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Al Dolega

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Everything posted by Al Dolega

  1. Res can stay right at 24MP IMO, it is the perfect goldilocks resolution. The Z6III has sub-10ms rolling shutter, if Panasonic can do similar without sacrificing DR or getting the weird flashing shadow effect I think it would be a big seller.
  2. They are definitely the juggernaut in the room, at least the L-mount room. When DJI does something it seems to usually be leagues past competitors, in the tech itself and the execution and usability; or at least they get to that point very quickly, within a product generation or two. Maybe that hamstrings them though? Many of their products have no real competitors, perhaps they would shy away from making a "normal" camera and having to compete directly. I had forgotten about their buying Hasselblad, not sure how much that would really add to an L-mount product but it's good marketing at least. Having Hasselblad and Leica in L-mount would certainly up the prestige factor. Although I wonder if Leica would object to Hasselblad joining? As they are more of a rival to Leica in the rich-boy/dentist cam space.
  3. Built-in wireless would be really slick, especially if they open-sourced or affordably-licensed the protocol so the aftermarket could make alternative transmitters that pair right up. I wonder if the change in back focus from having a single eND pane that flips out of the way (so no clear filter at all) would really be that severe? Might make cramming it into a photo-ish body more feasible if not. I don't remember if the drawings for their patent showed one pane or two. Seems like they'd have to lose the mechanical shutter either way. I would be bummed if photo capabilities get stuck with bad rolling shutter artifacting.
  4. You might need to insulate/cover the lens/adapter so nothing metal touches the contact pins in the camera body.
  5. I was surprised by the pricing, I was thinking more like $4.5-5K. $3300 is very competitive, they are obviously looking to take out the Canon XF605, which is fine by me if that makes the XF605 used prices go down. These cams aren't huge but I would also like to see a compact version, the size of my XF405 is perfect for me, not sure that'll happen though. This market is probably too small now to support two or three or four models from each brand like in the past, so now we get one mid-sized model from each. Which also means no more overpriced flagships like the $7000 XF705, which is good.
  6. I was resigned to external ND's for a long time as I just didn't have any choice at my budget, so I got used to it. Then I bought a camcorder as a B cam and now it reminds how convenient internal ND's are every time I shoot 😄
  7. HVX/HPX and VX1000/2000 are all still very popular in the action-sport community, specifically in skateboarding, for the power zooming and lack of rolling shutter issues. The VX1000 specifically is like a fetish object to skateboard filmers. I very much doubt these cameras would fetch the prices they do without that community seeking them out.
  8. One little hack is to look for the PD150, and PD100, these are the "pro" versions of the VX2000 and TRV900, respectively (with XLR boxes and could do DVCAM). They were rarer and of course more expensive back then, but can often be found cheaper nowadays because people just aren't aware they existed and they don't show up in searches for the VX and TRV.
  9. I vaguely remember something being said/speculated around the GH6 launch that it was from TowerJazz, or whatever they're called now? We need @androidladin here, he knows all the juicy sensor gossip.
  10. Some speculation on the A7V and the sensor it might use: https://www.sonyalpharumors.com/next-set-of-wild-sony-a7v-specs-44mp-4k120p-price-close-to-3000-euro/ Maybe this is what the S1HII uses? If so that would push it back to summer 2025, assuming the rumor is accurate that the A7V would release in early 2025, and that Sony would not allow Panasonic to release a camera with it before them. So basically an entire year more before the S1HII. Really hope that isn't the case, I think that might be too long.
  11. I think 8K depends on whether they do an S1R/S1H type split, or just go for a single unified high-end model that is both high-res enough for the photogs (40+MP), which would kinda inevitably mean 8K for video; but also reads out and processes fast enough to keep the video people placated, if not happy. I think this route would mean keeping the mechanical shutter which might preclude internal ND. I don't really see this route working out because the stills performance probably still wouldn't be competitive enough to attract Can/Sony/Nik shooters, and video improvements would really be iterative/incremental. If they kept them split I would also much prefer the video model's res to stay around 24MP/6K... just crank up the other specs. Like what we've seen with the Z6III, just hopefully without its DR and noise issues. Drop the mechanical shutter and put in the internal ND everyone has been waiting for. With all the other current features brought over (open gate, 32bit float, combo screen, IBIS improvements, AF, etc), usability and practicality go through the roof and nobody in this market gives a damn that it doesn't do 8K, and it would probably be the next 5DII, GH2, GH5 type landmark camera, at least if the price stays under $4K. Really it all comes down to what sensors are available. If Sony can't/won't give them a decent starting point then the S line might be done for.
  12. Actually that'd be 4.75-ish and almost 6 years! The wait for the next camera does seem to be getting a bit long. They really needed to do a 1-2 punch with the S5II/IIX followed fairly quickly with another model. I'm not sure it would have even needed to be the S1H successor next, it could have been the S1 or S1R replacement. Just something to keep momentum going, well something relatively substantial at least, as the S9 certainly wasn't it, that's for sure. Now it seems like people may not even care that much if that next camera comes late this year, or next year.
  13. Al Dolega

