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About Marla

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  • My cameras and kit

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New member (1/5)



  1. @towd, thank you I appreciate the help!
  2. Thank you for the camera suggestions and for the setting tips. Herin2020 I am going to start with your suggestions and see if I can get better results. Right now it really blurs if the object a piece of white paper to be exact is set down first. Crossing finger I can get the static focus. For perspective, I added a photo of how the camera is set up. I guess what is disappointing is my phone did a better job than this expensive camera. It simply doesn't have the storage capacity.
  3. Hi, I created overhead demonstration videos for YouTube. My friends with other cameras can have continues focus on their camera whether they are coloring on the desktop or if they are bringing the subject closer to the camera above. No blur, no focus in and out. Is the GH5 capable of this and if yes, how do I set this? I am not camera literate, this camera was a gift from my son, but if I need another camera I need to know. I am using a Lumix 25 lens. Not sure if that is the issue either. Thank you for any help. Marla
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