is hard to factor when the S5 is on a similar scale to the GH5. What can MFT do that other cameras with larger sensors can not? The only question to validate a GH6 release.
  14. Can't edit for that update. Been a long time coming.
  15. I've heard about the LUT bug. Screen one is new to me. I'm still awaiting WEX to even acknowledge the camera is now available. Should have gone to CVP... Hopefully a bug fix will be due out soon to fix these silly issues. Sounds like an easy fix.
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