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Davide DB

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Everything posted by Davide DB

  1. http://www.marcocavina.com/articoli_fotografici/Nikon_Cine-Nikkor/00_pag.htm https://www.savazzi.net/download/manuals/Cine-Nikkor.pdf
  2. This small review of the 24-135mm Nikkor "cine" lens perhaps nicely sums up Nikon's somewhat awkward steps in this segment. https://thecinelens.com/2024/10/31/nikon-announces-new-24-135mm-f-4-cine-lens/
  3. 100% agree. Lower cinema segment. Here in Europe, upper cinema segment is Arri Arri Arri and a pinch of Sony Venice. But my Question is: once you have this amazing Z-mount Red cinema camera, which Nikon lens will you use? I mean cinema lens. Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not talking about Z-mount third-party suppliers but Nikon native cinema lenses. It is true that in theory Nikon has a very long tradition in lenses but basically they are all photographic lenses. Lately they seem to be creating a cinema line but Canon is light years ahead. One market segment where the Reds are still the undisputed queens is wildlife documentaries on land and underwater. 90% of BBC and high end documentary operators use Red for 8K and high framerates. Canon CN zooms are the bread and butter of these productions. Hard to imagine convincing everyone to switch to Nikon. More adapter rings? Hummm
  4. I know you were dying to know 😄 https://ymcinema.com/2024/11/28/nikon-and-red-the-z-mount-cinema-revolution-coming-in-2025/
  5. Yes but it is a trick that can work for occasional use. As I wrote in the A6700 thread, in investigating the use of AF for wildlife video, I am finding that it is difficult to find reliable feedback. 99% of videos are for photographers. And I find that many features are not applicable or totally missing for the video part. Not to mention that even the lens manufacturers are not assuring or denying the very performance that is bandied about for video. In short, when you see rave reviews for AF everyone assumes that what you see applies to the photo and video departments (there is usually a YT star in and out of the frame with his stupid head) but for the latter there is still a long way to go.
  6. S1s were introduced in 2019. The A1 in 2021 and in 2024 the new iteration with the A1II. Panasonic still standing still. Everything has happened in the meantime. But with cameras already on the market like this, the Z8 and Canon's new R's, what does Panasonic have to invent to keep up? If indeed a second generation of the S series ever comes out, how long ago did they start designing? The market seems to be flying by comparison.
  7. Not to nitpick but. The photos are wonderful and so are the almost static shots but the cheetah chase doesn't seem like a good choice to advertise the autofocus. There are several moments that are heavily out of focus. I have seen much better done by wildlife operators with Red and manual focus. It seems to me that the operator's handle is beyond question. Edit: I'll put my hands out: they might be in focus but they look blurry because of the heat emanating from the ground. IMHO not a good example anyway.
  8. 83M x 4 = over 300 million of BT earbud in 2023. Most of them are low cost devices that people simply throw away.
  9. Problem is that in every A1II review I read comments about used OG A1 becoming cheaper... If the law of supply and demand holds true, things will be tough!
  10. Why can't we see the middle ground? Nobody's saying we all have to go naked hermits now. It's just a matter of being aware that the problem exists. And it's not enough to be right on a forum for the problem to go away. 83 millions of BT earbuds in one quarter. https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/blog/your-wireless-earbuds-are-trash-eventually/
  11. Well it seems too much to ask for a compact hybrid without forced cooling. For my needs, I never shoot longer than 2/3 minutes so the problem doesn't arise and I rarely used intra frame codecs with my GH5. But of course everyone has their own needs. For sure you can't rely on it for long shots as interviews. I will use it underwater with an external monitor. So EVF performances doesn't affect my needs. I was reading about several people using it for macro video, and it seems that the latest generation AF makes a difference. It has the same chip as the A7RV. Again, it depends a lot on the lens used. A lot of positive feedback comes from users using the Sony 90mm. All seem to agree on the indecent AF performance on the Sony 50mm macro. i had positive feedback from users with Nikkor 60mm macro + Monster adapter. Which lenses do you use? Thanks
  12. 220 messages. This camera disturbed our sleep.... But did anyone finally buy it? Are there any users who use it? Scouring the net I found only one video showing the capabilities of the autofocus for video. all and I mean all the videos are focused on the autofocus for photos and unfortunately they are two different beasts. This is the only video I found explaining AF for video:
  13. From Canada they say it is the perfect camera.... Too bad Sony segmentation still doesn't allow open gate on these units. So perfect my as* BTW price increase demonstrate that the market is shrinking, shrinking, shrinking...
