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Paul Charles

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  1. I'm looking for a full-frame camera and I value stills and video capabilities equally. On the video side, I am particularly interested in 4:3 shooting, using the full height of the image sensor. Highlight rolloff is important to me. I don't mind noise, but I don't like compression artifacts. I am open to using external recorders like the Ninja V, but not particularly excited to. To those who have used both the Panasonic S1 and S1R, would you say that the 5K 4:3 10-bit 4:2:0 HLG shooting mode of the S1R comes anywhere near the quality of what the S1 is capable of? Can anyone link me to a downloadable clip of the S1R 5K mode? Is it known how the S1R's video frames are achieved? Are they always, other than the 1:1 mode, line-skipped? Would you say that the gulf in image quality is greater between the video modes of the S1 and S1R than the gulf between their still modes? Can anyone point me to some downloadable videos of the S1 showing its maximum video potential? How are the "6k PHOTO" modes on both cameras in comparison to each other? Do they have recording limits, and are they 10-bit? Are there any downloadable samples out there? Thanks for your insights.
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