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Everything posted by Corydharma

  1. Thank you. This wasn't the specific issue but it lead me down the right path. The issue has been solved. Your suggestion that I hook the camera to my computer monitor to figure out if it was the monitor or the camera helped a lot. The computer monitor was able to tell me my HDMI output wasn't supported by the monitor. Which was strange because my computer monitor is way newer than my camera. When I lowered the HDMI output settings (down to 1920x1080p from 3840x2160 (24p)clean out) of the NX1 when the monitor wasn't plugged in, both the computer monitor and the Feel World F5 became usable and the buttons on the camera became functional. I had set the HDMI out settings to Clean Out do to a recommendation from youtube, but it turns out that this lowers the functionality of my camera with this monitor. Thanks for the help. Hope this helps someone else in the future.
  2. I bought the Feelworld F5 monitor so I could have a forward facing monitor for recording YouTube videos. It seems to work just fine, except some buttons on my camera stop working when the monitor is turned on, INCLUDING THE record button for video and the shutter release. The menu and playback buttons also stop functioning. Which all kinda defeats the purpose of having a monitor if it stops the camera from working. The camera is the Samsung NX1. The firmware is up to date, and the NX mod has been installed found here https://www.eoshd.com/comments/forum/25-samsung-nx1-nx500-hack/ The monitor is connected using the hdmi to hdmi micro. The USB Connection setting is set to Remote Access (as opposed to mass storage). Set to manual, with the 18-200 OIS Samsung lens. Auto focus on, OIS on. But I can't see why it would matter. Any thoughts? Is there some incompatibility I'm unaware of? A problem with the camera or monitor? Am I missing some setting? I appreciate any thoughts or suggestions of where else to ask/search for answers.
  3. First off, I recently applied the hack to the NX1, primarily to remove the video record limit. I'm super happy with it and Thanks to all involved in that! Now I'm trying to use my NX1 as a streaming camera. I was able to use the Samsung Remote Studio program on my Lenovo T420 to connect my NX1 to the laptop via a micro USB B to a USB 3 cable. Problem was that computer was so old, it crashed and ran really poorly when I could get it to work. I recently got a 2019 MacBook 13" and I'm trying again. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a mac OS version Samsung Remote Studio. I'm not sure they ever released one. When I plug in to my USB hub, the camera does not show up in the Finder. I attempted to download and use the Samsung i-Launcher app but that didn't seem to get me any closer and I ran into a lot of issues. I don't even think it works the way I'm looking for anyway. IF I connected the NX1 to my USB hub via a HDMI to HDMI mini would I be able to connect to OBS, YouTube Streaming, IG Live, or FB Live, without an intermediary app like Samsung Remote Studio? Are their ANY other options for connecting the NX1 to a Macbook Pro for use as a streaming camera? Thanks for any help you can offer. This community seems to be the last bastion of NX1 owners who are trying to get the most out of it. Cory
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