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Davide DB

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Everything posted by Davide DB

  1. The subscription model is the ultimate suck of suck and yet it continues to spread like a virus. It's not hard for me to imagine, it's now a classic for the products of our photographer cousins. Adobe is absolute evil. GoPro is very close to it and I would not be surprised if this model is proposed as a complement to smartphones and computational photography that will probably rely more and more on A.I. Until the A.I. bubble bursts there will be money to pay for power to the huge datacenters, after which users will have to pay for their own little games. https://locusmag.com/2023/12/commentary-cory-doctorow-what-kind-of-bubble-is-ai/ How much does a little "free" game like Insta Ace Pro's WARP AI cost in energy terms?
  2. From the article: Then I saw the patents registered. But does the fact that it is under the auspices of the JPEG consortium mean that the implementation is free without cost?
  3. yes few messages ago
  4. My signature in another forum is: "your new gear will not make you produce any better art than you already do" Maybe it was something someone wrote here years ago. I only i could remember, I would credit him
  5. Yes it's my fault. I was confusing S1R with S1H. What I meant to say is that Pana will be coming out to market with a flagship model quite some time after its competitors set the standard of what to expect from a hybrid camera today. So it's tough for Panasonic to catch up and maybe to add to that. A7S4 seems to be behind the corner. Of course, mine are just musings at the bar with a beer in front of me. I have my GH5M2 and I'm just waiting for this blessed GH7 to come out to change the camera. PDAF is too important for my underwater and wildlife shooting. Panasonic seems to have bad timing in switching from CAF to PDAF in all its lines. I would have already picked up a G9II if it weren't for the fact that an underwater housing costs 4500 euros so I'm taking my feet easy on upgrades.
  6. Well I hope these are not the features of the future Lumix FF flagship. The specifications for the video look very basic. 8K@30p 10 bit but only 4:2:0 internally.
  7. It is economy of scale, baby! I see nothing mysterious in this. Nikon just before the move to mirroless was almost given up for dead (it had just lost a very important piece of its business in lithography of electronic components). Now it's out of the picture, but I don't think its Z line has changed things all that much. So in a very high-tech market with a very small (declining) number of units sold, it is increasingly difficult to find the funds for the necessary technological investments. Sony has a diversified business and can rely on revenues and technologies from so many other markets. Red in my opinion did not fare any better. It remained a mystery to me how such a small company could make a living in this industry. Where was it getting the money for technology investments. By the way, in Europe Red was getting progressively gnawed off the market by Arri. So big fish eat little fish. It's a win-win deal for both of them even while keeping their respective brands separate. The exchange of technologies will be there. Even without fantasy Red by Nikon stickers or the like. Nikon acquires several patents and technology (raw and global shutter) and enters the cinema market. Red accesses Nikon's technology and more of its production capacity. If in a few years we essentially have a Nikon camera inside a Red cube marked Red no one will ever know. Then of course there are a whole series of probable ripple effects in the patent war and on trade agreements with other brands.
  8. I don't know exactly. Here some comments from the author https://waterpixels.net/forums/topic/715-fight-crab-rough-box-crabs-fighting-away-in-east-bali-lumix-lx10/
  9. Underwater LX-10 in 4K (with less glass in front of the lens)
  10. I know that video and the author well. yes it's shot in 4K. To achieve such extreme magnification he used no less than three additional wet lenses (diopters) stacked together. AOI UCL-09 closeup lens, Inon UCL-165 closeup lens, Backscatter Macromate Mini closeup lens. It is inevitable that the image will degrade, especially at the edges. Especially the last lens is the result of desperation to increase magnifications. It is a GoPro-specific lens. Surely with just one or two stronger lenses the quality would have been better, but one tries to make soup out of the ingredients one has 🙂 Still, the shot is exceptional for the ethology of this species.
  11. The photography is very distinctive. Very documentary-like. The underwater shots totally without contrast. It must be a stylistic choice but the underwater ones are unwatchable. The BBC sleeps soundly
  12. Where did you get this info? This test shows it sync at any speed: https://www.cameralabs.com/sony-a9-iii-review/#:~:text=While most modern cameras have,shutter speed of 1%2F80000.
  13. About 8K, from Camera Beta: The news about the previously registered Leica new machine has been updated: it is rumored that the new machine uses a 60 million pixel sensor, which can achieve 240 million pixels, equipped with 6.5 levels of anti-shake, equipped with phase focusing, a continuous shooting speed of 9 frames per second, and supports 30 Frame 8k video shooting.
  14. I saw it almost twice because I have a friend who works at a theater where they were showing it and I went to catch it. The script is nothing much and it gets lost in the end. Just another movie. Let's face it: it was discussed so much for a very simple reason: all independent filmmakers and the kids (including white-haired ones like me) je***ng off with their little cameras in the backyard thought: if he made a blockbuster with my own little camera, so can I. But picking up on the thread title "Will The Creator change how blockbusters get filmed?" I venture to say that This was a whim of a very particular director (his resume proves it) but the film industry doesn't give a shit about the camera used for the film and nothing will change. As I said 8 pages ago, if there is one reason the film will be remembered and may change the way these blockbusters are shot, it is the visuals. The film is a visual treat. But not because of the camera or the lenses used but because unlike 99% of other similar films they chose not to create everything by computer but to use real locations as much as possible to which, in post production, the necessary modifications were applied (mainly for budget reasons i suppose). There are scenes shot in real Buddhist temples in Nepal, ruins in Cambodia, hotel, train station, and Bangkok airport, to which they added futuristic details. The futuristic lab you see in the trailers is a real nuclear accelerator in Thailand. the result is mind-blowing. The locations are real and fuck if you can see it. The visuals have a great scope that the Star Wars productions look like South American soap operas in comparison. In short seeing the total CGI reconstructions of entire landscapes in other much more expensive and famous films you get the impression that perfection has been achieved. Then you see this film and knowing the technique used (I would almost call it augmented reality) you realize that there is still a long way to go. Here, in my opinion, this will be something that will change the approach of other productions.
  15. You are right. It's a Sony. Could be A7SIII or R or A1. Without seeing the upper part, it's hard.
  16. The cinematography of the frogs part is stunning
  17. Hi all, Is it a R5C used here? A C70? O neither of the two? ISO 12800
  18. I agree with what you write, and even here in Italy I see that rental services are focusing so much on Sony FX and more and more independent productions are renting Arri. But for what is my passion (underwater documentaries) and nature documentaries I see that REDs are still the most popular. Even looking at the BTS of big productions (BBC) in nature footage there are almost only REDs. I am not very experienced but maybe because of more availability of high frame rates. BTW I read that the latest episode on the African jacanas was filmed with a remotely controlled "Z-cam". BBC rarely mentions camera models and they are usually only seen in BTS footage. https://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/mediapacks/planet-earth-three-episode-4-freshwater
  19. Davide DB

    Panasonic G9 mk2

    I see that in the reviews everyone uses the 12-35 or the 12-60 or telephoto lenses. I'd like to see how it performs with older lumix lenses. I use the 20 mm F1.7 and the Leica 45 mm F2.8 macro a lot. They have terrible motors and are very slow in focusing. I don't know how they will behave with PDAF and whether Lumix has released FW updates yet. If they haven't, they would be junk.
  20. In the meantime, in a galaxy, far, far away... https://ymcinema.com/2023/08/24/panasonic-develops-a-variable-built-in-electronic-nd-filter/ I don't know if the choice to go on a larger "uni-body" could help to have this feature on all lines... I think this feature could go live on a next S1H II
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