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Davide DB

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Everything posted by Davide DB

  1. I think the theme of the argument is slightly different. If AI is able to generate images quite similar to the movie Blade Runner 2049, it [probably] means that the AI has been fed images from the movie that are copyrighted... in short, it is the “video” version of the same lawsuits filed by NY Times and other news outlets complaining that OpenAI trained its AI engine with text from their articles. In any case, it will be interesting to see how it turns out because a case like this will set an important precedent for all countries that adopt common-law. P.S. https://harvardlawreview.org/blog/2024/04/nyt-v-openai-the-timess-about-face/ https://www.pillsburylaw.com/en/news-and-insights/discovery-lawsuit-new-york-times-openai.html
  2. So many helped spread the false news that Civil War was shot entirely with the DJI Ronin 4D. Instead, the main camera was a Sony Venice. However, the 4D was used especially in the combat scenes, and they also used an A7S3 for one particular scene. I found this interview (with lots of behind-the-scenes footage) with Civil War DOP Rob Hardy very nice.
  3. I don't want to hack the thread. Is there an advantage to making external zooms?
  4. Yes, Moreover all gadgets producers were forced to move to USB-C standard. Apple made strong opposition because it was forced to abandon its proprietary connector. Here a press news from the European Parliament: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20220930IPR41928/long-awaited-common-charger-for-mobile-devices-will-be-a-reality-in-2024
  5. On the FB lumix FF video group, Matt At Lumix posted this explanation. It seems that the rage of Lumix users arrived somehow to Pana.
  6. No, I do not agree. Regardless of what is said between the alps, it is a fact that they have not renewed their flagship FF models for more than 5 years. And it doesn't matter that the ones we have are very good. That's the market, baby! That's the rules, right or wrong, and if Pana doesn't follow them they get written off. Unless Lumix is a secret cult or has a history like Leica. No, it doesn't have both. In the next few weeks Sony will make a big announcement. By the time (perhaps) Pana unveils these damn S1M2s, its direct competitors will have completed two iterations of their models. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should follow trends but let's connect the dots: if Pana wants to be in the market and have access to the latest technology in sensors and microchips they have to have the minimum numbers. Having the sufficient numbers is not just to make money but mainly to be able to afford to have a custom sensor designed or access to fewer nanometer (advanced) chips. Otherwise they are cut off. And when the numbers are what we were quoting just few post before, they are on the edge of extinction. Imagine that in 2025 Pana sells 260K cameras while retaining 2023 numbers. How many will be S1HIIs? I mena with a new sensor? That is, how many custom sensors can you ask a supplier for? Maybe too few and you have to choose from the catalog.
  7. How can we not think they are leftovers? That is why I continue to say that this announcement is pure commercial suicide. - Hey, we have 5,000 electronic S5s and S5 shells in stock. What are we going to do with them? - Why don't we write a firmware upgrade for the Lidar and resell them? - great idea! They would have been better off throwing them to the recycling bin.
  8. https://www.43rumors.com/nikkei-published-the-worldwide-market-share-2023-panasonic-and-om-digital-on-5th-and-6th-spot/
  9. I asked to a Japanese friend of mine to read the original Nikkei report to find for some detail. No luck, they refer generically to "camera". IDK if compact cameras or what remained are included.
  10. These are the hard numbers. 260K cameras of all types. The next in the list went out of business years ago... long life to blenders, electric toothbrushes and vacuum cleaners! Number of cameras sold worldwide in 2023: Canon … 3.34 million units (46.5%) Sony … 2 million units (27.9%) Nikon … 810,000 units (11.3%) Fujifilm … 430,000 units (6.0%) Panasonic … 260,000 units (3.6%) OM Digital … 180,000 units (2.5%) Ricoh Imaging … 60,000 units (0.8%)
  11. By now I think it is 100 percent certain that there is not so much fire under the smoke. The S5 was never declared EOL so according to their insanity, I would choose the S5 or S5II depending on my needs. This is after years (rightly or wrongly) Panasonic has been slaughtered for not having PDAF. Now they change EVF to the corpse and it magically turns into a newborn baby. The only impression I get from this (Panasonic user from GF1) is that they are emptying the warehouses and goodbye. Then again, it may not be true for sure, but on a marketing level it's a real suicide. You want to introduce this crap? Fine! Do it when you also have something substantial.
