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Everything posted by Super8

  1. I had 2 BMP6K's wet the bed and ruin a shoot over multiple days. I'll take short record times any day over ruined color. And the crazy thing is Black Magic is still selling the P4k and P6K as is.
  2. Tesla's don't break down. You're kinda proving the negative media biased by bringing up Tesla as a technology case study. Be real. I filmed outside today in 92 degree weather. My longest run time was 2:44 min. I don't think the R5 would have made it today. But the S1H AF tracking would have failed also.
  3. Phillip Bloom is about as straight forward as you get. AF tracking for video, although no used in cine productions because it doesn't exist, is amazing and can save thousands of dollars a day on any set. Now like I said AF tracking is not available on the Arri or RED or other $20,000+ cine cameras, yet.
  4. No you keep shooting because you have the 2nd camera rolling. That 2nd angle should be just as good as your first angle. I'm with you about the R5 not being ideal for interview shooting in any situation. What camera do you use now? or mostly use now? I have a feeling your answer will be very informative.
  5. My comment was about using TWO cameras as a work around with the R5. Matt James Smith ? indicated that YOU WOULD HAVE TO STOP THE INTERVIEW while the R5 was cooling down. Are we that amateurish that we think the interview talent WOULD ROLL for OVER an hour without ONE break? If you're talking "live event convention type settings" then why would you use the R5 ? If you're in that setting delivering conference interviews and stage banter you get by with GH5 video quality and record all day. At some point image quality comes into play and all day shooting on the convention hall floor is not what the R5 should be used for.
  6. I think covid had an impact on the timing and delay. We still don't have a really good FF hybrid camera. The S1H is expensive for a camera that has the same image quality as the S1 and Z6 with unusable AF. I would say the Nikon Z6S might be the camera to look out for. If it comes in with 10bit internal and 4K60p and still keeps internal RAW then it checks all the boxes without having to deal with the cripple hammer.
  7. Who else feels like your birthday party got cancelled? I totally hate all the negative overheating reviews. It's a PR nightmare that's Canon should have seen coming.
  8. I never said stop the interview mid flow. I said shoot with two cameras. Lots of references for highly produced interviews shot with two cameras. This keep the viewer interested in cutting to a different view during that 1-2 hour interview and I would hope you have great b-roll to work with also. I might be wrong but I would think a 1 - 2 hour interview locked down, not cuts, would come out as a very dull interview. I perfectly understand that the R5 might not be for you. What do you shoot with now? If money was no issue what camera would you use?
  9. The R5 is $3,899 and R6 is $2,499. The 4K60p from the R6 look impressive. You can also get the R5, R6 combo for weddings and live events. If we want to be positive it would be 4K60p, IBIS and Canon color for $2,499. The negative would be that Sony's A7SIII will be a Canon R6 spec copy. If the A7SIII goes for R5 specs it will have the same over heating issues.
  10. No interview is going to be stuck on the subject for 30 minutes straight. You always have a second camera capturing a different angle. The work around for the R5 recording limit is not that hard to do.
  11. 4 minutes ago, Super8 said: We will need to see just how sensitive the over heating issue is. How those record times are in the real world. As indicated they could be much shorter. The A6500 is still being sold and in Florida I couldn't get more than 15 minutes of record time. This doesn't see like a good decision by Canon.
  12. My first Sony was the A6500 and at the time it was great for what I needed it for. On my first shoot it overheated all day long. After 12-14 minutes it would happen. This was a job for just under 10K. That night I went out and bought a G7 to finish shooting for Day 2. I hate overheating. I love Canon. Hopefully it's not as bad as this thread and reaction make it out to be.
  13. Where is this info coming from? The camera is not out and already it's the Sony overheating issue all over again.
  14. What kind of second camera work are you talking about? Are they using A7III and what Canon model? Second camera work with the Z6 rigged out or not will give you AF tracking in video, 10 bit out if needed and better color. That's important for a second camera operator.
  15. Good discussion everyone. Nikon and the Z6 got hammered with bad reviews, fair reviews and spec diving that they couldn't recover from. The Z6 even got hurt by "the A7SIII is gonna....." and this was 2 years ago. I like what the S1 can do spec wise but bad AF tracking cripples it. It looks like the same sensor as Z6 and is priced more. It all comes down to who you want to invest in.
  16. A new Z6 is going for roughly $1,795. It seems to have held it's value. The Z6S rumored specs with duel processor and card slot, 4K60p doesn't seem like an issue if it's more of a lateral move in price. The "S" seems like it's a Mark II upgrade and not a new camera release. Now Nikon needs to address the R5 / A7SIII models and deliver the "as close too" specs as they can. We have the S1H and now R5 / A7SIII as flagship releases. I actually like the Z6S rumor because it pushed upgrades but not all the way to 6K or 8K and Nikon can still do RAW OUT.
  17. Canon has a gear loan program. Is this what Bloom and others were working with?
  18. MDR-V600 Not headphones but I just picked up a pair of pair Dahlquist DQM-9 speakers.
  19. Incredible all around. I forgot to think about what camera it was filmed with. The footage looks amazing.
  20. Super8

    RED Komodo

    This is starting to talk to me.......a........little.
  21. I have made great friends and connections on Facebook that are professional. Friends recommend people for a reason and it goes both ways. "That wasn't my fault. I did my job on that wedding and that wedding guest had issues" Lol.
  22. One thing I know I have and that's talent. Talent in creativity, photography, vision and getting the shot. You can take that any way you want.
  23. What? This is crazy talk. Right? So now you don't trust a guy on Facebook's with a resume and links? So you only trust people face to face? This sounds like jealous snowflake, "you don't have what someone else has" thinking. I'm not a big shot director or cinematographer but people like you and @MrSMW motivate me to get to the big time just to prove a point.
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