  14. Just read carefully this article: https://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/ent/independent-ends.html
  15. Just got this email: Given that I have been using a plus account for over 13 years... WHAT IF I already uploaded more than 250GB? Until now I had unlimited space and a 5GB weekly limit. ATM I have no tool to check it. YouTube let youo pload a unlisted video so you could share to a client but there's no way to download the original version. You can download only a crap 720p downsized version. Other alternatives could be Frame.Io or https://www.gumlet.com/pricing/ Frame.io it's very expensive and doesn't support embedding
  16. I agree with you but as I told you there's no difference among my Italian subscription plan and another unaffected by this ban. So why I have to pay the same and I'm not entitled to know who is affected? I'm not able to connect to my partners anymore. This is the last message from Vimeo support: As part of our compliance with local regulations, message, follow, search, for hire card, collaborator card and collections in activity card are not available in some regions, which is why you are not able to see them on Vimeo.com. While we are unable to discuss specific regulatory details, please know that our decision was made to ensure full compliance with applicable EU laws and regulations. We are committed to maintaining a high level of legal and ethical responsibility. Then I discover that Emanuel Portuguese account is not affected. To my knowledge Portugal is 100% inside the EU regulations.
  17. Emanuel sorry for getting your name wrong but I don't understand what you are getting at. I am in Italy and Vimeo does not work as it used to. From the one article that summarizes what happened, I read that the change to the terms of the contract was made for several European countries: Several European users have the same problem and this is confimed by Viemo support which states "this is not a bug". I am glad it works in Portugal. Vimeo support keeps replying to everyone that “the service has been modified in some regions” but refuses to specify which are these regions. Hence the idea that the whole European Union is affected by the change in terms of service. I have been using Vimeo for my work/passion for 13 years and have my entire private archive online there. No use creating another account and using it secretly with a VPN. Ciao
  18. This is the automatic I (and all EU users) are receiving to our complaints:
  19. Manuel, sorry, did you read my opening message? https://shortverse.beehiiv.com/p/vime-nooo It affects all European accounts! Again: https://www.reddit.com/r/vimeo/
  20. If you use it for you job, from now you and your video are invisible to all European users.
  21. Financial problems: they changed the storage quota rules. The are unable to be compliant to EU rules. Then copyright problem I guess... Few months ago I received a notification from vimeo about a couple of my old video infringing music copyright. They were automatically put in private mode...While it's the norm on YT, on Vimeo it was the first time. And Vimeo is full of copyrighted music and they don't have a sofisticated management system as YT. The ban is in entire EU at least. I guess that they were able to reach some form of agreement with right owners in some countries while In EU they simply didn't have this agreement so they locked the users But I pay like a usa member so it's not fair at all. Without notice my account became a sort of Google Drive/MS OneDrive for video.
  22. Once upon a time, Vimeo. For reasons officially unknown (I'll come back to this later) Vimeo stopped being, for us Europeans, a community of video storytellers. (As it still likes to call itself). Basically, in certain regions of the world you can no longer use the video search function and at the same time you can no longer browse other users' videos. I can only see and search my own videos and eventually see a video of another user only if I have its link. Even if I know his name I cannot search for him. I can only see his profile if I know his exact url. This post sums up what happened: https://shortverse.beehiiv.com/p/vime-nooo I am so angry. I noticed it by accident and I also looked like an idiot because I as well as thousands of other users thought it was a bug. No communication at all. Out of the blue. The entire UE community lost. Membership fee is the same for everyone but I have most of the features disabled. Those who read this thread and, for example, have an account in the U.S. or other countries not affected by this ban might think that this does not affect them. But it absolutely does not! I have several friends in the U.S. who use their Vimeo account for showreels, basically a videocentric Linked-in. In their profile they have written "available for hire." Here, you must know that their profile is no longer searchable from banned countries. And we don't even know which ones they are. I can only access a video of theirs via direct link but I can't go to their profile or search them by name via the search function. This is my following people page: I can see their names but I cannot click on their profile icons. Sounds like a joke. What is the point of these lists now? Just imagine my frustration, I've been a member for 13 years and I've developed a whole network of relationships over all these years and now I can't even see the profiles of people I've collaborated with, anymore. Think about it before you renew your subscription!
  23. So I can't paint a picture copying the style of Picasso or Andy Warhol?
  24. Of the S1HII or S2H or whatever we want to call it, nothing more is known. Perhaps at one time (I repeat: perhaps!) rumor sites actually managed to get information obtained through anonymous users. Now these sites are simply outlets of the manufacturers who decide what and when to release rumors that have simply become official teasers.
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