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About empedocles

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  1. It's always a plus, though not absolutely necessary. It does make things easier when not using an external monitor (which I often do). Usually one man. Budget is a couple thousands bucks. And I already have some m43 and FF lenses. However I was more interested in what equipment you would choose today. As for the GH7, I've been out of the loop. I thought the GH6 was the latest one. Are the 1st gen S cameras really lacking in terms of AF capabilities? Noted on the FX30 rec. Why would you go for the S5II if you prefer the S5 image? By the way, how do you feel about the S1? Good recommendations, thanks. Could you summarize the difference between GH5, GH5ii and GH5s? They're out of my budget honestly, and a different workflow. I still can't figure out how Resolve works.
  2. Hi all, I've been away from the field for a few years and am having a hard time catching up, hence why I'm posting this question. What cameras would you go for in 2025 for the following scenarios? 1) For recording live events, such as concerts or interviews, on a limited budget (minimum 3 cameras)? 2) ditto, but no budget constraints? 3) For independent feature films (or shorts)? My picks would for each category would be: 1) Lumix GH5 (are the GH5II or S1 worth the extra money?) 2) GH6 or Fuji X-H2S? 3) same as above? Your input would help a lot. Thanks.
  3. Well I guess by "affordable" I meant less than 2 or 3K. From what I've gathered, the S5 is a pared down version of the S1, isn't it? Or is it an improvement over the latter?
  4. What in your opinion makes the S1 better than the XT3? And by the way, has Andrew reviewed the latter? Oh and what about the Fuji XT4?
  5. Hi, I'm getting back into the world of DSLRs after a few years doing something else, and still have an old G6 from Panasonic, which I thought I might use as a B cam. Having been out of the loop for the last 5 years at least, it's daunting to sort through all the cameras that have come out since, so I thought I'd ask for your advice. I'm looking for something versatile and reliable. Is the GH5S still among the best tools available? And also, what's the difference between the GX80 and the GX80K?
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