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About hojomo

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    Pacific NW
  • Interests
    video, animation, photography, visual arts
  • My cameras and kit
    Panny, Nikon, old film camera

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  1. I think one aspect of Panasonic that differs from the other manufacturers (at this point) is a continued reliance on China for production. I don't know that for sure though. Seems that basically everyone else has moved production to Thailand or Vietnam; with an occasional high-end product made in Japan. I don't think I have seen any discussion/press releases of Panasonic making a similar transition. I have read that they do well in China with camera sales (relative to other markets and due in part because they are made there? Anyone know if similar for other Panasonic electronics in Chinese market?). It could be that the larger geo-political situation has contributed to the delay in the release of follow-ups to the S series. Everyone knows Sony sensors are used for the vast majority of everyone's cameras but Canon. Nikon has always seemed to get cycles of preferential treatment in the past with this arrangement. Panasonic lost their sensor independence and has never gotten anything from Sony except off the shelf designs. Supposedly the GH7 is their own design and contracted to Onsemi. Maybe Panasonic doesn't want to release anything until they have a FF sensor made through them.
  2. The preposterous opinion to me is thinking that the intelligent services of all major states ARE NOT heavily shaping the internet landscape to control the flow & content of information people use to form their worldviews. Western 'liberal democracies' are full of folks who can (correctly) attribute these tactics to autocratic regimes; and then show themselves as total suckers when evaluating their own countries and systems. The reality is that US intelligence services have had a stranglehold on media & communications post-WWII -- in as many countries as they have been able to arrange it. That has extended into the internet era and the operations of myriad companies like Comcast, Google, Meta, Microsoft, Palantir etc. Tech and media companies are interested in advancing the priorities of empire and capital. A robust, diverse internet with decentralized, truly independent voices competing for attention of the minds of the populations is in conflict with that. But yeah TikTok; China is in the same game. This is what states do. Incidentally, Trump may himself arrange a transfer of ownership of TikTok -- on favorable terms one of his donors Jeff Yass (who has a major financial stake in them). A Trump America with TikTok owned by China is not happening for much longer I'd wager.
  3. Go Team Biden! [swish sound] Puttin' em in his place! This is totally going to work out! [insert ice pick into nostril, positioning hammer]
  4. Even with the addition of PDAF in the S5II/X/S9, Panasonic FF C-AF is not what anyone should describe as 'sticky'. The S5 is even worse unfortunately. I don't think you can get much out of it in that regard, but otherwise it is a good camera. Panasonic is near/at the bottom of the pile of continuous autofocus, tracking moving objects (same as Fuji?). Only exception would be G9 and now G7, but I'd imagine OM still does better there. Sony, Canon and Nikon can sell you cameras for that.
  5. I gotta chime in here and say that there most definitely is at least a large format look. You have control of both the lens and the film/sensor planes independently. You can apply any number of adjustments to the axis -- and achieve images that a tilt-shift lens + fixed sensor (ignoring IBIS as not applicable in way I am describing) cannot. And I'm sorry, but M43 cannot achieve as shallow depth of field (at comparable fov) that my 4x5 cameras can. These formats have all been developed for a reason and equating them all in this way is bogus.
  6. on the eastside (seattle's neighbor) and you can definitely get a lot of things same/1 day
  7. I bought the original iPad, and what a toy that was. It took them until the 5th generation, (insanely expensive) iPad Pro to make a useful tablet, for me. A lot of that is software and a platform maturing. These headsets are way more ambitious devices to deliver high quality at a moderate cost.
  8. No way this is realistic at all. The components, before assembly or any other cost -- is above that for Apple and that is not going to change substantially for awhile. And that goes for anyone else attempting to make an AR/VR headset with the tracking & visual specs the Vision Pro has. 10 years, yes -- but only if there is a huge expansion of capacity to make the sensors & tiny screens, optics etc that would be required. All the Quest stuff looks like cheesy old PC game technology. At least the lack of lag and 4K to each eye on the Vision Pro starts to feel a lot more immersive. But it is crazy heavy and expensive. Probably going to take Apple two more tries at least. I am sure the Meta/Qualcomm/Microsoft alliance will improve a lot more too.
  9. No Z cameras have a s16 mode. I could see that changing with a Nikon that has bought RED, but I would still be surprised if it showed up in the Z6III. Do any FF mirrorless bodies have it? Canon does on their cinema cameras; but don't remember reading it as a feature on any Sony or Canon FF models.
  10. I don't think this sloppy, metastatic tumor mafia don could have gone as long & created as much political space & havoc as he has, without an already-existing popular collapse in trust of America's institutions by regular people. The Democrats are offering a sundowning, uninspiring man who can't be counted on to remember why he's in the room he's in as the alternative to what they themselves characterize as a threat to democracy. They will blame everyone but themselves if Trump wins again, starting with young people appalled at what is happening to Gazans and social media misinformation (China & Russia). NAB's preparing to launder anything and anyone the two parties put up as legitimate - they are in no way an outsider to what you will see generally should a very plausible scenario like Trump winning (electoral college being the minimum barrier, not popular vote) in November.
  11. Not unlikely whatsoever, and his conviction in New York is likely to be meaningless barring an additional conviction/development in dynamics IMO. The debates seem horribly skewed to hurt Biden. Americans mostly have the memory of gerbils, and many (key being voters in swing states) are looking at increased cost of living and telling themselves it was better under the orange con man.
  12. hojomo

    Lumix S9

    I'd like to see Panasonic have success with this and increase market share -- to go on to release another compact with a much faster reading sensor + evf to outcompete Sony's A7C II (429g body). That is more appealing to me as a compact travel camera (of course much more expensive). Sigma's contemporary primes strike a great weight/performance balance and are just waiting for something way beyond the FP line to pair with on L mount.
  13. Nikon has a 26mm 2.8 pancake lens that seems to have gotten positive reviews for its price/performance. It's $400US, which isn't nothing and I'm sure could be sold for cheaper. I too am baffled. Typo or they want a FF starter lens for $100ish?
  14. hojomo

    24p is outdated

    How lucky we are --let's all hope we can benefit from loads of personal anecdotes about care-free extravagance & fine-grained looks at political movements. If the world is ready and able to receive it...maybe Jedi can one day gift us with some kind of John Galt on vacation, No Reservations wannabee show, except with zero humanity, skill or entertainment value.
  15. The sensor used in the Z6I & Z6II, Zf, S1, S1H, A7III, amongst others - is available to anyone Sony is willing to sell it to. It will be the same for the new sensor Nikon will use in the Z6III. They will use it for the Zf II, they will use it for the Z5 II. Panasonic will use it for a body or two. So will Sony. When it becomes available on a Blackmagic camera -- you can know it's probably just about on it's way out 😉 This one is probably just going to be able to be read much faster, offer 4K/120 FF & open-gate 6K with much improved rolling shutter. More AF point.s as well. For people who don't care 8K and want the best low-light performance, this will be the sensor inside the best bang-for-buck options in mid-range bodies, and will do very well.
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