  12. If the latest rumors are correct, Panasonic is in more trouble than I thought An old S5 with improved evf? Unless they give it away inside Easter eggs, I don't understand who would buy it, and anyway marketing image-wise it does more damage than anything else. IMHO.
  13. i would go for a GH5M2. i have both and M2 has the latest hw and fw.
  14. Let's see what happens! https://www.l-rumors.com/confirmed-important-panasonic-announcement-on-october-8/
  15. A new teaser from Panasonic https://x.com/ATRightMovies/status/1837582573045768333
  16. A new teaser from Panasonic https://x.com/ATRightMovies/status/1837582573045768333
  17. Better codec implementation?
  18. Solid upgrade. Audio section it's very nice Best action camera underwater colors out there (the action 4 was the best already).
  19. IDK, that link and the original Chinese source is the only reference i found.
  20. Maybe it's a huge BS buy it fits perfectly in our discussion https://www.mirrorlessrumors.com/i-missed-that-crazy-rumor-dji-and-huawei-partnership-withe-the-possibility-of-launching-a-new-mirrorless-camera-system/
  21. You are asking a pastry chef to become a pizza maker. No it doesn't work. These companies will die like this. The market changes because someone else comes in from next door and routs everything. That's what happened with Apple in the world of telephony. None of Apple's current competitors in smartphones existed before the invention of the iphone. Look what happened to Nokia. A company has to come in and break the rules from the outside. Current camera manufacturers are only capable of reiterating themselves. It is in the nature of things.
  22. Eric you are falling into the same mistake as many users in the comments quoted just above. Using a Snapdragon processor has nothing to do with the operating system used, which in the case of smartphones can be Android or IOS or other Chinese devilry. Canon is already using the same architecture for his camera processor. Just as it has nothing to do with discussing classic sharing apps or anything else. Those are two completely different topics. Then we all agree that all camera manufacturers are light years behind in integrating their devices with the outside world. Until recently we only had the memory card and nothing else. Perhaps the action camera manufacturers are a tad ahead. Gopro over all. I still can't get my head around how in 2024 with my GH5MII I can't view videos on my phone without pulling out the card while with an ancient GoPro 5 I can.
  23. Upon a quick search, it seems that the question has been asked by just about everyone over the years. Although with answers that are not always in focus or even wrong. Many users confuse the processor with the operating system. The most comprehensive is in a PetaPixel editorial. https://petapixel.com/2022/11/16/nothing-is-stopping-camera-makers-from-using-a-snapdragon-chip/
  24. Interesting. I didn't know that story. Getting into the heads of Japanese executives is a feat of its own. In theory Sony being in both markets would be the perfect candidate. I was looking at the specs of its latest flagship smartphone and it uses the Snapdragon 8 platform. Sony borrows the names of its “famous” technologies from other areas: “Bravia” display and S-Cinetone for video.
  25. Yes you are right, I misread but still the data I posted confirms mine and also your thesis 😇 The idea seems straightforward, we should understand in detail how many of the features of a modern mirrorless camera would be implementable in a chip like the Snapdragon and which ones, again, in an external chip. I'm afraid if no one has done that yet, it's not so straightforward. It would take the opinion of a techie insider on this technology. I don't think it's a licensing issue but there must be some detail we're missing. The fact remains that the numbers in the mobile market allow for investments unthinkable for the photographic market. It is worth noting that Sony is present in both markets. Although on the mobile sector it is practically unheard of. Yet even its latest Experia has 4K@120p 😉
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