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Al Dolega

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Everything posted by Al Dolega

  1. Is there even a way to adapt it to E mount?
  2. Panasonic S1 and Canon XF405. Shooting both in 4K60, edit/deliver in 4K30. Waiting for my pre-ordered S5IIX to arrive to replace the S1; eager to have the new AF, a little worried about the sharpening/smoothing complaints.
  3. I really hope there's an S1 replacement that's still around $2500, instead of just the S5II/S5IIX and then an S1H-type model at $3500-4000ish.
  4. I also prefer the tilt screen in most scenarios, not strongly but a slight preference. Over the years I've had more cams with the flip screen though, so I know I can adjust just fine. I don't expect the S5II to have the combo tilt/flip, it is after all a mid-range (or basic/entry-level for full-frame) camera, and that market solidly prefers the flip screen. For two grand there are going to be compromises. The S2 or S2H will almost definitely have the combo screen, and hopefully everything else we've been wishing for.
  5. I think we may be getting to the point where the number of things the market is expecting/hoping to be fixed soon via firmware may be outstripping how many things I reasonably expect can be addressed in a single firmware (or several firmwares in a short timeframe). I would love for the banding, oversharpening, smoothing, AF performance, and maybe even rolling shutter to be addressed/improved by the time my preorderd S5IIX comes in in 2-2.5 months, but I am losing faith in that happening. AF on my S1 has actually been behaving itself recently so maybe I'll tell myself to wait until the S2 or S2H is announced.
  6. Very disappointing, the smoothing and sharpening are part of what we're trying to avoid by shooting on a "real" camera! I hope they've addressed this in firmware by the time my S5IIX comes in.
  7. I don't think adding a motor, controller, and rocker/buttons would make the lens any cheaper, especially since it would certainly sell way fewer units than the regular 24-105. Which I think is great, btw. Seems parfocal enough to me, maybe it's "fake" parfocal where it's programmed to adjust the focus as you zoom, but that's good enough for me. The only real improvement I can think of would be for it to go to 120mm like the Nikon equivalent does.
  8. This! I can't stand this trend. It seems to me this was born of laziness and now is actually expected. Like shooting separate B-roll doesn't even occur to people anymore, since whichever Sony ZV-whatever introduced "product showcase" mode. Now people think holding something up in front of your face at F1.4 is the way it's done, and any camera that doesn't enable this is trash.
  9. It'd be nice, and would be an insta-buy for me, but from an overall ecosystem POV there are probably more pressing needs, telephotos >200mm and a fast ultra wide zoom come to mind. I always hoped that the little external zoom box that Canon made years ago would have caught on and been made compatible with all zooms from that point. I remember it was paired with a cheaper APS-C superzoom type lens when it came out but then I think that was it.
  10. Pannyboy does have other conversion LUTs, they have a pack of Varicam LUTs for download somewhere. Most are more "look"-ey but I like the "Nicest" one, that or the standard V-Log LUT are usually my starting point, that or a CST in Resolve.
  11. I've been trying to bug Panasonic in various places to add a 60p 3:2 APS-C anamorphic mode to these cameras (or at least the X). The spec sheet shows they have the 48/50p 4:3 anamorphic mode from the S1H, so I'm hoping that 3:2 being shorter vertically, and thus using fewer lines of the sensor, would let it reach 60p. Marketing-wise this would be a great addition to the whole "shoot in 3:2 for cropping to vertical later" selling point- you would have a slo-mo option with the same aspect ratio as the full-sensor 6K open-gate mode. That and some ~2.5-2.8K modes at higher framerates would really put these cams over the top for me. Now if the X would just get here already!
  12. Just to be clear, the RS halves on the S cameras when in APS-C mode as well. So the S5ii's 4K60 would be 10.5ms, same as my S1, which seems to be good enough for me. I very rarely see skew or wobble and I shoot fast action. I mostly shoot 60p so that I have the option for slo-mo later (editing/finishing in 30p). I've been doing this at 180 degree shutter (so 1/120th), so when I use a clip at normal-mo it does have a touch of the "fast shutter" look, but I think this is less of an issue with 30p. I've been thinking about trying a 270-degree shutter with 60p (so 1/90th) to alleviate this, haven't tried it yet.
  13. I think the Tamron 28-70 coming out on the heels of the A7III in 2018 was a big multiplier for a lot of people. You finally had an affordable fast zoom with very few compromises, and it was compact and sharp. And then the 17-28 and 70-180 afterwards just reinforced that. All the other lenses helped of course, but it seemed to me like that was when the E-mount lens ecosystem really became viable, and even desirable for those without G-Master-deep wallets. If only I had been as happy with the A7III as I was with the Tamron! I wonder if we'll see Tamron make L-mount versions of those lenses if the S5II does well. I know Sony owns a portion of Tamron so maybe they will nix that.