    Lumix S9

    Has anyone confirmed the S9's image processing is the same as the S5II/IIX? Still a bit crunchy and oversharpened? I was hoping for an unnanounced improvement. I guess it seems like if anything it would maybe be worse, though, in a smaller body with worse thermals.
  14. Sounds like a bottleneck with the media drive. As others said try using a faster drive with a fast connection to see if this is the issue. Could also be a codec issue, if you're only having trouble with certain file types. I saw a big difference with h264 & h265 when I enabled QuickSync on my current machine, which lets Resolve use the hardware decoders built into my Intel CPU.
  15. The integrated-grip pro bodies are aimed mostly at working photographers, right? Shooting sports, news, etc. Fast-paced stuff, where to get the shots they're paid for, they need to have a broad array of controls available through a bunch of buttons/wheels/joysticks, that they can build muscle memory for so they can access them near-instantly. You can't build muscle memory for a smooth touchscreen that you can't see when using the viewfinder.
  16. That's E-mount (APS-C). The FE model is $100 cheaper, but no OSS: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1242613-REG/sony_sel50f18f_fe_50mm_f_1_8_lens.html
  17. That is a really cool idea! Limited of course to situations where you can use an EVF, but if the EVF tilts and extends, or is a separate rig-able unit... and has the ability to lock its position so your eye-pumping can be accurate... that would create a lot more of those situations. And for shooting from the screen you could implement some type of pressure-sensitive button on the grip, used in the same manner, for the speed adjustment at least.
  18. Exposure was different in many of those shots, Panasonic was brighter. Thus the highlights blowing more than the Sony. Matching all the settings for a comparison is great but it's of limited use when the two cameras have their ISOs rated differently. The S5IIX sensor was introduced with the A7III back in 2018! Not a new sensor at all.
  19. I think you'd be waiting for at least a year. The S1Hii seems to be set for later this year or early next year, possibly an S1 or S1R replacement as well. They wouldn't do a new S5 until well after those release, and they wouldn't be able to get away with doing another IMX410 iteration, so it would probably depend on an better-enough sensor getting cheap enough to keep the S5 at the same price. The Z6iii sensor is probably exclusive to Nikon for a while, and then Sony might use it, so that might be out of the picture for a year or two.
  20. Remember that "phase detect AF" systems are also using contrast detect in combination with their phase system. So really the comparison is phase+contrast vs. contrast only. My S1 was always significantly better in 60p than slower framerates, which makes sense, more samples per second, more chances to check and compare focus. And when it worked the performance was pretty good! But the inconsistency/unpredictability, when it would wander off on its own seemingly at random, was more frustrating than any slight performance deficiency it had when it did work. My S5iiX is night and day better, still not perfect of course. I don't think any AF system will ever be perfect, no matter how much processing power and AI they throw at it, at least not without some form of input or guidance from the user.
  21. I wonder if the partially-stacked design will give inconsistent rolling shutter performance across the sensor? Meaning the top and bottom have significantly less than the middle. 10ms overall is great of course but when RS does show up it might be even worse/weirder-looking than a slower sensor with a consistent scan rate.
  22. So.... like almost every camera ever released? They're not starting from the ground up every year or two. Personally I care about the overall package, its usability, price and the results it delivers. I actually prefer when they re-use body designs as then I can re-use cages and rigging.
  23. That is probably an internal Panasonic image and already had the "dummy" text when L-Rumors got ahold of it. With "Dummy" most likely indicating the picture is of a non-functioning prototype, rather than a corporate comment on rumor-site users. Doesn't look as small as some people seem to have been hoping. Definitely not in the GM1/5 or even GX85 type leagues. And of course it can't be, with L-Mount being a relatively large mount. NIkon's Z-mount would be similarly limited in body height as it is a bit oversized. E-mount is much smaller as it was intended for APS-C, so their A6000-style bodies can be really short. It apparently has IBIS, and the side flip screen from the S5II.
  24. Don't the Sigma Arts tend to also be large and fairly clinical? Just cheaper. Maybe that's what Canon is counting on.
  25. PicoMic is still smaller and lighter, and the newer Pro version can use a lav mic. The receiver is bigger, but it's also the storage/charging dock for the transmitters, which is handy when you're going from mic'd to not mic'd, changing speakers often, etc. They just need internal recording and they'd be perfect IMO.
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