I'm not at home right now so I'll try to remember to upload later.
For shooting, I white balance manually and I shoot ETTR with enough head room for a stop or so in the highlights. When colour grading in premiere, this makes me have to bring down the exposure tab in the Prores Raw settings to about -2.5 or so to get my highlights under the clipping point. I add/remove some saturation. Then, I use the secondary colour wheels (I think that's what they are called) to adjust the shadows, mid tones, and highlights. If there isn't enough contrast, I adjust the curve or simply use the contrast slider in the primary lumetri tab (I'm very bad with using the curve with more than 2 points). Then, I adjust the colour wheels to the colours I want (example being purple shadows, yellow highlights). After all of this, with the 12 bit codec I've been pleasantly surprised that the skin tones stay in tact quite well! It feels like as a beginner I'm at more ease to try more creative looks without ruining my image. Although an expert can make 10-bit (or even 8 bit) look better than my 12-bit no problem.