  14. I'm happy with my 24-105 as well. Very versatile and the OIS makes the stabilization even better. Focuses really close too.
  15. I wish we had some idea of sales numbers. Even accounting for the hype, it seems like this will be a very successful camera for Pannyboy. It'd be interesting to see what the sales numbers are like vs. their other cameras, and between the II and the IIX.
  16. They should simplify the lineup and just do an S1H replacement with full-width 4K60/120, internal raw, timecode etc and internal ND's, locking IBIS, basically what the R5C should have been, a full-tilt "video DSLR". No need for an EVA2. Then meld the S1 and S1R together into a single replacement model that's like the S5II but with full-width 4K60, combo screen mechanism, and the bigger battery and better EVF.
  17. I think the "s35 is just as good once you adjust for DOF equivalence" argument is a bit weak against the Panny S's or Sony A74, because those all have APS-C modes which also work great. Actually they have faster readouts than the FX30- my S1 is about 11ms in APS-C, which is actually how I shoot 90% of the time these days. Add the XLR box to these cameras and the audio is equivalent. More flexible actually, as you can get an extender cable and have more options for mounting the box, whereas the FX3/30 unit is married to its handle, which is married to the hotshoe. Timecode, yes the FX's do do that better. I have doubts as to how many people need/use that though. Sony's rear screens are awful. One of the most frustrating parts of my A7III. I would have to have an external monitor, and then there goes the compact form factor. And maybe it's the latent photographer in me, but I shoot a lot with the EVF. A camera without one would not be nearly as useful for me.
  18. Adorama had their video up briefly, must be private now. Mentioned improved IBIS with an "active" mode, presumably just an additional crop like other brands' active modes. I wonder if the IBIS itself has been upgraded, the S5's was supposed to be a small step down from the S1's and S1H's. As much as I want to believe 6K60, it seems unlikely, assuming these cameras are using the older IMX410 sensor, which apparently can't do full-width 60p even at 4K. I'd be happy if they gave us a 60p 3:2 s35 anamorphic mode.
  19. I can't weigh in on comparing different gimbals but I have been happy with my RSC2. I wasn't sure if would handle my S1, cage, 16-35 f4, and the focus motor and HDMI transmitter, but it works great. Can't remember what that total payload is but it has a bit of room left to spare. Folds down somewhat compact, battery has never been an issue. The biggest issue has actually been finding reasons to use it 😄. I tend to go for handheld as well.
  20. It's my understanding that the S1H/R5C/FX3 fans aren't blowing into the interior of the camera bodies, directly onto the PCB: basically they blow across the outside of the rear wall of the camera body, which is mostly a heatsink, with its interior face connected to the PCB. So I don't see how they could introduce dust problems to those cameras, as the interior is still sealed (outside of the lens mount of course).
  21. The R6II has breathing compensation as well.
  22. R6II looks like a good candidate to replace my S1 next year, if an S2/S1ii isn't released or at least announced (with good autofocus). Rolling shutter and DR performance seems only adequate, I would definitely miss the DR of the S1. Ideally I would like an intraframe codec, but I've been doing just fine with the S1's IPB so I guess I would be fine. Not sure how the 4:2:2 codec would handle, I'm upgrading my system now but aren't most people still proxying/transcoding for their R5/R6 files? Not sure if optimized media in Resolve would be enough. What's the AF performance like with the EF 70-200 adapted? I don't think I'd have the scratch for the RF 70-200, although its tiny retracted size is super sexy. I wish the S1H/A7R5 combo screen was the new standard, I like the tilt screen on the S1 but the flip option would be nice to have too.
  23. Yes, same here, I wish the camera companies would be brave enough to do some intermediate resolutions/frame rates between HD and UHD. A 2.5-2.8K option would be a really great choice for finishing to HD while having some room for cropping and having a bit of oversampling for that nice sharp-but-not-sharpened look. It could also help fill gaps in the spec sheet for marketing, for instance the A7IV (and my S1) can't do 4K60 at less than an s35/APS-C crop, but if it could do 2.5-2.8K at ~1.3x, or even full-frame, that would be a lot more attractive, while still keeping some distance to the A7sIII, A1 etc.
  24. Equally important to me is the manual focus performance- is it compatible with linear mode and can you set the focus throw? I love my 16-35 f4's focus clutch and it handles so nicely in manual mode.
  25. IIRC the V-Log L on the GH5 doesn't use the whole curve because it's just the "full" V-Log curve with the ends cut off. Meaning it throws away some info at the top and bottom because it's not optimized for the lower DR of the m4/3 sensor. So a bit of the higher DR of the B-GH1 and GH6 is probably simply due to them using the "full" V-Log curve.
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